Butterflies In My Stomach

@fishtiger58 (29823)
Momence, Illinois
February 12, 2016 8:10am CST
Last night my youngest son called me from school. Many of you know he is attending Grad school at Michigan State University to get his PhD in Astrophysics. 3 1/2 years to go. He was pretty excited to share his news with me. After hearing his news, while I am excited for him, my stomach is in knots. The university is sending him to Crete this summer, to attend a Physics Conference, for one week. He will be traveling alone, but he does know a couple of people from another university who will be attending as well. He has checked flights and told me he will either land in Athens for a 6 hour layover or London for a 7 hour layover. Wow really. So he plans on checking out the area he will be landing at as he has a lot of time on his hands. He is a grown man but he is still my baby baby, my littlest fella, my brat baby, and all the other names I have called him over the years. I am worried sick. My stomach is doing flip flops. With all the terrorism and such going on in this world I would so prefer him to stay in the US. I have told him I would prefer he land in London. I have a friend who lives in Greece and she said it's pretty bad there with all the problems with national debt and such. People there are getting desperate. She also told me that tourists are at greater risk because of the problems they are having there. OMG I really didn't need to know this. Of course last night I had to voice my worries and being a man my son said " Oh mom I love you and it will be fine." I wish I could feel the same. Please everyone if you are one who prays say one for the safety of my son. It's the over protective mom in me that is having a difficult time with all this. I hardly slept last night. Couldn't get this out of my head. He will be going to Crete in June. I wish it was July right now and my son was home and safe. The photo I have here is my son when he graduated from Purdue University in May of 2014.
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30 responses
@AnneEJ (4917)
• Dollard-Des-Ormeaux, Quebec
12 Feb 16
That is a great honour for your son, but I can understand how you feel. Even though mine have been away from home for years, I am still concerned about them when they travel. I am sure he is well able to take care of himself, but "once a mother, always a mother."
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@fishtiger58 (29823)
• Momence, Illinois
12 Feb 16
Very true I can't take the mom out of my name. They will always be my babies no matter how old they get. Both my sons just think I'm silly lol.
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• United States
12 Feb 16
I'm a praying person so I'll be praying for a safe trip for your son. Yes, we moms never quite stop worrying about our kids no matter how old they are.
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@fishtiger58 (29823)
• Momence, Illinois
12 Feb 16
No we don't and the worries get bigger too.
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@Hatley (163781)
• Garden Grove, California
13 Feb 16
I will pray that he is s afe and enjoys his stay and will come home with lotso f stories to tell about his time there
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@fishtiger58 (29823)
• Momence, Illinois
13 Feb 16
Thanks so much.
@marlina (154165)
• Canada
12 Feb 16
First of all, you should be so proud of your son. I know it is difficult not to worry but try to relax a bit, otherwise you will make yourself sick.
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@fishtiger58 (29823)
• Momence, Illinois
12 Feb 16
I am so full of pride of him I could burst. I know the worry is not good, glad I am not normally to much of a worry wart. Where my kids are concerned I'm am not always logical.
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@jaboUK (64360)
• United Kingdom
12 Feb 16
Don't worry, just be glad for him. It's a great opportunity for him. At least you will benefit from modern day communications. When my son (and daughter) started travelling 25 years ago they didn't even have mobile phones. They would just disappear and sometimes I would only have a vague idea of where they were. So count yourself lucky.
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@jaboUK (64360)
• United Kingdom
12 Feb 16
@fishtiger58 They survived, and I did too!
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@fishtiger58 (29823)
• Momence, Illinois
12 Feb 16
wow yea I would have been wreaked. Thanks,
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@fishtiger58 (29823)
• Momence, Illinois
12 Feb 16
@jaboUK Really good to know,.
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@Ladypeace (2028)
• Singapore
12 Feb 16
Your anxiety is completely natural since your baby is an outstanding young man. You must be immensely proud of him. Keep in constant touch with him whenever possible while he is on his trip - maybe that will help ease your worries a little.
