
Valdosta, Georgia
March 3, 2013 10:16pm CST
I was watching a show that had something in it that I never really had to think about before. But I was curious if anyone else has been through it. The wife had a career dream/goal for herself but the husband's career always came first. The wife dealt with it for 13 years until it became too much to bear not being able to make her own dream come true. So, they divorced and she got to do her dream job finally. She could finally put her own dream/goal first and do her own thing. My question for you is, have you had to choose between love and a dream or goal you have had for yourself? Have you ever felt your love life is holding you back from other things you want to do in life?
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25 responses
• United States
4 Mar 13
I saw a a scene like that on Nip Tuck where the wife put her goal to be a doctor on hold to put her husband through medical school. Then the kids started coming and on it went. She divorced him and went back to school to become a doctor. I don't know that I consciously went through that but if I had not divorced my daughter's father I would have never become a nurse. He refused to work and I had to support him and take care of my daughter. I moved to Ga to live with my parents and I went to nursing school. When working full time got in the way of my grades I went part time and dad helped me make my car payment on months that I couldn't quite stretch it. Just looking back Dyck would have always held me back from becoming a nurse.
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• Valdosta, Georgia
4 Mar 13
The husband on the show I was watching was military, so his job had to come first before hers. She quit her dream job to be a military wife but she misses what she used to do. Eventually it took a toll on her. I am glad you were able to be a nurse like you wanted to be. =)
@Hatley (163781)
• Garden Grove, California
4 Mar 13
hi l ovingmybabes I can say no as my only career was as anyrses aide anthey are alwa ys need so ti stayed home when I had two babies 11 months apart and was never sad because I diw then we lost our little girl and my son was in school so I did go back to work as my husband was now laid up with a colostomy from colon cancer., so worked first as nurses aide theh changed to working in the library as m son was older.So I never had those agonuizing choices to make at all really.
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• Valdosta, Georgia
4 Mar 13
I am glad you got to have the career you wanted even though you are a wife and a mother. =) It is good that nothing held you back from what you wanted to do. Sometimes I wonder in my own life if I have made the right choices...
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@GardenGerty (158349)
• United States
4 Mar 13
I had two goals or dreams that existed side by side, and both times I chose love and marriage over finishing college and having a career. Were these wise choices, in this economy? I do not know. However, they were the right choices for me. I probably did not want the college and career path enough to do the hard work necessary for them. I always said I met and married my first husband fairly young because it was God's plan for us, as he ended up dying young. And I met my second husband at a time when I needed someone to rely on because of a lot of family crises. . . and I feel our relationship was meant to be and he has really enriched the quality of my life. Truth is, if I play psychologist, it gives me an excuse not to try and maybe fail. I basically like my life, wish I had made some different money choices, but all in all, it is an okay life. On the other hand, either one of my husbands, if I had had a burning desire to do something, would have made sure I did it. Each of them loved me that much. When you love someone you want what is best for them.
@GardenGerty (158349)
• United States
5 Mar 13
I think we are secret sisters. I am pretty much full time right now, but with the type of job that allows me to sit and crochet or bring my computer and write. Not too shabby. I would rather not work at all, and if offered full time status I think I may turn it down, as I know how to get time off with this job if I am not full time and using PTO.
@mommyboo (13174)
• United States
4 Mar 13
Some people just never have a burning desire to be a CEO of a company . Part time, contract, or on call type things appeal to me because then I could just choose when I felt like working or cater it to when I had time each day or each week. Anything I have REALLY wanted to do I make sure I figure out a way, so if I did ever have some strange burning desire for a career, I'm sure I would make it work without sabotaging my desire to not work full time lol.
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@AidaLily (1450)
• United States
5 Mar 13
I think I am different from both of you. I do have this burning desire to be the financial controller for a company and/or open up a firm one day. I even have some business cards as well. My passion is in accounting and thankfully my husband is very supportive of me and my dreams. Of course, he'd rather stay home, cook, and clean which is perfectly fine with me. I hate staying at home.
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@sid556 (30960)
• United States
4 Mar 13
I actually gave up a very good career in insurance for love and family and there was no regrets or 2nd thoughts when I did it. They were my world and at the time, it was a good choice and one that worked for us and I was very happy with it. Later on when the marriage went bust and I found myself raising the girls on my own, I did question my decision. Lesson learned. It's the only way to look at something like that.
@sid556 (30960)
• United States
5 Mar 13
That is how I felt later on. Life sure would of been easier had I made some different choices but ya know can't take it back, hon. You did what was the best thing for you at the time. Is there any way that you could take some classes now?
• Valdosta, Georgia
5 Mar 13
Yeah, family and love come first. I am pretty much questioning everything I have done in the last 9 years of my life... Not sure if I have done anything right. I just wish I finished college first so I could give my family a better life now...
