I'm so tired right now but not sleepy

United States
March 4, 2013 1:07am CST
It's almost 2 am right now and I'm still watching movies and mylotting. I took my pain pill and nerve pain pill but that isn't enough to let me sleep. So I just took my Tykenol PM. I hope it starts working soon. Some nights I just get really alert when I am trying to get sleepy. I've been this way since I was a kid. I never could sleep without something to make me drowsy. Do you have trouble sleeping? My mind doesn't ever shut off. I can't sleep until my mind stops playing all the tapes in my head. When I finally crash I can turn over and go to sleep. Nothing always works to help me sleep. Sometimes I am alert for more than 24 hours. Then other times I sleep normally 4 to 5 hours. I'm tired but not sleepy. That's the problem.
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16 responses
@celticeagle (161452)
• Boise, Idaho
4 Mar 13
I am getting tired. I have been eating like crazy every since we got back from grocery shopping. It's terrible. But when I sleep I bet I will sleep well. LOL I took my pill and it didn't much. Playing all the tapes? I just find something boring on tv and set the time for an hour and it usually works.
• United States
4 Mar 13
I don't have the remote that came with the TV. I could program the sleep thingy with it. I'm getting there now. My eyelids are about halfway open trying not to close.
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@celticeagle (161452)
• Boise, Idaho
4 Mar 13
No remote, huh? They are important at times aren't they? Well, atleast sleep is creeping in. Yay!
@AmbiePam (86637)
• United States
4 Mar 13
I've had problems sleeping since my car accident when I was eighteen. The longest I've ever gone without sleep is 4 days. No nap, no nothing. It was miserable. Tylenol PM didn't work for me, and neither did any other OTC medication. I don't take sleep medication, so I've learned to grab sleep whenever I can.
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• United States
4 Mar 13
There are a couple of times a month I'll stay alert for 36 hours or more. I will crash at about the 40 hour mark. That's without Tylenol pm. It's miserable, isn't it. You have it worse than me. Mine is like my dad's was. Our minds just don't shut off. It's like flight of ideas or running thoughts.
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@FrugalMommy (1438)
• United States
4 Mar 13
I do. My sleep schedule is all sorts of messed up right now because of my back pain. I'm tired and sleepy but the pills I'm on aren't as effective as they were when I started taking them. I just toss and turn because I can't get comfortable at all. I just got a TENS unit last week so I'm going to see if that helps any tonight. I hope your Tylenol PM helps you get to sleep tonight. Being tired but not sleepy isn't a whole lot of fun.
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• United States
4 Mar 13
I have a TENS unit too but I don't use it. One side doesn't work. It is made for 2 sets of two electrodes. Only one side works. I might get more batteries for it and try using it on my back at night. It has a timer and quits after the time you set. I set it for 15 minutes. Too much time will weaken the muscles.
@jenny1015 (13366)
• Philippines
4 Mar 13
The only way for you to be able to have a good sleep is for you to relax and stop thinking of a lot of things. You seem to be worried about a lot which makes you unable to fall asleep. Even when there were times that I could really not fall asleep, I never relied on taking any pill. I am just so afraid i may not be able to wake up again! But really, I teach myself to have a peaceful mind prior to sleeping at night.
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@jenny1015 (13366)
• Philippines
5 Mar 13
Really? With that hyperactive mind, you might as well make sonethibg real good out of it. Are you an artist?
• United States
4 Mar 13
I'm not worried. My mind is just always active. I cannot shut it off like a switch. It doesn't work. Been that way all my life that I can remember.
@else22 (4317)
• India
4 Mar 13
I have noticed when you are too tired and exhausted,you fail to sleep.This happens with me too.When I get extremely tired,I can't sleep,nor I am able to do any other works.This puzzled me and I discussed it with my friend.He says,being extremely tired means that the energy reserve in your body has exhausted and you need energy even to sleep.I think he's right.
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• United States
4 Mar 13
Being so exhausted leaves me irritable so I can't sleep. I think he's right on that. My Tylenol pm did help me sleep.
@else22 (4317)
• India
5 Mar 13
Exhaustion causes irritation.See your doctor asap.
@shela21 (68)
• Philippines
4 Mar 13
i feel that too sometimes.i want to sleep cause im tired but my mind dont want to sleep..heheheh thats weird..
