new people at work

Avenel, New Jersey
September 15, 2015 7:49am CST
there are a few new hires on my team at work. yesterday afternoon my supervisor had one of them sit with me so she could watch me as i work and see how i do things, its part of their training. unfortunately she talked the whole time. i didnt really get anything done. she was nice, but when someone sits with me i feel obligated to carry on some sort of conversation which really makes doing my actual work impossible. now today im fairly certain she's going to ask to sit with me again, probably for a longer period of time. this whole week theyre still in training mode, they dont start actually working until the 3rd week. and its only tuesday. i just wish management put more effort into the training so that there wouldnt be a whole week where the new hires have nothing to do but sit with people. its ineffective in my opinion. when i was in that position, i didnt learn much by sitting there.
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13 responses
@sacmom (14192)
• United States
15 Sep 15
They didn't give me any training at my last job. They just threw me right in! lol
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@gudheart (12659)
15 Sep 15
I had training, A four week training course before I started!
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@sacmom (14192)
• United States
15 Sep 15
@gudheart 4 weeks? Wow! I'm guessing it's not a federal government job! lol
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• Avenel, New Jersey
15 Sep 15
honestly sometimes thats best, depending on the job. this one, i mean we do have a training program online but its difficult to learn off that. it gives you the basics but to "learn" you really just have to do it.
2 people like this
• United States
15 Sep 15
I really object to companies doing training with other employees that are not getting training pay also this is not efficient. They should have the mgr do the training. Just tell her to be quiet lol
2 people like this
• United States
15 Sep 15
@sprinklesare4winners I know I was kidding. But truly all the places I worked too, I was training new people, while the manager gets the high pay for doing nothing.
• Avenel, New Jersey
15 Sep 15
right?! thank you lol unfortunately i could never, its not her fault!! im too nice :P
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• Avenel, New Jersey
15 Sep 15
@TiarasOceanView yup! unfair just like most of the real world haha
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@Rosekitty (19368)
• San Marcos, Texas
15 Sep 15
sounds like she is nervous and doesn't know what to do so she starts talking..maybe when she starts talking again you can say.".let me explain what needs to be done" and then show do the talking of explaining what you are doing step by step..hopefully you have helped her and then the talking will stop..hahah
@MusesM (584)
16 Sep 15
@sprinklesare4winners it seems very complicated
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• Centralia, Missouri
15 Sep 15
@sprinklesare4winners yeah some places just don't know how to train sadly.
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• Avenel, New Jersey
15 Sep 15
i think shes just outgoing. really its not the kind of job that you can train someone on "steps," i do medical claims for auto accidents. its not like there's one process, it is very subjective to the claim and the information you need/have. not something you can really "train" someone at, its really more of a job where you have to be thrown into it and learn as you go. they basically just sit someone there because they dont have anything else for them to do and they cant give them claims yet.
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@LadyDuck (463247)
• Switzerland
15 Sep 15
When I started my first job, I had no training. Someone told me what to do and I had to discover everything my myself.
2 people like this
• United States
15 Sep 15
Kind of a sink or swim situation, huh? Talk about elevated stress levels.
1 person likes this
• United States
16 Sep 15
@LadyDuck I'll bet you did. When I worked at my old job at the factory, I'd have so much stress that I would grind my teeth in my sleep all night. Caused a lot of expensive dental bills later on, I'll tell you that.
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@LadyDuck (463247)
• Switzerland
16 Sep 15
@Novelangel Yes, it was exactly a sink or swim situation. It was not funny, I came home in the evening with headache and a lot of stress.
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@gudheart (12659)
15 Sep 15
We have new people at ours too. Only feels like yesterday I was a new starter. It is good too see new fresh faces in the office.
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@Jessicalynnt (50525)
• Centralia, Missouri
15 Sep 15
Then swap that up, be more assertive and request she tell you what she knows, and things she wanted to know, have her drive the pc (if that is what you work on), while you direct what she is doing. you can do it!
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• Centralia, Missouri
15 Sep 15
@sprinklesare4winners lol, sadly, we have to often do stuff we dont want to do at work. And it sounds like you are going to be doing this no matter what, so make her do the work, so at least some things get done!
• Avenel, New Jersey
15 Sep 15
the point really is i dont want to train her, i dont have the time lol i have work to do
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@Blondie2222 (28611)
• United States
15 Sep 15
At my job when your new you sit with someone also to train. But then after a week they let you take over and start doing the work while we sit and watch. Training at my job takes a month or 2.
@dodo19 (47217)
• Beaconsfield, Quebec
16 Sep 15
I hope that things go more smoothly and you're able to do a little more work. It can't always be easy.
@lady1993 (27225)
• Philippines
16 Sep 15
i agree, small chitchats are nice but since that person is new...he or she should be training so the person wn't have a hard time with the job later on.
• United States
15 Sep 15
Ugh. I seriously feel for you. I remember training people myself and it really sucks when they spend most of the time talking or not paying attention.
@simone10 (54189)
• Louisville, Kentucky
16 Sep 15
The last place I worked, they actually had a team of people who trained all the new hires. They went through a 90 day training period. They were able to use computers, etc so we never saw them until they were released from training. It's so much better that way.
@cahaya1983 (11120)
• Malaysia
17 Sep 15
Yeah I know it can be tough having a chatterbox with you when all you want to do is get the job done. If I were in your position I probably would try to keep my part of the conversation to a minimum and focus on work, since that's what the new person is supposed to be focusing on anyway.
@rakski (112924)
• Philippines
15 Sep 15
I hope your office have people to train them and not that all of you will be obligated to teach each one of them by them sitting with each of the staff. Then the staff might not be able to do a lot of work.b
• Avenel, New Jersey
15 Sep 15
well luckily we dont have new people all that often but its still distracting when it happens.
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