• Valdosta, Georgia
5 Mar 13
Yeah, our life would be fun right now if only I stayed put in college... I got pregnant and dropped out, like an idiot. I could take some classes, I just don't have the same energy I had then for school and I have 3 kids and a childcare business now so I am not sure if I would have the time for it to do well. That is my biggest concern. I wish I could take things back, have a do over. Lol.
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@katsmeow1213 (28717)
• United States
4 Mar 13
I don't see how a marriage can hold you back.. unless your husband is controlling and demanding that you don't work.
• United States
5 Mar 13
I know you were talking about the show.. I meant the general "you". So they moved around a lot and that's why she couldn't get a job? That I can understand.. you're moving so much that you can't plant roots with a normal job. But still.. if she wanted the job that bad she could have made it work.
• Valdosta, Georgia
5 Mar 13
Gotcha, lol. Stupid me. Anyway, yeah they were always moving so she couldn't stay at a certain place long enough to keep the job... And he wasn't crazy about her working at all as well, so that had something to do with it too.
• Valdosta, Georgia
5 Mar 13
Well I wasn't talking about me here, I was talking about the show. But the husband was in the military, so his career was first and she was second always...
@jenny1015 (13366)
• Philippines
4 Mar 13
As much as bad it may sound, but I do feel that i have stepped back just to prioritize my family. I actually got married a few months before graduation and prior to that I already had a child. I really do not have to blame other people from what happened and for not being able to achieve my dream, but somewhere along the way, I have taught that I should still have continued with what I intended to do so that we might have a better life today. My husband and his relatives are sort of two-faced with regards to my decisions. If I chose a career, they would say that I put myself too much on that job and that I no longer have the time to take care of my family. Now that I don't have a job, they think that I am acting like a queen in the house where in reality is really not the case. It's hard. I know that if other people were in my shoes, they would have left long time ago.
@mommyboo (13174)
• United States
4 Mar 13
Many people combine a job with family (unless the cost of daycare and other help offsets the benefit of having a second job) so it's not something you couldn't do if you wanted . My advice is to ignore his relatives and maybe have HIM say something to them about their attitudes. It's not their business what you do and the sooner both of you tell them that, and then ignore their jabs, the faster they might grow up if they find out they won't see much of you until they change their tune.
@jenny1015 (13366)
• Philippines
5 Mar 13
Easier said than done, really. My husband isn' that supportive as well. He thinks that everything I do or think is just not worth it. Even me having Mylot is a big deal for him. I just don'tknow how ge could think of me that way when I was thr reason why he passed all his subjects in college! I don't want to be a brag but I,reallt did good in College. And there were times that almost half of the class depended on me. Either they find ways on cipying my answers everytime we had tests or they have,all my notes ohotocopued coz they are sure that I took down all notes.
@AidaLily (1450)
• United States
5 Mar 13
My husband is supportive BUT his family is not so I understand where you are coming from a bit. My husband has no issues at all with my schooling except for the fact he feels I don't have enough time to myself and it is slowly driving me insane. I am reading for school now and multi-tasking. lol. His family however is so torn especially his mother. She gets mad at me for not being the perfect housewife (as if I ever could be) and having dinner done when he gets home or before he goes to work. Then she says I should get off my lazy behind and go to work and that my schooling shouldn't be so important and other things. Just the other day, I said I was close to graduating and she said in the morning "Good you can finally get a job" and six hours later "So what.. you need to stay at home taking care of your son." Most of the jobs for my field are morning jobs so he wouldn't even be in daycare more than a few short hours. On top of that, my husband and I decided, if I work full time, then he will work part-time and go back to pursue his dreams of working with animals. I would say, you could go back to work and balance it out. Even part time work in your field might help you to work towards your dream career and once your child is a teenager (like 14-16) maybe you could do more with it. Good Luck.
• United States
4 Mar 13
No! Because I will Never marry! what you described is what I assume my marriage would be like. husband and his dreams would Always come first. I would be forced to have kids and stay home. That is why I will never marry. My guy puts me first Because we are not married. I'm so lucky. I have love and my dream job!
• United States
6 Mar 13
Well, it may not pay All my bills but I love it! I'm glad you have a great hubby. I think I'm the Only person that sees marriage as the end of free will.
• Valdosta, Georgia
5 Mar 13
Well, not every marriage is like that but I know what your saying... I worked for a while and my husband stayed home, at the time I made more money so it worked for us. But not every husband is supportive like that. You are lucky to have love and a good job. =)
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• United States
4 Mar 13
Yes, unfortunately, and it was my last husband. We've been divorced now since 1996. We married in 1986 and I wanted to write children's books. I took a 2 year course before I met him but when we got married, he slowly talked me out of it. I should have never listened and till this day, can't figure out where my head was back then. There is much more to the story and I shortened it, but you get the jest of it all.