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• United States
4 Mar 13
It's frustrating!
@GardenGerty (158350)
• United States
4 Mar 13
One of the things that contributes to that tired but not sleepy condition is sitting in front of the television and the computer. The light from them disturbs your pineal gland and makes you alert. Of course I am giving you this advice while I am sitting on my bed using my computer. I will take a benadryl if I cannot sleep. I will take acetaminophen or naproxen if I am hurting. I sometimes will take some melatonin when I am ready to shut the light out. Really, most of the time all I have to do is lay down, lights out, turn on my right side and I am almost instantly asleep.If not, then I try praying and some lavender oil. I know I am one of the lucky ones.
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• United States
4 Mar 13
I can't just lay there with no TV. I get extremely agitated and toss and turn. I will stay awake for days without something to help me sleep. My Tylenol pm did work and I didn't wake up until my daughter woke me to make breakfast.
@winterose (39887)
• Canada
4 Mar 13
I am the opposite I toss and turn all night long so I loss sleep but then I can't function in the day so I sleep more than I should
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• United States
4 Mar 13
I sometimes nap in the day. It's usually around 4 in the morning before I drift off.
@dawnald (85135)
• Shingle Springs, California
4 Mar 13
Sometime I have the problem. Often I find it is gas or acid, and take something for that. If that doesn't help, I drink some sleepytime tea. But some nights, not much helps.
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@artemeis (4194)
• China
4 Mar 13
I am a light sleeper and I have trouble sleeping on days where I am rushing for things. I know it is just adrenalin and I would usually to listen to some soothing music to help me sleep. Though I am very much awake, I would still lie down and rest without trying to think about anything else. Even when there may be a tonne of other things to do, I would just clap and wash my hands, telling myself that that's all for the my day.
@bunnybon7 (50973)
• Holiday, Florida
4 Mar 13
my goodness. you have the same schedule as me. 4 to 5 hrs sleep at night or day, then one day it will catch up with me and i will sleep, from, 12am, early for me to sleep till about 9 or 10 am but this only happens about once every coup;e of months. i hope you had a really good rest cause i did. this happened to me last night and didnt wake for 9 hrs. great i really love it when i catch up. wish i could do it more often.
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@WakeUpKitty (8694)
• Netherlands
4 Mar 13
I dont sleep well since the past 5 weeks :-( I guess my mind is too busy plus I wake up because I am in pain. Too tired to sleep, too tired to get out of the bed but fact is I have to. On days like these I would like to sleep at least at daytime because otherwise I won't catch the sleep I do need badly (my whole immunesystem is killing me at the moment so it all is only get worser). I try to ignore it since I know sooner or later it's over (those sleepless nights) although by now it does take way longer as usually. By now I try to do as much as possible what is on my mind, so I hope this way it will be possible to catch the sleep I do need very soon again. Making a list I usually do but at this moment it doesn't work anymore.
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@911Ricki (13588)
• Canada
4 Mar 13
I am the same way, I try to get myself real tireed and then go to bed. Some nights I stay up to the middle of the night, which was the main reason I started nights.
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@missjahn (4574)
• Philippines
4 Mar 13
when i experienced the same thing like yours, i really sway myself as if someone is putting me inside the swing. because my parents used to that when i was a child. or yet, i tapped the side of my hips as if my mother is singing for me. it works for me and it made me sleep. and also drinking milk and doing exercise before sleeping is good for me too to yawn. i also follow what they said that counting sheep while closing your eyes is effective as well. that is how i send myself to sleep when i cannot close my eyes for sleeping. :)
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• United States
4 Mar 13
I used to rock back and forth when I was little. I guess that was my comforter. My mom made me stop because I was wearing my hair off the back of my head. Not pretty at all.
@saundyl (9783)
• Canada
20 Mar 13
That would really suck. Sometimes i have trouble going to sleep when I'm worried or stressed, then my mind doesn't shut off. I tend to be very sensitive to upsetting others - if I think I've upset an individual that is important to me I will lay awake for hours. I try not to resort to medication as I worry I'd get too dependent on it or they would stop working when i really need them.
• China
4 Mar 13
I can well imagine the taste of lying awake all night.I sleep well most of the time.However I may wake up at the small hours if I don't keep my blood pressure in check.
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