Healthier living to enjoy life.

@Pegasus72 (1898)
February 24, 2013 4:44pm CST
I just got done having my very first workout on our very first tread mill. I have to say I really enjoyed it, and actually started to sweat which I don't normally do. I know that being able to walk everyday will be a blessing to my family and myself, with me being able to shed some weight and enjoy life a little longer with my family and friends. Do you all have something you do to enjoy the quality of your life?
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8 responses
@GardenGerty (159033)
• United States
25 Feb 13
We joined the Y at the beginning of the month. I try to get to the Y and use the stationary bike and/or weights or go water walking at least three times a week. However I counted snow shoveling as being my workout for one day. Good job on all of you being careful of your health.
@GardenGerty (159033)
• United States
25 Feb 13
We have another storm moving in, and hubby had a doctor appointment I had to go on with him as well, so I am a lazy bum today. I am trying to catch as many swagbucks as possible on their birthday blow out and that is my excuse today for staying home.
@mariaperalta (19073)
• Mexico
24 Feb 13
Excersise of any kind is great for us. I try and play tennis a few times per month here. I really dont have laot of time to. But I sure feel good inside after I excersice that way here.
@Pegasus72 (1898)
25 Feb 13
I use to love playing Tennis before my kidney problems when I was younger. I will still hit the ball around I just can't run for it anymore.
• Mexico
25 Feb 13
yes tennis is a great way to get exercise anyway. i sure get tired paling it.. :)
@jricky1 (6800)
• China
25 Feb 13
I listen to music everyday and i know that health is the most important and first thing to consider in our life.Music can touch my soul everytime i took to listen different type of it.So be positive and make sure you don't regret to make a quality life.
@Pegasus72 (1898)
25 Feb 13
My husband is going to work on a mix disk for me to listen to when I am walking on the tread mill.
@RitterSport (2451)
• Lippstadt, Germany
1 Mar 13
For four weeks now I have walked to the station in the morning and walked back home in the evening regardless of the weather cause I didnt have a choice. It really does me good obviously as my swollen legs are much better, I have shed a few pounds and feel much better in general since I am walking every day. Even if its only to that station and back and I plan on keeping that as a part of daily routine unless its really raining hard which would make it a burden to go and walk.
@Pegasus72 (1898)
3 Mar 13
I am glad that the swelling is down in your legs that has to take a lot off of your list to worry about. I am still doing well, and I am so glad that I finally got one. My next purchase will be a good bike for inside of the house.
@Raine38 (12257)
• United States
24 Feb 13
I enjoy jogging or talking a walk, sometimes with our dog and most of the time it's just me and my trustee iPod. I try to eat healthier as well.
@Pegasus72 (1898)
24 Feb 13
We have a Saint Bernard and she only takes short walks. In the summer I walk with my daughters, but they run more then walk now, and I am not where near being able to run at my size.
25 Feb 13
I spend only about 35 minutes on exercise but I do it daily and regularly as I have started exercising only about three months ago. I will be increasing my exercise period after some months. :)
@Pegasus72 (1898)
25 Feb 13
I have started off with 2 15 minutes sessions a day and will work it up from there. I just got done with my first 15 minutes plus a cool down.
@spicymary (558)
• Romania
24 Feb 13
I noticed that when I do some sport I feel a lot more better, with more energy. I don't do it regulate, just when I feel the need. However, I walk every day quite a lot, so it may contribute also, even if it is not a great effort. I'm happy you discovered it and enjoyed it. Keep going. :)
@Pegasus72 (1898)
24 Feb 13
I use to walk everyday when I worked out of the home but now that I work in the home I don't get the walking in that I need to be getting. I sure hope this lasts a long time and helps me out in reaching my goals.
24 Feb 13
yes I agree, to maximize every now and then and to enrich more of ourselves are really a great feeling and the best part is to get a best results. Stay healthy and enjoy!
@Pegasus72 (1898)
24 Feb 13
Thank you. I have a low thresh hold for what is too cold to work out in. Anything under 86 degrees is just too cold for me, so this answered a lot of prayer for me. My husband bought it as a gift for me, a little early for my birthday.