Why is family stuff always so messy!

Boats in Japan
Centralia, Missouri
December 16, 2015 4:46pm CST
I hate family drama, why people cannot just sit down and discuss what needs to be done like rational adults boggles my mind. I want to just sail away and let them go deal with it, because I am just done. No, not getting into details on here, just say that most of us have our opinions but are willing to let that go based on the best interests of the person in question, even if that isn't our first pick of resolutions. But one person refuses to even discuss it, and then throws fits cause she feels left out. I finally told some of the others, she chooses not to participate, she chooses not to have an opinion so ignore her...but it's still causing problems! So annoying!
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19 responses
@Tampa_girl7 (49371)
• United States
17 Dec 15
I think that all families have their drama.
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@Tampa_girl7 (49371)
• United States
17 Dec 15
@Jessicalynnt hopefully tomorrow is better.
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• Centralia, Missouri
17 Dec 15
prob. this is just really getting to me today
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• Centralia, Missouri
18 Dec 15
@Tampa_girl7 oh I didnt talk to any of them today, so no biggie! lol
@just4him (310131)
• Green Bay, Wisconsin
16 Dec 15
Family drama can be a little over the top at times. I hope yours settles down.
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• Centralia, Missouri
17 Dec 15
I have a feeling unless something major shifts, it will not
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• Preston, England
16 Dec 15
been in such situations all too often with my family - hope everything settles down ok for you soon
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• Centralia, Missouri
17 Dec 15
I doubt it, this has been going on for a couple years now regarding the health of a senior and her ability to live alone.... at almost 100 with bad memory, and a tendency to fall. should have been moved into either a home or with one of us, several of us want her, and have the space, but the loudest person is the one who refused to talk about it, then behind everyones back undermines the mental health of the elder and convinced her she needed to stay put. Why she is willing to risk her falling and dying alone I dont know.
3 people like this
• Philippines
17 Dec 15
@Jessicalynnt maybe because deep inside it's really about her
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• Centralia, Missouri
17 Dec 15
@hereandthere she thinks it's about her, likes controlling everything, but from the background, like a spider.
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@lokisdad (4226)
• United States
17 Dec 15
I am not sure because you were so vague but I am guessing that someone you know is a very stubborn mule and then they whine because they do things trying to manipulate the situation and then when they feel left out sometimes they act like big babies.
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@lokisdad (4226)
• United States
18 Dec 15
@Jessicalynnt With problematic people like that you just want to avoid them all together and when they are relatives its hard but try to avoid them at all cost if possible.
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• Centralia, Missouri
18 Dec 15
pretty much, what I dont get is she can have a say, but refuses to participate, then causes problems later because she wasnt consulted, felt left out, or trys to undermind the decisions that were made
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@softbabe44 (5816)
• Vancouver, Washington
17 Dec 15
I can understand family drama no one wants to deal with.
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• Centralia, Missouri
18 Dec 15
no kidding right, sometimes want to throw up my hands and walk away
@JudyEv (328095)
• Rockingham, Australia
17 Dec 15
Lucky we can choose our friend 'cause we're stuck with our rellies.
2 people like this
• United States
17 Dec 15
@JudyEv Actually you can divorce them...we moved 800 miles away and it does cut down on lots of problems.
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• Centralia, Missouri
17 Dec 15
no kidding....
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@JudyEv (328095)
• Rockingham, Australia
17 Dec 15
@LoriAMoore I can think of a few I'd like to divorce!
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@patgalca (18208)
• Orangeville, Ontario
17 Dec 15
Family drama, non-family drama, whichever, it's not fun. I would like to disappear and get away from the drama. Something I always say is, "Why can't we all just get along?" That's not just here but in the whole world.
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• Centralia, Missouri
18 Dec 15
I just want people to sit down, like adults, and make a decision, even if we dont all agree, something must change.
@sishy7 (27169)
• Australia
17 Dec 15
I have to second @platespinner here... One thing that my sister is most jealous of me is the fact that I live overseas and don't have to deal with family dramas the way she has to...
