Mylot change--I do not fully understand the following statement. Can you?

May 1, 2013 12:34am CST
Quoted as follows, "The famous myLot Earnings Program will be discontinued, effective whenever the new website goes live this week. Users who have accumulated $5 or more in earnings and who have been active during the last 30 days will be paid as normal by May 15." Does it mean that we will still be paid for our participation in mylot activities until May 15th or today is the last day that mylot will take into consideration of our participation in mylot? I do not really get it. What is your understanding to the lines of the above statements in the first paragraph, please? Thanks in advance for your response!
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11 responses
@sishy7 (27169)
• Australia
1 May 13
Earning will continue up to the launch of the new site this week and can be as early as tomorrow. At that point anyone with $5 or more AND have been active during the last 30 days will be marked for payment by May 15. Personally, I find that unfair especially for those who are so close to $5 and not given enough time to reach it. Also for those who have accumulated $5 but have not been active for the last 30 days. If they are going to stop the earnings program so abruptly, at least they should have the decency to pay everyone's earning to the last penny.
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@Mavic123456 (21893)
• Thailand
1 May 13
I agree with you Sishy every single penny should be given to all people.. active or inactive... as long as they have paypal account. or at least they came back with the double earning scheme like before.
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• China
1 May 13
I agree with you both that all the earnings made by mylotters should be given to them if they have paypal to receive the earnings.
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1 May 13
The Earning program will be discontinued on May 15th, 2013. I was so disappointed with that news. they never check what will be the opinion of there users
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@ajithlal (14716)
• India
1 May 13
Yes I think we will be paid only this time and most of us are disappointed and I am also sad and depressed not getting paid after that.
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• China
1 May 13
Thank you for your response to this. Now I understand now that our time for mylotting is still paid for. You are new here, KDA. Many of us old mylotters are disappointed as well for this new change at mylot. I hope they will take back their words on this new change about earnings.
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1 May 13
Hello, how can i post a discussion here. I am just new here
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@wolfie34 (26771)
• United Kingdom
1 May 13
I am lead to believe that once the changes come into affect then we will stop earning, but anything we have earnt over and above $5 will be paid on 15th May which will be the very last payday at Mylot. I am also wondering if they will do away with the star system as that will be useless as they determined the earning rate we were getting, it will be interesting to see, what I am worried about is losing good friends I have made over the years that I have been here my friend.
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• China
1 May 13
I am also worrying about what you are worrying about. Maybe we will lose a lot of good friends here we have ever made because of this new change. Let's wait and see, wolfie.
@ajithlal (14716)
• India
1 May 13
We will be paid this month and from the next month onwards there would not be any paying or earnings.
• China
1 May 13
So can I understand that our participation today will be the last day to get paid and when tomorrow (May 1st)comes, we won't get paid for our participation in discussions?
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@sishy7 (27169)
• Australia
1 May 13
We are still earning up to the time the new site is launched...
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@elitess (5070)
• Ipswich, England
1 May 13
Hello my dear William. From what I understand (read the topic again posted by admin), if we have 5 $ in participation when the new site is introduced, we will receive payment on (or near) the 15th of May.
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• China
1 May 13
Thank you, elite. I got it.
@elitess (5070)
• Ipswich, England
1 May 13
Hi again william I have asked this at number 25: Now let's just wait and see the answer. I think that will clear things up
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@emily7339 (1337)
• Malaysia
1 May 13
You may want to refer to Box No. 22 of the below post for further confirmation on earnings:
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• China
1 May 13
""My understanding is that earnings will be calculated until the day the new site is launched." by GoAskAlice. Thank you, emily. I have got it. So we can still be as active as before before the expiry date of May 15th for the payment as well as the new site lunching day.
@dagami (1158)
• Rome, Italy
1 May 13
thanks, emily. i never read the post of GoAskAlice since it was stated that she will not answer questions related to the earnings. i was wrong. it was good that someone made the question and now we can rest assured that whatever we are posting here will get get paid - until the new site launches.
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@maximax8 (31053)
• United Kingdom
1 May 13
I believe we will get paid for April as long as we got over 5 dollars in earnings. I don't think that we will get any earnings in May or June. I think the money it going to be for those that can be active on My Lot for the last 30 days meaning all of April. I think the last payment will come on or just before May 15th.
@celticeagle (163198)
• Boise, Idaho
1 May 13
It is saying that payout will go on as normal except that if you have accumulated $5 or more in April you will get the money as usual on or around May 15.
@elitess (5070)
• Ipswich, England
1 May 13
Not in April, but before the site is introduced (no matter the date) - that's what I get from that and what Alice implies in post number 22 mentioned above your comment. I have asked at no 25 for further clarification.
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• Jamaica
2 May 13
I wasn't active in the last 30 days I think, and I don't even remember how much I had here. I think that it might have been about $6 but not even sure. I got too busy doing other online programs to earn some money! I like the new look, and the fact that you are allowed to place links, but not to spam. How do you do that I wonder. I will have to see what happens from now on I suppose. I have been a member here for most of the 7 years, not sure exactly how many as they don't tell you in your account. I am sorry that the old MyLot will disappear with all my earnings. We have no control over that. I think they should have set the amount to $1 as earning $1 here took a while. But, life goes on.
@Metatronik (6199)
• Pasay, Philippines
1 May 13
I am wondering if in case that I was able to reach $5 before May 15 then I will be also paid? Or not already because it should be done after April 30?
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• China
1 May 13 Now please read this part and you will get it.
• India
1 May 13
Am confused dear, but i am not leaving mylot.
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• China
1 May 13
I won't leave mylot, either, because of all of you, my good friends here.