Don't you feel free after your exams.. ?

December 7, 2012 5:37am CST
Now I have just finished my semester exams, and I am feeling free .. Don't you ? I am pretty relaxed now, because there is no more last minute studies and sleepless nights even for a while. And now I am having a short period vacation. Won't you guys feel pretty relaxed after your exams?
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17 responses
@nitinnair89 (2900)
• India
7 Dec 12
Hi! It really feels as if some heavy weight stuff has been put down away from our head the moment our exams finishes. How i wish i had those exams just for feeling that 'free' feeling...hehe... :)
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@caopaopao (12395)
• China
7 Dec 12
I believe I have the same feelings as you. When I was a student, I felt relaxed after each exams, but before exams I was always very busy and at the same time I was worried about the exam. Now I have a work, I always feel relaxed on weekends. I like the valuable time, just like you. Have a nice short vacation!
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@youless (112263)
• Guangzhou, China
8 Dec 12
Of course it is quite happy and free to finish the exams. But if sometimes my exams seem to have bad scores. Then I will feel very worried and stressful. As I am afraid to fail the exams and this will be the disaster. As long as I can barely pass the exams, I will be so excited already.
@Mavic123456 (21893)
• Thailand
8 Dec 12
Yepeeeeeee.. usually I go to my fastfood chain or buy pizza for the family to feast on something. When I finished my comprehensive exams... it was very difficult. I went to my favorite burger restaurant .... then watch movie and really treated myself with such "gusto" .
@spicymary (558)
• Romania
7 Dec 12
Oh, I sure do... It's a wonderful feeling, that you accomplish your task and than you can do all the things you planned and you didn't have time for.
@nelerkz (467)
• Philippines
7 Dec 12
Well good-luck for the results and there is more to come! :)
@mynx25 (41)
• Philippines
7 Dec 12
It feels like the world war ends :D and so happy if you know that your sure your answers are correct,and if not so sure about the answers,still praying to get a 50:50 grade :D
@prashu228 (37525)
• India
7 Dec 12
hi friend Good one and good example .yes of course its not less than any war. All the time goes by checking the answers and calculating the percentages.
@Sreekala (34312)
• India
8 Dec 12
Now I understand the reason for your absence in mylot. Hope you done well in exams. I think we all feel the same way after finishing the exam whether attended it well or not once it is finished there is some relief. Still I am getting that relief even if I am not attending any exam. When my son’s exam over, I am getting a relief and feel free than him. I think I never felt the same way when I attended my exams. Coming Monday his Units tests are starting and a period for me feeling uneasiness.
@ifa225 (14464)
• Indonesia
8 Dec 12
I don't get any exam Wonder boy but I do feel like the way you do because my kids are the one who get exam so I have to push them to study more and that is really stressing now after their exam is done, I feel a little bit relax too
@sajujohn (1005)
• India
7 Dec 12
Of course, everybody will feel very much relaxed after exams. Eventhough my schooldays and collegedays are over I can still remember the way I wished to get over my exams. Because of that thrill I even cannot prepare well for the last exam. Usually I will write something in the last exam paper, just enough to get pass marks and will rush to home so that I can leave for playing.
@aabuda (1722)
• Philippines
7 Dec 12
Yes. I also feel free after every exam that I took especially way back in college...I think it's about time for you to relax and unwind after those sleepless nights that you had.
@alberello (4752)
• Italy
7 Dec 12
Well, thinking about my school exams, I have to go back to the year 1997. Year when I finished high school, earning my diploma. I remember that before the exams I was under a lot of stress. In the end, we have now reached the month of June, I tried to force myself than studying the two subjects that I had decided to take the test. They were: Italian and physics. The day of the exam went well. I was promoted, so I took the diploma and the days after, I felt reborn!
• Indonesia
8 Dec 12
Of course I'll feel the same after the exams is over and we have short vacation to enjoy our time, however I won't get any vacation until June or July . I can't wait until my university time is over and I can take rest and enjoy my vacation somewhere to refresh my mind. For now I need to struggle with my work and university thesis. So what's your plan for this short vacation thewonderboy?
@kokomo (1867)
• Philippines
7 Dec 12
Yeah, I was also a student before and as those exams has fast approaching I felt very tense,as if I need to learn and study more and more. The mixed feeling of nervousness and excitements. Of course, I did a lot of reviews and studies for me to be able to pass the exam and to be top in exam of course. It was a nice to feel that being on the top of examiners and classmates was been cherished.
@betty1989 (751)
• China
7 Dec 12
yes, after taking exams, I feel totally relax since I do not need to review all the contents cover in the exam. I can play computer all day long.totally free to do anything I like.
@allknowing (132070)
• India
7 Dec 12
Everyone who has entered the portals of a school or college have gone through this nightmarish experience! and I am no exception. I used to even get fever! But the thought that all that would be over was the saving grace. We all siblings would get together immediately after the exams and plan on a party by selling our books to the vendor who bought second hand books. Mother would be particularly concerned with one sibling who never used to study and would warn her about selling her books even before the results were out!
@prashu228 (37525)
• India
7 Dec 12
hi, why not ? I feel very relaxed after exams. Some plans are made how to spend the holidays and get together s. Yes sleepless nights during exams and last minute preparations are always there no matter how much we prepare but they wont leave.
• India
7 Dec 12
Hi friend, good to know that you finished all your exams. Happy holidays. Hope you did all your exams well and wish you to get good marks. You are right, we will feel enjoyment and excitement after finishing all our exams. During school and college days, studies are our only responsibilities and we will be free if we completed our exams and awaiting for the holidays when exam starts