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• Centralia, Missouri
18 Dec 15
I am far enough away I cant really help, but everyone talks to me to some extent, I tend to be the rational one that just wants to get things done, not get all emo and angsty about it
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• Centralia, Missouri
18 Dec 15
@Ketage not healthy, but some really do
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@Ketage (56)
• Zagreb, Croatia (Hrvatska)
17 Dec 15
Sounds like a typical family to me, I think most families have one or two people in them that love drama.
@BelleStarr (61047)
• United States
17 Dec 15
I refuse to be dragged into family drama. I just won't do it, there is no winning.
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• Centralia, Missouri
18 Dec 15
I can do that, to a point, but I really care about the elder in question here...
1 person likes this
• United States
17 Dec 15
We moved 800 miles form family just to avoid things like this. But unfortunately now they send letters....ugh.
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• Centralia, Missouri
18 Dec 15
hahah, well letters aren't immediate at least.
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@Drosophila (16573)
• Ireland
17 Dec 15
I have a few mad ones in my family. I try to just avoid them. Unfortunately, there's no cut the ties completely, and for better for worse we're kinda stuck with them. Hope the situation works out eventually!
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@Drosophila (16573)
• Ireland
19 Dec 15
@Jessicalynnt maybe you could all do a vote and make a decision.
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• Centralia, Missouri
19 Dec 15
@Drosophila she would refuse to vote and then talk the elder out of whatever the decision is. I wish we were close enough to just live there.
• Centralia, Missouri
18 Dec 15
Me too, before someone is injured
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@poehere (15126)
• French Polynesia
17 Dec 15
I have always called this family dynamics. Every family has it and there is no escape to this problems. So you either shrug it off as family dynamics or you get frustrated at the outcome. I love to shake it off as family dynamices.
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• Centralia, Missouri
18 Dec 15
family dynamites maybe lol
@poehere (15126)
• French Polynesia
18 Dec 15
@Jessicalynnt I do believe it is the perfect way to explain on the fuss that goes on in a family. It seems to be a general description and a catch all for what happens. Now I just laugh when it happens in my family and look at them and say wow family dynamics how fun.
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@paigea (35974)
• Canada
17 Dec 15
Families can cause a lot of grief. I know.
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• Centralia, Missouri
18 Dec 15
I swear they know our buttons and jam them for funsies
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@fishtiger58 (29823)
• Momence, Illinois
17 Dec 15
Nothing worse than family drama. Hope you can all resolve the drama in question.
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• Centralia, Missouri
18 Dec 15
@enlightenedpsych2 ima have to try that!
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@fishtiger58 (29823)
• Momence, Illinois
17 Dec 15
@Jessicalynnt That is a bummer. Hope you have a Merry Christmas.
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@Sreekala (34312)
• India
17 Dec 15
When there is issues arises among the family, it really taken out of all people's peace. What I felt, it should be discussed among family people and solve as soon as possible.
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• Centralia, Missouri
18 Dec 15
I would like that to happen, I am willing to bet it wont
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@cherigucchi (14876)
• Philippines
17 Dec 15
I think nobody likes it but it surely happens
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• Centralia, Missouri
17 Dec 15
to some degree yeah all families have it I guess
@LeaPea2417 (36684)
• Toccoa, Georgia
17 Dec 15
And I thought I was the only one, LOL, my teenage son is a slob. My husband and I get onto him daily about it.
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• Centralia, Missouri
18 Dec 15
lol nope, then again that's the job of a teenager, be annoying lol
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• United States
17 Dec 15
Family drama is pretty common I think. It's annoying and I can relate to what you say
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• Centralia, Missouri
18 Dec 15
It really is and sad that is it thus
@MALUSE (69388)
• Germany
17 Dec 15
My husband envies me the few relatives I have who live far away. His family competes for the first prize in drama.
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• Centralia, Missouri
18 Dec 15
distance does not always help sadly