My friends...maybe we will be separate...

Mylot - Mylot send a surpris news.
@srisahara (4508)
April 30, 2013 10:18pm CST
This morning ( in Indonesia) mylot send an alert to my account that say the site does not paying us again for our discussions and responses. Here we will just get the service of communication such as Facebook and Twitter. I don't know, Whether I stay here longer or not. It is very surprised. But I am sure that there are my best friends who left this site. Yes, I know money has big power for influencing people's decision.
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16 responses
@CuteMandy (162)
• China
1 May 13
Yes, money is the most motivation to discuss here. but we also can talk here sometimes, not often.
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@srisahara (4508)
• Indonesia
1 May 13
Maybe...friend. But I am not sure that it will be passionate. I think most of us will left the site... I hope we can share about legit sites to make money online...
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• China
1 May 13
If I know some other legit sites, I will share here with everybody. But I don't know because I am not good at using computer and websites.
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• India
1 May 13
Beti Most know for me earning was kind of bonus, i got 10$ in 3 months you know it is nothing, but as i am here NOT for money, i will be here; may be less active though.We can communicate via email, if this site vanishes.
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@srisahara (4508)
• Indonesia
1 May 13
Yes, I think I still here, wait and see the change. I hope we still can contact through this site or email. Prof...I am sure most of my friends will left this site and never come again.
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@Hatley (163781)
• Garden Grove, California
1 May 13
srisahara I am the leader but now with this shocking news and me with o nly a small social security and ssi checks which Goldcrest retirement cnter eats up most of monthly leaving me with 128 dollars for the whole month for my own needs, the mylot earnings were paying part of my cable internet monthly bill.Now I will need to find another site that pays so I can continue with my cable internet.So I will not be on here nearly as much.
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@srisahara (4508)
• Indonesia
1 May 13
I think so, I need it, although it is too little. I also hear that mylot never delay its payment to its members. I love legit site although the payment so small. I need pay my internet bill. I will try to consider what should to do after this case.
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@marguicha (218639)
• Chile
1 May 13
I can understand you. And while I am not interested in the money I get at mylot as of first importance, I will have to reconsider whether I will go on working here and for how long a time. I want to keep on touch with friends, but it seems that most of my friends are not coming as they were.
@srisahara (4508)
• Indonesia
1 May 13
Yes, I think so. We cannot blame them, because money has big power for people to make a decision on their time...
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@mohkanari (1957)
• India
1 May 13
Without any earnings it is difficult to work at any online site without any special purpose. Not a problem whether earnings are high or low, there should be some earnings. [In our case we are connected at Bubblews. I have made many views/likes/comments to you. But it seems you haven't considered me. What happened? Try!]
@srisahara (4508)
• Indonesia
1 May 13
I am sorry friend. Actually I know you are on Bubblews. I often view your articles but sometimes my internet connection slow to open, so I cannot give responses.
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@Kmz059 (652)
• Philippines
1 May 13
I've been here for one month I am having fun and loving the site, well we will just wait for the new myLot I hope we will see each other there
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@srisahara (4508)
• Indonesia
1 May 13
Yes, I will wait and see the change. I hope we will meet. I love you and your discussions. You are a young mother who simple and honest. You never say what you never know. I love your attitude. I am very impressed found you in this site.
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@May2k8 (18246)
• Indonesia
1 May 13
I think many will leave, money is not important but everyone need it. I don't like to back to facebook, it really consume my time and my bandwidth.
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@srisahara (4508)
• Indonesia
1 May 13
Yes, you are right. We need money and most of us do not want waste our time if we can use it to get money. I also don't like with Facebook, because I never get quality discussion on it. It just joke not quality.
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@mariaperalta (19073)
• Mexico
1 May 13
I will leave this site soon after we are paid. I have fb, if youd like to add me there. Just let me know..
1 person likes this
• United States
1 May 13
I would like to say bye before since you will be leaving. It has been great being at mylot but time and money is short. We only have twenty four hours in a day and we have to figure out the best way to use it. I hope that you will be able to find another means of earning money. Have a great day.
• Mexico
1 May 13
I hope so as well. I started asking around yesterday so far not many earning ideas for me.
@Angelpink (4034)
• Philippines
1 May 13
We need to face the truth that most of us are here in Mylot for money , friendship and other put goes in second reason only . Sad that they will get this earning program now . What would be our reason for staying since we friends can still connect in other sites ./It is a very good site not like Facebook that is is a very public place where all colors are seen .
1 person likes this
• United States
1 May 13
Yes it is sad to hear this. Yes I appreciate all that has happened while I was hear. But I have to admit that I will not be here as often. Finances are tight as it is and there will be other sites that I will have to devote my time too.
@Deepak2J (1178)
• India
1 May 13
I might login once in 30-90 days or never just like FB. My last login to FB was over 30 days ago and to twitter over 3 months ago. I may use mylot like that. Or if i will come across a good site, I will never return here ever. Thank you and good bye
2 people like this
• United States
1 May 13
@Deepak I would like to say by and hope that you have enjoyed your time at mylot. Time is precious and we do not have a lot of time. I will more than likely look elsewhere for ways to make money.
@srisahara (4508)
• Indonesia
1 May 13
Hi friend...I never this case will happen to us. I know we love with this site but...we more with our time...Thank you...Good bye Friend.
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@emily7339 (1337)
• Malaysia
1 May 13
This is true. The incentives here do motivate many to participate and I am not exceptional. I hope with the new MyLot, there will be something more interesting or could help mylotters to boost earnings else where . If otherwise, I perceive many will opt for other sites to make their earnings
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@tinym8 (420)
• United States
1 May 13
I agree with both of you that people will not waste their time if they cannot get some reward for it. People need money too much today to spend time where they can't make any money. I hope the new myLot will have a way to show people how to increase earnings at other sites. Otherwise, I think many people will leave very soon after the opening of the new myLot.
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@srisahara (4508)
• Indonesia
1 May 13
Yes, I think so, no one will waste time for not useful thing if they can use their time for money. I know money is not everything but sometimes everything depends on money.
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@emily7339 (1337)
• Malaysia
2 May 13
I logged in to new MyLot this morning, still not familiar how to use it.....
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@Deepak2J (1178)
• India
2 May 13
Hi emily, I already tried for 30 mins to get used to this. This is nothing more than a remix of FB and twitter. Maybe mylot authority think that by doing this they can surpass FB and twitter and may earn in Billions. I don't care they earn or not. But, it seems stupid. I thought I will login sometimes if possible, But now with this, I am out of here very soon. Hope you enjoy it Good Luck
• Indonesia
1 May 13
are you sure about this news! cos im just registerd as a new member mylot n looking for make some extra money from internet.
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• Romania
1 May 13
I joined yesterday. I new fun didn;t mix with money:))))) it was to good to be true. Although I didn't receive no alert. Weird!
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@pals101 (2010)
• Philippines
2 May 13
I am shock to read this morning.. huhuhu Good think I made it at least to the month of april. I was really hoping they can return it back to the way it is..
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@Dominique25 (9464)
• United States
1 May 13
Yes it is sad to get this news. But we all have to look for ways to earn money. I hope that you will be able to find more sites that you can earn from. Time is very precious to us and we have to use it wisely. Money does have a big influence over what we do. It is so hard to come by that we have to do what is important to take care of our family.
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