Mitt Romney's Chances

@MandaLee (3760)
United States
August 11, 2012 11:10am CST
Do you think selecting Ryan as his Vice Presidential running mate has a positive or negative effect on Mitt Romney's chances of being elected President in November? Why or why not?
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12 responses
• United States
11 Aug 12
Short term positive: Ryan brings energy, youth, strong policies and another mid-western voice decrying the Obama administration. Long term negative: Romney, who endorsed the Ryan budget (coupons instead of Medicare, turning Medicaid to the states where many states will shrink it very quickly) and cutting HEAP, WIC, Food Stamps, Pell Grants, etc.) now has to either embraceit or awkwardly embrace it in places like Florida, Minnesota and Pennsylvania. Ryan is a good man and by the way, he will also still be running for his house seat... just in case.
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• Mojave, California
11 Aug 12
I don't know about "strong policies?" Sounds to me he hates people who have no direction their life. How about you give people some options so they can figure it out? Not take away the few options that are out there.
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@laglen (19759)
• United States
11 Aug 12
what options should be offered that are not and what options is Ryan trying to take?
• Mojave, California
12 Aug 12
See this is the discussion this country should be having. Basically he is screwing old people, a voucher program to get health insurance? The taxes for the rich we know about. Pell grants will be a thing of the past. Helps big oil. The guy is for a select few and not the whole country. You build from the bottom up and this country can't fail. His plan is from the top down. Except it stops at what millionaires, what about the rest of us?
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@AmbiePam (91267)
• United States
12 Aug 12
I don't think Mitt Romney will win no matter who he selects as his running mate. I'll vote for him, but I don't believe he'll beat Obama. I'm really unimpressed with both Republican and Democrat choices. It's like choosing the lesser of two evils. There is no one that makes me say yay! I'm so proud to have him as President.
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@AmbiePam (91267)
• United States
12 Aug 12
Well, who would you have me vote for? The Independent never wins so it's Romney or Obama. And I'm not going to be one of those people who says I don't like either so I'm not voting. I hate that argument. So if Romney is the conservative of choice, I'll vote for him. As for Ron Paul, I put him in with all the other conservative choices. Not happy with any of them.
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@blummus (451)
• United States
12 Aug 12
That's interesting, particularly as you plan to vote for him anyway. What's your take on Ron Paul? Do you think he has a viable message?
@peavey (16936)
• United States
11 Aug 12
I think Paul Ryan is an excellent choice. He's well spoken, understands the economy and is willing to stand up for what he thinks. We need people like him right now with our economy in shambles, well on the way to a total welfare state. I think he understand what the US is supposed to be.
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@Maggiepie (7816)
• United States
12 Aug 12
Both men are straight arrows, & I feel sanguine for the first time. Let's see more R 'n R! MP
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@lawdude (237)
• United States
12 Aug 12
I don't know at this time. Ryan is a young, energetic man of substance who has defined GOP budget and fiscal priorites for the foreseeable future. Romney, who is often perceived as an opportunistic "etch a sketch" candidate, has put himself in the position of having to champion very conservative domestic policies. That can turn the election into more an ideological contest than a referendum over the Obama record. Focusing on the Ryan plan may turn off non-ideological voters who otherwise saw Romney as a credible alternative to Obama. It's too early to judge how the Ryan selection will play out.
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@lelin1123 (15595)
• Puerto Rico
11 Aug 12
I personally think with Ryan being picked or not Mitt Romney does not have a chance in November. If anyone has half a brain they would know that Mitt Romney is for himself and the rich of this Country. He does not care about the middle class or poor. So whomever he has running with him whether it be Ryan or Joe Blow he does not have a chance in November. People need to read what this man is all about and after you do so they will have to realize this man will take this country to hell. Any republican in office at any time is the worse thing for America in my opinion.
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@lelin1123 (15595)
• Puerto Rico
13 Aug 12
Are you talking about the last four years of Obama or Bush. I hope you are not talking about Obama. Mainly because we are in the state that we are in all due to the eight years of Bush, in my opinion. Watch the movie by Michael Moore "911" and you will see how he put us in a war with Iraq that didn't need to be and his connection with Bin Laden. You either know about all this already but if you don't you will be shocked. Bush and Cheney put us where we are today and President Obama is trying to clean it up. Bush was friends with the Bin Laden's that is why it took President Obama to finally get Bin Laden killed.
