Do you think Money is the key to all Happiness and buy happiness???

April 14, 2013 4:08am CST
I have been blessed to be born in a good well to do family and have always had whatever my heart desired.Hence I never have realised what it would feel not to have any money and having unfulfilled wants. But many people feel that it is having money that will give you all the happiness in the world and nothing else. Do you think only Money can buy all happiness?
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54 responses
@kenshin2143 (1880)
• Philippines
14 Apr 13
Well you cannot really assess the things they are feeling for they are really lacking of many materials things which our instinct and "id" is really longing. They have these values that money will buy the things they wanted and eventually be able to be happy. Its a good thing that you are doing well in life and can get whatever you desire but its really a different thing when you are poor.
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@scubapro (1051)
• Gifu, Japan
14 Apr 13
money of course is not a key for buying everything. money cant get happiness, money cant buy real cant buy honourful people. of course having money is good,but personally i dont want so much money. enough money for my life is ok.i dont wanna be rich
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• China
17 Apr 13
No money,No life.
@crossbones27 (48866)
• Mojave, California
20 Apr 13
Money gives you false happiness. Yes we need it to survive but once you pass a certain point it's just false happiness.
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@ajithlal (14716)
• India
20 Apr 13
I also think that money brings false happiness. I think it does not real happiness.
@sk66rc (4250)
• United States
14 Apr 13
I believe money, like many other things, can help us to achieve happiness... But it's just a small part in a big picture... If you work hard all your life & by the time you retire, you have 50 million dollars... But your health has suffered from all those years of working so much & you start spending so much money & time on hospitals... You spend so much time being hurt & in & out of hospital, you don't really get to enjoy your retirement years... That's not being happy, is it? I don't think you can point out one single thing out in life & say that's what makes life happy... Money does play a big & important role in life but by itself can't really be the sole source of happiness...
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@dainy1313 (2370)
• Leon, Mexico
16 Apr 13
Or like my parents that got divorced at the end of their productive life before retirement. They gained too much money, but they lacked of relationship between them
@bloggeroo (2167)
• Philippines
14 Apr 13
No. But having no money can be pretty sad and lonely. And it's probably painful and stressful as well. So, to be on the safe side, everybody should just get more money and keep a bank account for a rainy day. Anyway, it's more fun trying to get rich than trying to get poor.
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• Mojave, California
15 Apr 13
Not trying to be an ahole but who tries to get poor?
@sanjay91422 (2725)
• India
20 Apr 13
I think money is an important thing to have in life, because it is the way of selling and buying the things, which are the first most important thing in this world to even breathe for a while after taking the birth. For example your father and mother have the money to spent on the child delivery, and that is why one gets a birth in good condition. The money is important and people have the desire of the money to different degrees. I think it is good to have the large amount of money if it is to be used for the good will of yourself and the society also.
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• United States
17 Apr 13
In a way it could and in a way It cannot. Money can allow you to do more, and see more but then again money cannot buy you friends nor happiness.
• India
14 Apr 13
Yes,money is very important.With out it there is no honey or friends.Money is how we can afford all of our wants and needs that makes us happy.I think money can make me happy but not buy me happiness. Happiness cant be purchased at a store or online, but I'd definitely be happy if I was out of debt.
@bloggeroo (2167)
• Philippines
14 Apr 13
Indeed, getting out of debt is truly a happy time. Unfortunately, I needed a new computer so I have to buy one with borrowed money. It can be scary and stressful when you know you got to have a positive cashflow, but you are short for the month. But as it happens, every rich guy in the world has debt. So, we just have to get used to it.
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@Frederick42 (2024)
• Canada
26 Apr 13
Money is the key to happiness, but only to a certain extent. First of all, one has to work hard to make lot of money. You can be happy with the money, but you may not be happy with the hard work. So, you have to sacrifice your happiness in order to be happy later. Money can buy medicine, but not health. We do not need money to enjoy the warmth of the rays of the sun, the sweet chirping of the birds, the soft rustling of the trees, the pleasant breeze etc..
@grvdubey11 (1879)
• India
14 Apr 13
Money cant buy all happiness but certainly can bring lot of happiness.I chose my Career because i wanted to earn lot of money ,for some people my job seems to be like hell when i have to sail for six to eight months away from social life.So it all depends on feeling of satisfaction,for me earning money is happiness, other people have other priorities.Best wishes.
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@lifes97 (884)
• United Arab Emirates
14 Apr 13
o fcourse it si not right, money buy things like cloths, places or fun but not love or life, it is not right to think that money is key to happy but it helps to make you reach happy
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@riempie9 (1021)
• South Africa
15 Apr 13
Money is not the key to happiness and you cannot buy happiness, only the illusion of happiness. For some people it is better to have no money as it would make them come quickly to the realization that while you may have many friends, they may be your friends for the wrong reasons or are with you for the fame or publicity, or that you will be recognized and get your break that way. We all have to work for that break. Perhaps you were lucky enough to get it for free, but most people do not, and still work to have a legitimate life. One thing you can do with some of your money is help some people who really need help. That would get rid of the hangers-on and those who will be your friend just for the status of having a rich friend.
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@riempie9 (1021)
• South Africa
14 Apr 13
Money does not even buy SOME happiness. If money of course is your main interest and that you need it to make you happy, how long will that last? And if you are only interested in material goods, when will it be enough for you? When will you recognize that there are more interesting things in life than the accumulation of money? What will you do? However, if you were to help kids or sick babies or have a cause, money would certainly help to fund projects and find cures for ailments.
• India
14 Apr 13
A brief answer to your question is that money is not the key to your happiness and I think it's your satisfaction that counts.If you are satisfied with what you have then you can always remain happy in your life.
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• United States
20 Aug 15
Money is a necessity - but happiness has nothing to do with how much of it you have.
@ajithlal (14716)
• India
20 Apr 13
I do not think that money can bring all the happiness in life and there are lots of things money cannot buy. I think the real happiness is the state of mind. I think some people are after money than anything in life. I think money cannot buy happiness in life.
• India
16 Apr 13
Money is not a key to all happiness, happiness itself is different for different people. I have seen people who have nothing as savings but happier than any million-er. For some people happiness is the power to buy anything they want, for them money is the key to happiness.
• India
17 Apr 13
Hello! U hv chosen a nice topic for discussion. In my opinion money can bring you momentary happiness only. In yr case riches are inherited, therefore whatever u desire can be made available easily, but this happiness is not going to last as one gets bored with the product soon and then desire to procure another thing starts. This cycle is never ending. I feel inner happiness is more important than momentary happiness. To listen to chirping of birds while enjoying morning tea in your balcony, to watch new leaves on tree while waiting for light signal to turn green are some of the happy moment for me which remain with me for long time.
@Ntombe (3)
• South Africa
17 Apr 13
This is from someone who was born into nothing. And grow into money. Even if it doesn't buy happeness but it does come in handy.
@Kmz059 (652)
• Philippines
16 Apr 13
Money can buy our material happiness but not the true happiness like having a complete and happy family, reaching your dreams. And also happiness is our own choice. True that we can't live without money, I consider that money as one of our basic needs not happiness.
• United States
17 Apr 13
I feel that this can be looked at as "beauty in the eye of the beholder". Money can not buy you happiness but it can buy the things that make you happy. I love to read and I am starting my own library. By working, I earn money that I used to buy books. As far as being the key to all happiness? Some people may feel that way.