Diet Tips

United States
April 22, 2013 10:59am CST
Of Course everyone has diet tips and what to do to loose weight. Instead of excersising and still being yourself throughout the day what is your way of eating healthy and deiting to loose weight without exercising. Diets are a big way of peoples life and eating healthy is a must in life to stay healthy.
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17 responses
@timetravel (1425)
• United States
22 Apr 13
I am not the healthiest eater, but find it easy to maintain my weight and shape because I walk at least an hour every day. That alone cuts my appetite a great deal, and I've always found it difficult to finish eating a meal anyway. Some people are conditioned to eating everything on their plates. When I'm full, I'm done. Do you know it takes the brain twenty minutes to get the message from the stomach that it's full? So fast eaters tend to weight more because they get more food in before their brains recognize they are full. If you've noticed, the people who are normal weight tend to be slow, or regular paced, eaters. My husband is one of those fast eaters - I put his plate down, and by the time I fill up mine and sit - he's almost done! No wonder he's always had trouble with his weight. Take time to chew each bite of food, and swallow it, before grabbing the next piece.
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• United States
22 Apr 13
That is really intresting facts and i actually can say i learned something today. Thanks for the imput and im glad you told that to me. I would have never known that. THANKS AGAIN.
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• United States
24 Apr 13
I always eat fast and knew this affected my weight. I try and slow down, and use a fork for pizza, put my fork down inbetween bites etc., and nothing works. My friends usually talk a lot, and I am quiet and if we are eating together, I'm done and they are just getting started because they were talking.
• United States
24 Apr 13
You might need to play some "mind games" when that happens. Make yourself speak, or in your head, think of yourself speaking a few sentences in response. Don't eat while doing this - because no one should eat and speak simultaneously - even if it's a mental talking! Another way I find works - perhaps because I find myself doing this automatically, without even thinking - rather than cutting the food - even pizza - with knife and fork - I often tear off little "bites" and then eat them. In other words - a slice of pizza - hot - so I tear off a teeny bit - and eat it - then again, then again...Because pizza is sloppy I end up putting it down to wipe my hands with a napkin - in other words - it can take me forever to eat one slice of pizza! I do the same with candy. When I eat a peanut butter cup, for instance - I slowly tear away the chocolate from around the edge - eat that bit by bit - and then on top and bottom - and then savor the peanut butter middle...oh my goodness, I'm getting so hungry right now. Guess what I want? Pizza and peanut butter cups - lol. Another aide - I started cutting back on the sugar in my coffee - slowly. Not because I was watching calories - but because I felt it was healthier to use less. A half tsp. at a time, until my taste readjusted. Now - I only use half a tsp. in my coffee and it tastes fine. Plus, I cut out all sodas except for one bottle a day of Schweppes Ginger Ale - it has less sugar than any other brand of ginger ale. But for me, the best way to maintain my weight is definitely walking every day. One hour each day at least.
22 Apr 13
I eat normal during the day, then skip dinner. I go to bed early if I feel like I'm going to have to eat. The later I stay up the more likely I am to binge on junk.
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@urbandekay (18278)
22 Apr 13
Alternate day fasting, not only helps you maintain a healthy weight but has significant health benefits reducing the incidence of cardio-vascular disease, diabetes and cancer by reducing the level of ILGF all the best, urban
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@urbandekay (18278)
23 Apr 13
Eat what you like on one day, the next abstain from food completely, then repeat all the best, urban
• United States
23 Apr 13
What do you mean by day fasting?
@vandana7 (100076)
• India
25 Apr 13
You do that Urban?
@jonnagirl (322)
• Philippines
24 Apr 13
One way i discovered to maintain on keeping away from eating too much is to drink a glass of water before meal. Water helps a lot in digestion in stomach and it also a way to help you intake less food amount into our stomach. Another thing is one is not ought to sit 30 minutes while eating. If sitting down right away after meal ,it will help your fats to bulge like a baloon, lol. I have experienced this one. So even how tired i am , remembering that its not easy to workout just to flatten up the stomach especially working or workaholic people who has only few time in engaging to do workouts, I really remain standing at least 30 minutes. Water is also a good theraphy to weight loss. Just intake water as you woke up , it helps a lot in blood circulation. And taking water as much as you can . It can makes your skin to glow.:) Happy day !!
• Philippines
24 Apr 13
opps, seemed i got technical error, it should be 30 minutes standing after meal. thanks...
@kemak28 (724)
• United States
22 Apr 13
I try to walk a lot and I'm busy chasing around my daughter all day so it's easy for me to stay active. When I want to lose weight though I just eat light all day and try to eat a lot of salads, fruits and healthy meats like chicken and tuna. Dinner I try to make my husband and I a healthy dinner. My problem is with snacking so I try to find low calorie snacks and not buy chips anymore.
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• United States
23 Apr 13
Thats a big thing for me, I try not to buy unhealthy things because if I don't buy it than generally it's not around the house to eat because my boyfriend shops very little.
