Time to Improve My Fitness Habits

By Val
@valmnz (17099)
New Zealand
October 5, 2015 3:21pm CST
After a rather lazy winter I've decided it's time to start walking again. It's so easy to make excuses as the day wears on, so I made the decision to trade my usual myLot morning time for walking instead. I'm glad I did. I'm feeling a little jaded now after the 3.3 km walk, but really enjoyed it while I was out. I passed some wonderful Spring gardens, but the pollen recognised me as a victim! I have walking avoidance problems over winter, but now Spring is here it should be easy to get back into routine. I prefer feeling fit and healthy to feeling sluggish, which is how I feel when I don't exercise. We all have different ways of maintaining fitness. Gardening seems to be a popular one for many. When I was working, teaching, I used to swear that was all the fitness I needed. How about you? How do you maintain your fitness? Are you irregular in your fitness habits, as I've become? Or are you one of the healthy individuals of the world?
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18 responses
@LadyDuck (462438)
• Switzerland
6 Oct 15
I like walking and gardening, in winter there is almost nothing you can do in the garden and sometimes walking is a problem. This is the time I go down in the basement to ride my recumbent exercise bike.
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@valmnz (17099)
• New Zealand
6 Oct 15
Most winters I use indoor walking videos off YouTube, but this winter slipped by without the incentive to do so.
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@Jessicalynnt (50525)
• Centralia, Missouri
5 Oct 15
I need to do something about this myself, I know I feel better when I do, I just find it really hard to get motivated to do anything about it.
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@valmnz (17099)
• New Zealand
5 Oct 15
I've been really busy and realised I'd have to give up some of my myLot time if I was going to fit it in.
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• Centralia, Missouri
6 Oct 15
@valmnz yeah, that might be it. I am going to try again to get hubby interested in exercising with me. I really do better when someone is there to hold me accountable
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@valmnz (17099)
• New Zealand
6 Oct 15
@Jessicalynnt when my sister lived nearby we went walking together, and so it was easier to stay on track.
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@allknowing (130704)
• India
6 Oct 15
I take Preiti for a walk in the paved area of our property She insists that it is done every single day. A whimper around 3 in the afternoon is the signal I get. My activities around here I feel are good enough too.
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@allknowing (130704)
• India
6 Oct 15
@valmnz She is disciplined and that is her own doing. Exactly at 4 she wants her snack and that is my time too for a snack
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@valmnz (17099)
• New Zealand
6 Oct 15
You are so lucky to have Preiti as an incentive!
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@sofssu (23662)
6 Oct 15
I have been slack in the last few months.. I need to get back on track..
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@valmnz (17099)
• New Zealand
6 Oct 15
It's probably made easir here for me as summer is approaching. MyLot started taking too much of my time and so this was neglected!
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@sueznewz2 (10409)
• Alicante, Spain
5 Oct 15
I'm quite good at maintaining a good walking routine by way of exercise... and even if I don't, we have a dog that goes out 4 times a day... so that helps.. lol's
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@valmnz (17099)
• New Zealand
5 Oct 15
Oh yes, when we had our dog we walked every day. Now I sometimes slip into lazy habits.
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@sueznewz2 (10409)
• Alicante, Spain
5 Oct 15
@valmnz it's easily done, ....
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@fawkes62 (1276)
• United States
6 Oct 15
I used to exercise regularly, but fell out of the routine. Now I have to get back into the habit, I just have to make the time to get it done. Not sure when I will do that though. Maybe tomorrow.
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@valmnz (17099)
• New Zealand
6 Oct 15
Tomorrow is definitely a popular day for starting an exercise programme
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@fawkes62 (1276)
• United States
7 Oct 15
@valmnz It is, and tomorrow is still looking like a good time to start, though today is not
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@Rollo1 (16679)
• Boston, Massachusetts
5 Oct 15
Fitness is no longer one of my concerns, I am afraid. Today, my cheek bones and my teeth hurt. Sinuses are killing me.
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@valmnz (17099)
• New Zealand
5 Oct 15
You poor thing. Sinus is a problem for me here at the moment too, with all the pollen around.
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@kiran8 (15348)
• Mangalore, India
6 Oct 15
Walking outdoors does put you in a positive frame of mind. I normally walk for an hour in the evenings and the days I miss it, I can see the difference it makes !
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@scheng1 (24650)
• Singapore
6 Oct 15
Walking is part of my routine to keep fit too. It is also due to the fact that most of us do not have our own transport, and we have to walk to the nearest bus stop or MRT station. I think that is good as exercise should come out of our daily routine.
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@valmnz (17099)
• New Zealand
6 Oct 15
Yes, from my short stay in Singapore I can see you would get a lot of walking in that way.
@marlina (154165)
• Canada
5 Oct 15
I walk as often as I can. I have health problems that make it difficult but I do what I can on my good days. Keep walking.
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@valmnz (17099)
• New Zealand
5 Oct 15
It's a good form of free exercise when you can manage it, isn't it.
• Canada
7 Oct 15
Pretty irregular these days, but I like walking, especially when with a friend or two.
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@valmnz (17099)
• New Zealand
7 Oct 15
I mostly walk alone, precious thinking time
@gudheart (12659)
6 Oct 15
I had to try and get back into my exercise routine after my surgery, but I still find it hard as my body seems to be still recovering.
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• United States
6 Oct 15
I definitely fit in the irregular exerciser category. There are parts of me that are screaming for me to move my expansive rear more!
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@valmnz (17099)
• New Zealand
6 Oct 15
Sitting at the computer is probably not all that good for us :-)
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@KristenH (33362)
• Cuyahoga Falls, Ohio
6 Oct 15
Good for you for exercising by walking and gardening. For me, I've been eating healthy foods, walking to my local gym and church, and doing my gym classes for about a year. Right now, I'm taking a break from my classes and will resume later this year and before the holidays.
@salonga (27775)
• Philippines
6 Oct 15
It is always good to stay fit. I do regular 45 minute brisk walking in the morning and also do 30 minute daily workout at home with the help of youtube videos.
@wiLLmaH (8801)
• Singapore, Singapore
6 Oct 15
Husband and I hot the gym on Sundays. And I do some stretching after office every Tuesday and Thursday.
• Mumbai, India
6 Oct 15
I exercise daily. It is to reduce my belly. I do not walk(I am lazy). My only problem is my belly and once it is normal size, I am ok.
• Hyderabad, India
6 Oct 15
hi everyone.we should maintain our fitness by doing right exercises,walking and right food.but sometimes i also feel lazy to do exercises.at that time we should check out our calorie intakeof food.try not eating high carlorie food. try to eat foods with less calorie and more nutrition. i think doing household work is also best form of exercise.