How to teach our chidren to be independent?

@bintang9 (196)
April 16, 2013 10:03pm CST
Having children is really enjoyable. I want my children to be independent. Is it true if I ask them to do household by themselves, such as sweeping the floor, washing their own cloth, cooking meal, so they do not always ask the maid servant to do that. Sometimes they tell that their friends do not do such work in their friend's home. So they sometimes compare with their friends.
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15 responses
@indahfth (11161)
• Indonesia
19 Apr 13
Having a child is a heavy responsibility. As parents, we have an obligation to educate our children well. Educating children to become independent, is one thing, that we should note. It's hard, to make our children doing domestic work. But, we must give meaning to our children with language, which can be understood by our children.
@bellis716 (4799)
• United States
18 Apr 13
I'm glad you are teaching your children to be able to do things for themselves. It will make them aware that such things do not happen by themselves. You may have to remind the children that there is a chance that they will not always have a maid to do for them. Of course, they won't believe you, but that's beside the point. You're doing the right thing.
@velvet53 (22527)
• Palisade, Colorado
17 Apr 13
I think it is good for all children to know how to do housework. It isn't going to hurt them one bit. Who knows, they may have to do it some day and will thank you for teaching them. Just keep on doing what you are doing.
@Pegasus72 (1898)
17 Apr 13
We get that too, their friends don't have to do things. I always tell my kids I am the parent I am here to make sure I raise you so that you can take care of yourself. Step back and tell me how many of your friends can do this or this, and most times they say their friends can't do those things, the same things my kids can do because they were taught.
@cherigucchi (14876)
• Philippines
17 Apr 13
I do the same thing. They have their own tasks at home. I do not want them to grow not knowing anything about household chores. I am lucky because they are good kids and they are such a good help in the house. It is not bad to teach our kids things like that at a very young age because in the end they are going to use them later in their lives.
@Kmz059 (652)
• Philippines
17 Apr 13
Your a great parent, children should have a household chores to do. When they still young you should teach them, and when they grow up they know some household chores.
• Philippines
17 Apr 13
You can assign a particular task to each of them, you can assign a routine task or a shifting task. And you must explain to them the reason why you are doing this, you must be firm with you decisions and to your rules, you are the father you have all the right to do things that can make your children a better person when they grow up.
@annierose (21384)
• Philippines
17 Apr 13
I am not yet a parent but in my own point of view, letting our kids do the household chores is one way of making them independent. We should tell them that they are not growing backward so they must learn how to be responsible. Asking their opinions or decisions with something will make them feel that they are grown ups.
@lelin1123 (15595)
• Puerto Rico
17 Apr 13
My parents raised five kids. We learned to do laundry, cook, go food shopping and clean the house. I learned at 10 years of age how to make spagetti sauce and a turkey dinner. I think if you have your children learn early they will be independent and know how to survive on their own not needing anyone to do for them. Even my husband mom taught her four boys how to survive and he can cook, clean, do the laundry and even food shop.
@jenny1015 (13366)
• Philippines
17 Apr 13
I grew up with a nanny and two other house helps. But my parents, most especially my dad, required me and my brother to help with the chores. He even made a schedule of the chores that we need to do everyday, most especially during weekends. It did pay off coz when I got married, I did not feel bad doing things in the house. And that is because I grew up doing them.
@dream_ozn (1754)
• Singapore
17 Apr 13
Hey bintang, I"m not a parent yet but i'm 22 this year. i think i can answer your question because ithink i've only just learned to be independent recently. I'm currently on a study abroad program and am away from my family. My mum dotes on me very much and therefore since i'm young, my mum would not let me do anything on my own. I have a helper to keep my room, cook for me, take me water and do everything that i should be doing myself. At the age of 20, i do not even know how to cook. and i remember the first time i cut an apple myself was at the age of 18. You are right, it's definitlya good thing to want your child to be independent becuase my mum keeps nagging at me saying that i do not know how to do a lot of stuff. SHe does not realise that it is becuase of her protection that i have beceom like htat. However ,the same thing now is happening to my brother. My mum protects him from every single thing and he does not even lift his finger.
• United Kingdom
17 Apr 13
I do agree with you! Although I have no children, but if I have one, I would like to teach them how to be independent. Many thoughts about this world and themselves are built when they are very young and the thoughts influence their characters. I am a very independent person, and this should be thanked my parents. When I was very young, my parents always asked me to help them to do household, sometimes I was paid, yet not very much, but I had the feeling that I was needed by them, and what I had done helped them a lot, that made me very happy and wanted helped them to do more. So, let your children feel they are needed and you have some dependence on them may do good for their independent formation.
@srisahara (4508)
• Indonesia
17 Apr 13
I think you are right, most of children should do some household courses although they feel discomfort. This way will help them when they have to build their own household. They do not always depend on their servant because they want to get rest too and get holidays. be patient, give them some understanding that what you do will help them in the future.
@tehpau (340)
• Malaysia
17 Apr 13
Your topic reminded me of an article I recently come across online. Your children will not feel the same if you can turn doing household chores into something cool. Do read the article here ( If this can be done, your children's friends will wish that their parents are this cool too.
@marguicha (218639)
• Chile
17 Apr 13
I think that you are doing right, bintang. Even if they never need to do all those chores when they grow up, it is important that they know how to do them. My two girls have house help, but they can explain to them how they want things done.