• United States
5 Mar 13
You're right and I knew that too back then. The problem was that I didn't know he'd be like this after we were married. He was fine until we got married. I was invited to a writing seminar in Arizona for a few days and that's when he started. I don't think he wanted me to ever make more money than him. I should have figured that out then, not later.
• Valdosta, Georgia
5 Mar 13
Oh, I wish you never listened. I am sure you would have been wonderful at that! I know I have learned one very important lesson, we should do what we feel in our hearts to be right. If anyone tries to talk us out of it they are just jealous of what we are doing.
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@celticeagle (161452)
• Boise, Idaho
4 Mar 13
No, I don't believe a good relationship would be where the other partner would hold you back. And if someone in the relationship lets that happen then it isn't very strong. A partner should back you, not put you down or hold you back.
@celticeagle (161452)
• Boise, Idaho
5 Mar 13
I think that is a healthy relationship.
• Valdosta, Georgia
5 Mar 13
I agree, I think partners should support each other's goals and not hold them back from anything they want to do...
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• United States
4 Mar 13
My boyfriend doesn't hold me back from my goals. What he does, though, is push me toward goals that I am not always certain are things that I really want. He is trying to be supportive, but it isn't always in the right direction. I am glad, though, that he helps to even out some of my tendencies. I tend to be wilder and quirkier than he is, and he tends to be fairly routine-ish. So, we even each other out rather nicely.
@mommyboo (13174)
• United States
4 Mar 13
That's a sign of a great relationship lol!
• Valdosta, Georgia
5 Mar 13
That's good that your husband is so supportive of anything you want to do. =) That is a great quality for a spouse to have! So you balance each other out, that's good.
@Iriene88 (5343)
• Malaysia
4 Mar 13
In 2004 I resigned and take care of my son. Sent him to and from school. For seven years I am sort of full time housewife, free time blogging, and do my own business in a small scale as and when my client request. In 1996 I also resign when I was pregnant. All in all I left my career three times for family. One time when my mum went for surgery, I resigned to take care of her for about three months. Due to these I was not able to pursue further in my career. In actual fact I was climbing the corporate ladder but I chose family first. I do feel I missed a lot in financial income and career wise. On second thought I am happy tht I was there when my family need me the most. So, I am back in working life but have to start almost all over again. With low pay but I am looking at other alternatives and have a positive mindset to move forward. I hope you and I will see success in all areas of our lives.
@mommyboo (13174)
• United States
4 Mar 13
Oh, it would be nice to have that extra income but not enough to want to have a career lol. Whenever I think about full time careers I'd spend all day wishing I wasn't at work lol.
• Valdosta, Georgia
5 Mar 13
Yeah I am a stay at home wife and mother as well with a childcare business. I love what I do. I left a job 2 years ago to stay home with my kids. =) It wasn't a career though, just a job I enjoyed being at. I hope we will both see success as well. =)
@Paper_Doll (2373)
• Philippines
4 Mar 13
I believe that this issue should have been brought and talked about before the wedding took place. But if this thing happened to me, I would always put my family, my husband and children, first. I definitely wouldn't ask for annulment just for my own sake and happiness. I believe that if I really wanted a career, we could always talk and do something about it. I am always open to negotations especially if it will affect my own family. I believe that there's always an option and I would not choose something that would hurt and risk my children's future. As for the case mentioned above, the husband wouldn't want her wife to pursue a career. I wonder what his reasons are? Will it affect their children or their marriage? Or is it simply out of selfishness? Married couple should always look for the best solutions for their every problems.
• Philippines
6 Mar 13
I do not know exactly what the husband is thinking but I guess that he maybe thinking that being in a military is a risky job. You can't even tell what's going to happen next. Your life is always at stake. Being a police officer is the same. You also risk your life to perform your duty. The husband maybe thinking that what if something happened to both of them because of their jobs, who will take care of their children? Well, just my thoughts.
• Valdosta, Georgia
5 Mar 13
Oh yeah I agree-it was just a show on TV. That is the right thing to do, putting our children and husband first. The husband in the show was in the military so his career always came first. The wife quit her job as a police officer which she really enjoyed to be with him and to be able to travel with him in the army. Her love for her career, missing it and other things were involved as well. He wanted his career so it was hard for both of them to have a career and be there for their kids...
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@AidaLily (1450)
• United States
5 Mar 13
Nope. I can't say I've ever felt this way. I've felt at one point that motherhood was, but then again it isn't thanks to accredited schools offering online programs of which it would cost an arm and a leg to go sit in a classroom. I am now following my dream to become an accountant and I am quite happy. Since I can do the work either in an office or at home and so on while my children are in school, it makes it a lot easier to follow my dreams. If I had to choose though, I'd probably have chosen to find something that would fit in with my life and husband.