@brothertuck (1257)
• United States
12 Aug 12
I think that Paul Ryan as Vice President would help the Romney campaign. Romney is a moderate Republican, although conservative, he's not conservative enough for some. Ryan is more conservative and those conservative Republicans will be more inclined to not just vote for that ticket, but will also support it. It was like with Obama bringing on Joe Biden, it brought in a segment of the Democratic party that might not have supported Obama as much. But the election won't be won by the liberal Democrats or the conservative Republicans, they will almost always vote for their party. It's the moderates, and middle of the road citizenry of the country. A lot of us got tired of the Bush years, and see a change with Obama, but maybe not one that we like. Now we have to see if we feel another 4 years of Obama would be good or is it time to try 4 years of Romney I would rather see Ron Paul in, but just getting his ideas presented at the convention, and offering them up for this years platform may be all I can hope for. Congress and the Presidency are either left or right, liberal or conservative, Democrat or Republican, in the country itself, we are not these extremes in every day living. By choosing Paul Ryan, Mitt Romney has brought in someone whose ideals are different enough to bring in some votes that he won't get otherwise. I won't say that it will help him win, as that won't be seen until November. Now if only everyone would look at the issues, and decide who is best for the country because of them, not because of some commercial, or because they are Democrat or Republican.
• Mojave, California
15 Aug 12
No one can accuse him of being an out and out socialist either.
• Mojave, California
15 Aug 12
That is why he is Democrat. That is generally why people choose to become a Democrat, because they are left of center.
@mythociate (21432)
• Oklahoma City, Oklahoma
6 Sep 12
This is why I'm an "Independent" (funny, because I'm NOT an independent citizen): because allying with a party automatically 'signs one's name' under every point of the party-platform (Carol Bengle Gilbert outlines the Democratic platform at and maybe she links to the Republican one ... I know almost-nobody "agrees" with all the points of either platform, but 'being in the party without fighting over every point you disagree with' is tacit agreement), and I can't risk having that "on my record" when I run for President in 2016.
@bestboy19 (5478)
• United States
12 Aug 12
For me it has no effect. I do think Paul Ryan is more prepared for the White House than Joe Biden. I don't think Joe Biden is prepared for anything.
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@blue65packer (11826)
• United States
12 Aug 12
I am not a Romney backar but i am a Wisconsinite. I do like Paul Ryan.though. Will it be good for Mitt Romney,we will see. Personally I don't know it is good or bad. In Novemebr I will be voting for President Obama and Joe Biden. That is my pick and I am sticking with it!
@blummus (451)
• United States
12 Aug 12
This is a tough one. Does it solidify his ideology and tie him more firmly to his NeoConservative and Tea Party base? Yes. Might it even swing a few Libertarians his way? Maybe. Both would be positives if he actually had a chance to win this year. It would have helped him more, perhaps, if he had managed to draft Ron or Rand Paul as his vice president, but I would have been stunned if either of them had accepted such a deal. Overall, while it's still vital that Democrats vote this year, I do not think Romney has a chance of being elected if they do. He has just been caught in too many lies and too much corruption for anyone with any sense of smell to support him. Ryan may help that image to some extent -- he seems to be a solid soldier in the Republican class war -- but Romney is such a shark he offends what remains of the decent conservative (with a small c) core of the party. At the very least, I think those folks will stay home, if not vote for a third party. With any luck, a Ron Paul write-in campaign will form now and stay strong through the election.
• United States
16 Aug 12
I don't see where it will really help his chances to be honest. Both Romney and Ryan are knowledgeable when it comes to financial issues and the economy. However, the United States economy is still facing hardships. Because of that, I think that a lot of people are going to stick with Barack Obama. At the end of the day, it really doesn't bother me who gets elected. I believe there isn't much of a difference between Democrats and Republicans anyway.
@MandaLee (3760)
• United States
18 Aug 12
Hi, I agree. The differences between the two parties are hardly noticeable. I hope you are having a great weekend!
• United States
31 Aug 12
I'm late replying back, but thanks a lot, and I hope you have a great weekend :)
• United States
11 Aug 12
I don't know because I'm unable to speak for everyone, but I'm not impressed. Truthfully, Mitt Romney blew his chances with me the day he threw his hat in the ring. The first thing he did was publicly slam our current president, therefore, I feel he started out on the wrong foot and has been pedaling backward since then. I think he understands politics but, it doesn't matter who he chose as a running mate, because I think he made himself look bad from day one.