Whoo Hoo

@simone10 (54189)
Louisville, Kentucky
January 7, 2016 4:26am CST
I am a little bit excited this morning, can you tell? My brother and I started a healthier lifestyle yesterday which means we are eating healthier. I got up this morning and one of the first things I did was to weigh. I know, I should only weigh once a week but I am a scale-a-holic because I have to weigh everyday. Anyway, I am 3.4 pounds lighter this morning! I know it's mainly water loss but that's okay with me. It was definitely worth feeling a little hungry yesterday. I had no idea that I had been snacking that much lately until I stopped it all together except for eating fruit yesterday. I figure it will take a couple of days to get into this healthy snacking habit and I won't get hungry anymore. I am having more than enough to eat, it's just that my body is craving the snacks. So, here's to another day of healthy eating.
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15 responses
@BluestEye (226)
• India
7 Jan 16
So you are saying quitting fast food and eating fruits instead is the way to a skinny belly?
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@simone10 (54189)
• Louisville, Kentucky
10 Jan 16
No, not completely. Quitting the fast food...yes. We are cooking at home and try to bake or grill instead of fry. We are watching our portion sizes and eating more fruits and veggies.
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• India
10 Jan 16
@simone10 good i wish to know more? Is it working out rapidly?
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@simone10 (54189)
• Louisville, Kentucky
11 Jan 16
@BluestEye It is for me because I have lost 9 pounds so far and it won't be a week until Wednesday. 9 pounds is a little too much to lose in a week so I may have to adjust my calories a little if it continues.
@Morleyhunt (21748)
• Canada
7 Jan 16
Good luck with the healthy eating and weight loss. That is also one of my goals.
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@simone10 (54189)
• Louisville, Kentucky
10 Jan 16
My top priority is eating healthy and trying to exercise more. If I happen to lose weight also, then that is icing on the cake. That's why I was so surprised to find out I had lost 3 pounds. I wish you well with your healthy eating goals.
@celticeagle (161163)
• Boise, Idaho
7 Jan 16
How exciting! When I went into for my annual check up last year I was five pounds lighter and I sure felt excited. Hope have as good of news this time too.
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@celticeagle (161163)
• Boise, Idaho
10 Jan 16
@simone10 ...I was really surprised cause I hadn't been trying or dieting at all.
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@simone10 (54189)
• Louisville, Kentucky
10 Jan 16
That is great that you lost 5 pounds! I would have been excited too.
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@simone10 (54189)
• Louisville, Kentucky
11 Jan 16
@celticeagle Those are the best kinds of weight loss, when you don't know what you did but you lose weight anyway.
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@amnabas (13742)
• Karachi, Pakistan
7 Jan 16
It's good to start healthier diet than munching snacks.
3 people like this
• United States
7 Jan 16
congrats!! healthy lifestyle changes that one can stick to're awesome. lots'f times we've a cravin' fer sweets 'n such - jest our bodies tellin' us we're missin' some nutritients. there's charts actually which tell ya what yer body needs versus what we usually feed it (aka: salty chips, chocolate, etc). doin' the happy dance fer ya! jest don't fret if'n ya fall off the wagon, so to speak. indulgence'n moderation aint a bad thingy 'fter all :)
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@simone10 (54189)
• Louisville, Kentucky
10 Jan 16
You are so right. Cravings are our body's way of telling us we are missing something. Just like chocolate cravings can mean you are low in magnesium.
1 person likes this
• United States
10 Jan 16
@simone10 i reckon one could partake'n a chocolate covered naner, jest to be sure to cover all bases, eh? big hugs!
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@simone10 (54189)
• Louisville, Kentucky
11 Jan 16
@crazyhorseladycx Oops, darn typo. I meant to say low in 'magnesium'. Whenever I feel an uncontrollable craving for chocolate, I just take a magnesium supplement. It works like a charm.
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@ria1606roy (2797)
• Kolkata, India
8 Jan 16
At first it will be difficult to keep up with the healthy diet, but you'll get used to it soon! Keep losing weight as much necessary good luck!
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@simone10 (54189)
• Louisville, Kentucky
10 Jan 16
It hasn't been too bad but I have enjoyed eating healthier.
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• Kolkata, India
10 Jan 16
@simone10 that is good!
@BelleStarr (61047)
• United States
8 Jan 16
Well done you, that is a nice little weight loss but most importantly you are eating healthy.
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@simone10 (54189)
• Louisville, Kentucky
10 Jan 16
Yes, that's the most important thing.
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@marlina (154165)
• Canada
7 Jan 16
Don't make the mistake of cutting too drastically. Just ease into it. And move more.
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@simone10 (54189)
• Louisville, Kentucky
10 Jan 16
I'm not really trying to cut calories, just watching portion control. I think most of what I have lost so far is just fluid as I was feeling pretty bloated.
@LadyDuck (462753)
• Switzerland
7 Jan 16
Do not try to lose too much weight in a short time. Do it a very little at a time.
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@LadyDuck (462753)
• Switzerland
10 Jan 16
@simone10 The body needs to adjust to the new weight, a little bit at a time, it's also better for the skin not to lose too much weight in a short time.
@simone10 (54189)
• Louisville, Kentucky
10 Jan 16
I'm actually not trying just eating healthier and it's just coming off pretty quick this time. It may have to do with the medication I am on. I do know that I shouldn't continue to lose too quickly or I might need to see the doctor.
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@gudheart (12659)
7 Jan 16
That is great. You are doing well :D
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@simone10 (54189)
• Louisville, Kentucky
10 Jan 16
Thank you! I'm really trying to eat a lot healthier.
@IvySaysHi (4467)
• United States
8 Jan 16
That is awesome! It really does help to have someone else in the same boat with you in trying to do stuff for the better. Keep it up I am sure you will drop more in no time!
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@simone10 (54189)
• Louisville, Kentucky
10 Jan 16
Thank you and you are right, it does help that my brother is in this with me.
@garymarsh6 (23402)
• United Kingdom
7 Jan 16
Peel some carrots and keep them handy in the fridge they are filling and good for you! Fresh fruit diced up is also quite good and cucumber! Keep at it and you will reap the benefits.
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@simone10 (54189)
• Louisville, Kentucky
10 Jan 16
Thanks Gary! We have all kinds of fruit and veggies to snack on when we get hungry.
@PainsOnSlate (21854)
• Canada
7 Jan 16
Good for you!! Keep it up... Anyone can lose weight if they are willing to change their habits. its hard to change old habits. Stick with it and you will be happy and healthier.
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@simone10 (54189)
• Louisville, Kentucky
10 Jan 16
That's the thing, changing our habits. It can be difficult but it's so worth it in the long run. And if you happen to lose weight in the process, it's even better.
• Kingston, Pennsylvania
8 Jan 16
After having 2 kids I went on healthy diet I dropped 25 pounds it is a lot of work and must stick to eat but everywhere u go is food you shouldn't have that what makes it harder. Takes a lot of courage and strenghth stick to it everything will be good ??
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@simone10 (54189)
• Louisville, Kentucky
8 Jan 16
So far, it has been easier than I thought. I did have a day when I was hungry all day but I just trudged through it and tried to eat fruit if I was hungry.
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@whiteream (8567)
• United States
8 Jan 16
way to go keep up the good work before you know it, it will be a habit and will not be so hard anymore.
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@simone10 (54189)
• Louisville, Kentucky
10 Jan 16
It's already starting to be a habit. We are just watching portions and that makes a big difference.