• Valdosta, Georgia
7 Mar 13
I am glad that you are doing what makes you happy. =) I am too with my Childcare Business. I am happy that I can stay home with my kids and do something I enjoy doing. My only regret is that I gave up on college because I got pregnant, I just wish I finished first... I am very happy though that I have my family, because I would miss them more if I didn't have them in my life.
@911Ricki (13588)
• Canada
4 Mar 13
I have had this with a few ex's, they expected me to drop my life and follow them. I am not like that, I will never depend on a man, I wanted to experience college, and further my career, education, I think it gave me responsibility, time management, and all that. I see other my age who didn't go to college, very immature, irresponsible, and have no skills. I am thankful I ditched him for what I wanted, he even bumped into me a few years after college and said the samething. I continue to do this, even now I will buy my own place, and even later if I sell and move in with someone that's fine but I can say I bought my own place.
• Valdosta, Georgia
5 Mar 13
It's not fair for people to expect others to just drop everything they want to do in life. We all have goals and dreams and we should be able to achieve them or at least try to.
@911Ricki (13588)
• Canada
5 Mar 13
It's not, and if it's the right person they will want you to do what you want, and allow you to take those leaps. If they don't they obviously, not the right person for you, and want you to fail.
@dawnald (85135)
• Shingle Springs, California
4 Mar 13
well, as Paul McCartney has married somebody else, I still have to work for a living. :D but other than that, no, and a person shouldn't ever be made to choose like that...
• Valdosta, Georgia
5 Mar 13
Lol. People should be more supportive of each other.
@mommyboo (13174)
• United States
4 Mar 13
LOL! Not in the sense of a career no but I eventually left my ex because he never wanted children. The way some people feel about a career is how I felt about being a parent so clearly he was the wrong person to be married to. Honestly, in terms of a career, partners should really figure how each can fulfill their goals and dreams without taking too much from the other, and without sacrificing their personal relationship or family relationship.
• Valdosta, Georgia
5 Mar 13
Oh not wanting children is a major thing that can break a relationship. Before my husband, one guy wanted to be with me, he was a great guy, with a great job and had everything going for him except one thing. He told me he never wanted children because their all little brats! That shocked me and I told him sorry I could not be with him since he felt that way... Weird way to end a second date! Lol. Children are how you raise them to be (which apparently he failed to understand) if you raise them to be brats yes they will be that way but if you raise them to be polite and respectful that is how they will be... Yeah, in every relationship both partners should support the other one.
@salonga (27775)
• Philippines
5 Mar 13
My priority would always be my loved one. I can always give up anything for the sake my loved one.I would do just about anything to keep the relationship. Career or anything material can always be easily replaced but not a loved one with whom I have already shared your life with.
• Valdosta, Georgia
7 Mar 13
Yeah, I know the most important thing is my husband and kids. I would miss them more than I miss not going back to school and being what I wanted to be.
@Dominique25 (9464)
• United States
5 Mar 13
I think it is so sad when a person has put their own dreams and goals on hold because they are so busy trying to focus on their spouses goals. I think that marriage should be a partnership/team work where they both look for ways to support each other's goals. But sad to say this is not the case in many situations. I have recently come to realize that this can happen over a period of time. Many couples start out wanting everything for each other but some can start to focus only on themselves after awhile. I haven't had to deal with it as long as that wife had to and my heart really does go out to her. I'm glad to hear though that she was able to reach out for her dreams. I'm working on this as well. As long as my husband and I are together I will work to support his goals but it will take him a lot longer to support mine, but I'm going to start working on them myself.
• Valdosta, Georgia
7 Mar 13
It is really sad that not all spouses support what the other one wants to do. We all have our dreams and goals, and we should be able to accomplish them or at least try to. We cannot put our own happiness aside because eventually it does come back and haunt us every minute of the day. So much so that we might not be able to handle it after a while like this wife in the show...
• India
4 Mar 13
So the wife divorced her hubby to get her dream job. I never heard such kind of story. For me love is apart from carrier and we must give importance to both of them. My wife is great support for me in all the sort. My love life never became a barrier to my carrier.
• Valdosta, Georgia
5 Mar 13
She did divorce her husband because he was military so his career came before hers. She missed her career and wanted to go back to it but never had the chance because she was a wife and mother. She divorced him and became a police officer again like she wanted to do.
@shela21 (68)
• Philippines
4 Mar 13
i think he/she needs to think a million times..before chosing what he/she really me i dont want to choose between love and goals.if you want your dream come true so dont commit love..
• Valdosta, Georgia
5 Mar 13
Yeah, some people are young though when they find love and they don't think about certain things until they become older and wiser...