@gamerman (13)
• Islamabad, Pakistan
21 Mar 14
by not exercising you will eventually become disfigured because when you dont exercise you muscles are replaced by fat and your body becomes loose. But good diet is equally important. Diet is a vast subject which most of the people dont understand. Here is a government website tool that helps calculate your diet needs and exercise needs. diet planning tool some websites below that are also useful are : what different foods contain calculator nutrient and exercise needs dietary reference intakes
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@KrauseHome (36448)
• United States
26 Apr 13
Too many times, even the people who exercise like shown on shows like "The Biggest Loser", they show you that loosing weight is way more than just about exercise. It is learning to eat healthy, and learn how to cut out the items that you need to avoid. Foods like salads, with lower calories dressings, keeping cheese off a lot of items, no sodas. It is all about learning what foods are better for you, and portions. When we learn how to do this, it becomes a lot easier for us all.
@vandana7 (100076)
• India
25 Apr 13
Well...I am much so that I felt embarassed about it recently...7 kgs to be precise..yuck.. So...I have been reading the tips, and Urban's seems reasonable...:) sounds
@veganbliss (3895)
• Adelaide, Australia
24 Apr 13
Well, I'm actually someone who should be looking at gaining weight! I eat 'whatever I like' throughout each day & my weight stays virtually unchanged. Many have reported to have lost weight & kept it off by eating a well-balanced diet without any animal products. Of course there are a multitude of other benefits to such a diet besides weight loss. I hope more people are able to feel comfortable with their own body by making wise eating choices. I still see quite a number of people who are unhappy with their bodies, no matter how hard they try to lose weight by dieting, which can be very dangerous as well, not just physically, but mentally & emotionally too. I hope you can find the diet that's right for you.
@Pegasus72 (1898)
27 Apr 13
I like to eat the same and increase my activity.
@jacada77 (19)
• Philippines
25 Apr 13
Eating healthy is better than eating less. That's the number one thing to remember. If we feed our bodies good, nutritious food instead of junk, it will be satisfied and therefore won't have a need to eat more. That's the only fool proof way to approach dieting.
@myadvice (52)
23 Apr 13
eating s a science in itself. it helps us enjoy eating as welas,stay healthy $ loose weight.a fruit,or 2-3 soaked dryfruits r best for breakfast.u can add cucumber in this season.during lunch,u can have single grain like rice or bread with pulses,veges n fresh salads.coconut water is best during this season to have around 5pm.pani puri is a best inian snck ehich is low cal.have early dinner between 7-8.which shd include plain soup which is low in calories ,high in filling sensation,any one type of grain,pulses.vegetable. i m following this since last 5 is very effective.
@cgalavia (1436)
• Philippines
23 Apr 13
Hi Lolo!I don't have a diet but I always make sure to eat more foods that are low calorie and more on protein.One must have an exercise too.If you used to stay at home you can have indoor exercises. Speaking of loosing weight? Well,I think don't need to put much effort on it because I am already slim.If others had a hard time loosing their weight , in my case, I had a hard time gaining more weight because no matter how plenty I eat, I still remain slim.No more exercise as others who used to tease me but of course I do have one. I like walking around 30 minutes early in the morning because I believe Walking is the most versatile activity of all.You don't have to go searching for a court, a rink, a chairlift, a pool or a playing field.Good exercise is as near as your front door.However, I like eating fruits, and veggies.
@RAJASB (109)
• India
23 Apr 13
It's very important to take care of your health. As there's a famous saying "Health is Wealth". No matter how busy you are, you should take time to concentrate on your fitness and diet. Improper diet always leads to obessity and few diseases. It's always better to focus on proper diet rather than running to the doctor once you get affected. "Prevention is always better than cure".
@marguicha (221915)
• Chile
22 Apr 13
You have to do some exercise if you want to stay slim. But you don`t have to do abs or anything like that. You can walk a bit or you can pun some lively music you like and dance while you clean your house. The thing is that you have to eat less calories than the calories spent. That`s all, if you are healthy.
@Dominique25 (9464)
• United States
22 Apr 13
I think it would be great if I could exercise more because it seems like it is taking me forever to lose weight. I have though been doing really well about watching my calorie,sugar, and sodium intake. I have been eating more salad, fruits, and vegetables throughout the day and having healthy desserts like yogurt with fruit instead of cake and pies. And limiting my meat consumption and replacing it with beans, and nuts. I'm proud that I'm doing well it just takes longer to lose weight in a healthy way.
• India
22 Apr 13
Well,i can sure share some tips from my experience on the diet section.One of the ways, i was able to reduce weight was by consuming fruits at night and not have anything else.The results are much bigger and better if you have them before 7.The best thing of this is its healthy and also the results are quick compared to most of the things.Another one,is cutting one meal and replacing it with fruit juices.You need to limit your fruit juices and also watch out for the sugar.Less sugar, more better the results.And you can rotate the different flavors, so to rotate the plan.It helps if you think on the long term basis as mind is funny in getting sick of monotonous things especially when it comes to diet.Avoid sodas,soft drinks even if they are of diet varieties.Natural drinks or water can do most help in these regards and best of all they are more safe and healthier for body at any point of time.And replace all fried and oil things with something less calorific.And results also are good for skin.But i should say diet and exercise are both needed for weight loss and healthy living.Both are like two sides of coin and one is no good without the other.Thanks!