Have you been watching the weather/ news?

United States
October 30, 2012 2:28pm CST
It's absolutely crazy. Some areas of the US got hit with Hurricane Sandy and others got snow. Some places are facing horrible fires, blizzards or flooding. My area got hit with Hurricane Sandy. We are one of the 8 percent in my town that hasn't lost power. Lots of trees and power down. The news keeps saying that this is a historic event. If you live in the US, what is going on in your area? If not, what do you think of this crazy weather?
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23 responses
@RobtheRock (2433)
• United States
31 Oct 12
I'm glad you are doing fine. I live up atop Ohio between Toledo and Cleveland, so we were supposed to get 60 mph winds and perhaps loss of electricity. Cleveland was supposed to get more, and Toledo less. We were blessed and although the wind howled keeping my one wild kitten from wanting to go outside, it wasn't as bad as we'd thought. With Lake Erie rising, we also thought we'd be flooded a little but nothing happened. I was expecting End Times things to happen and still am amazed that I am living here which is across from my childhood home since I'd had two dreams in my life that I'd be on this street when mysterious things happen in the future. I'm not too happy since I don't like where I live but can't afford to leave yet. So even more bad things might happen regardless of who is President.
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• India
30 Oct 12
I think the dooms day is coming closer...all these natural disasters are indication of that. The weather is behaving differently...natural calamities have become more intense. This is an indication, we should prepare for the worst to come. I might be wrong and wish that I am...but this is all very weird.
@banban (601)
• China
8 Nov 12
I've read news on CNN about the Hurricane Sandy and seen pictures on the Web. It's really really horrible. And it might be so inconvenient since the power was cut off. Some people said it was the activities of we human beings that induces the abnormal weather. It makes sense in a certain way. I always pay attention to the weather in my own city or where my parents live.
@allen0187 (58582)
• Philippines
5 Nov 12
hi stephanieannc. the weather has been absolutely crazy! got a lot of friends and relatives living in new york nd new jersey. i'm just glad that all of them are safe. much damage has happened and much needs to be done to restore both states. i'm praying that no such thing happens again or at the very least, people will be more prepared facing such.
@robspeakman (1700)
3 Nov 12
To be perfectly honest, the global weather has been bizarre for the last few years - The thing that I find the most shoxking is that the American broad astors don't notice until the US becomes Atlantis.
21 Dec 12
this news I heard is not regarding with weather but it wosh us, coz we won the title of Ms. Universe, heheheh... Congrats for your country for winning the title and were proud of winning the 1st place after you.
• United States
31 Oct 12
The weather situation involved multiple storms. Hurricane Sandy joined up with a western front bringing snow, and really messed up WV and parts of western PA. That was what made it, plus the shear size of Sandy, a historic storm. After last year with the hurricane (and our home flooded), we were hit with a freak snowstorm. That snowstorm had heavy, wet snow that took out branches and trees that took out power for many people. The local utility came under fire because they were taking so long to get the power back on (we lost power for three days), so this year, they requested additional help from Kentucky Power. Currently there are still over 200,000 people without power here in Pennsylvania alone. Fortunately, we got our power on last night, but my boyfriend's still unable to go to work because they don't have power yet. My company is assisting his company by coming in and helping to get them set up and running again, but as yet, his store has not yet gotten to that point. I think that this could be part of the end of the world-the last few years, the world's weather has gotten wacky (look at last year's winter in parts of Europe).
@jillhill (37354)
• United States
31 Oct 12
I live in Minnesota and we are having nice weather....I thought maybe something would reach us here as usually these storms keep on going inland...like we get so much from the west coast....glad you are okay though....I have been watching alot of the news....
@celticeagle (165348)
• Boise, Idaho
31 Oct 12
I listened to the news on HLN most of the day yesterday. The storm has moved inland now after leaving 13 states in a shambles. I am not impressed with this crazy weather. How it can do so much damage and then just go innocently on its way. Power may not be back to over 8 million people for several days yet.
@ptrikha_2 (46762)
• India
31 Oct 12
The storm in Newyork City and near areas has made a devastating impact. Everyday life is nearly stalled there. I was in that area around 2.5 years back, for 4 weeks, and can understand how the paralysis of electricity and transportation would be creating havoc there.
@JenInTN (27514)
• United States
1 Nov 12
I got the cold and the nearby mountains got the snow. They had to close one of the roads here the other day connecting Tennessee to North Carolina because the conditions were so bad. There was a great concern for hikers that might not be prepared for the blizzard like conditions. It is very early for that to be happening here.
@blebchel (249)
• Philippines
1 Nov 12
i am very worried with this news because I have a friend living in queens, newyork whom her whole family is affected by the storm. My thoughts and prayers go out to everyone experiencing this historical event. You may always keep safe .
• Philippines
31 Oct 12
I don't usually watch weather forecast or any weather news. I just only watch when there is typhoon so that I'm updated whenever there is announcement of suspension of classes. :)
@xiejiaotu (217)
• Malaysia
31 Oct 12
when i saw this topic i thought it is about did you check weather news, but once i had read your post then i had only found it is another case. sorry for usa people for needed to face all this weather disaster/ changes. my country do not have this kind of scary weather so much and normally just mostly raining storm causing flood or hot weather only. so i cannot feel what usa people feel. but just look at the words i can feel you are having difficult time being staying in those places. about all these crazy weather, it remind me of the movie 2012. the story of earth meeting the end from natural disaster. all the news really make me feel like it is near and weather are scary!
@GardenGerty (160355)
• United States
31 Oct 12
I know people have gotten hit with lots of things and there are still wildfires out west. Where I am there is nothing but very pleasant weather. Some nights are a little cool but basically we have normal fall temps and weather. It would be nice if we got some rain. I know that people all over the US are struggling with natural disasters.
@AmbiePam (91364)
• United States
30 Oct 12
My dad and I were talking about how nuts it seems that it is sunny and nice here where we live, yet several states over the weather is crazy dangerous.
@cher913 (25782)
• Canada
30 Oct 12
we are an hour away from NY state here in Canada and we are suffering the remnants of sandy. it is historic because of the size of sandy. we had pretty serious winds but did not lose power, however lots of houses in Toronto did and one woman was killed in Toronto when a sign from a Staples store fell on her.
@ElicBxn (63532)
• United States
30 Oct 12
I live in Texas so we know about hurricanes - not so much around this part of Texas about blizzards (unless you are talking about Dairy Queen) I have seen snow, I've seen quite a lot actually, I got chased out of Colorado and across New Mexico and into Texas by one once...
• United States
31 Oct 12
I have been watching from CA on a live blog with updates, and listening to the radio about this. I have extending family in Pennsylvania, where as of last night they had no power. I have to get a current update from them. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2012/10/30/superstorm-sandy-new-york_n_2046390.html I think this crazy weather was given a boost by the warming of our oceans. I think we need to have a serious discussion about climate change, and I think people need to clearly understand how the water cycle contributes to the storm system. Without understanding that, people often dismiss climate change and the human's contribution to it as some kind of hoax. If they were to understand the science behind it, they would know better, and more storms like this would decrease in power, size, and frequency. I am so thankful that President Obama and all the federal, local, and state agencies had preplaced first responders and materials/food, etc. I hope that everyone is able to recover from this and any displacement ASAP.
@allknowing (134696)
• India
31 Oct 12
I have several members of my extended family in the US and one is in New Jersey which is hit badly by Sandy. Have written on her FB wall and expect to hear from her. America has been a target for natural disasters for years now. But they will survive as they are made up of stern stuff. Here's to all those who will successfully get out of whatever they are going through right now.