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@fishtiger58 (29823)
• Momence, Illinois
12 Feb 16
I sure plan too. Thanks for your kind words. I am very proud of him, he is my everything. I know he has to do these things for his degree but being a mom I just want him home here safe with me forever.
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@Ladypeace (2028)
• Singapore
12 Feb 16
@fishtiger58 I have no qualms he'll take good care of himself because of your care and precaution. In no time, you will see him back safe and sound and he'd share with you the amazing things he had seen and done.
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@fishtiger58 (29823)
• Momence, Illinois
12 Feb 16
@Ladypeace I sure hope so it's going to be a long few months of worry for me, I know I have to get over this.
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@mommaj (23112)
• United States
15 Feb 16
Mine are still young, but I understand the feeling of not wanting them to be out of your sight or in harm's way. He's probably more aware of the world than you think he is. Trust that he will be fine. The school wouldn't send him if they thought there was going to be a problem. After all, you could hold them liable. I hope you make it through that week and he has fun while he learns.
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@mommaj (23112)
• United States
15 Feb 16
@fishtiger58 I feel for you. I don't know what to tell you to make you feel better.
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@fishtiger58 (29823)
• Momence, Illinois
15 Feb 16
@mommaj Nothing really, I going to worry no matter what I'm afraid.
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@fishtiger58 (29823)
• Momence, Illinois
15 Feb 16
He does't even go until June, so lots of worry ahead for me. I know he's a grown man but I still worry. If something goes wrong I'm a long ways away that scares me a lot.
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@BelleStarr (61047)
• United States
13 Feb 16
As parents we never stop worrying however as long as he is not going to go partying and I don't think he is, he should be safe to see the tourist sites. He may want to hire a guide however to maximize his time.
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@BelleStarr (61047)
• United States
15 Feb 16
@fishtiger58 Exactly, my oldest son was in the Navy for 5 years and I was in a constant state of worry!!
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@fishtiger58 (29823)
• Momence, Illinois
16 Feb 16
@BelleStarr I bet you were, I'm so grateful my sons didn't go into the service.
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@fishtiger58 (29823)
• Momence, Illinois
13 Feb 16
He thinks I worry to much, but what does he know he's not a mom lol.
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@DWDavis (25806)
• United States
12 Feb 16
Our youngest is heading to Austria for a week next month to visit his girlfriend during Spring Break, she's studying there this semester, and we share some of your concerns about the situation over there in Europe. We will pray for the safety of all the folks who live in and travel to Europe in these trying times.
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@fishtiger58 (29823)
• Momence, Illinois
12 Feb 16
Thanks hope your child stays safe and gets home safely as well.
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@LadyDuck (462422)
• Switzerland
12 Feb 16
I can understand that you are worried, but I would like to reassure you a bit. If there is an airport I would skip is exactly London. Greece is not a terrorist target, while big cities like Paris and London are. Greece has an internal problem, but I have friends who have vacationed last month in Greece and they had no problems at all. Relax, Europe is no more dangerous than the United States.
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@LadyDuck (462422)
• Switzerland
12 Feb 16
@fishtiger58 Cretans are very hospitable people. Santorini, Crete, Rhodes, and Corfu are all safe places, tell him just to avoid to go to Athens, it's the only big city where he can encounter some problems.
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@fishtiger58 (29823)
• Momence, Illinois
12 Feb 16
Oh I'm sure you are quite right about Europe not being any more dangerous than the US. It's the distance, I can't get to him quickly to help. I am glad you told me about London and Greece, that is something I hadn't thought about. Thanks so much for pointing this out to me. Any other advice you could give would be great and calming for my nerves. Thanks.
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@fishtiger58 (29823)
• Momence, Illinois
12 Feb 16
@LadyDuck I will and his two layovers are Athens and London. Which would you prefer to land at. If his layover was less I know he would stay at the airport but with 6 or 7 hours he plans on doing a bit of sightseeing.
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• United States
12 Feb 16
He'll be fine although you probably won't believe it until he is safe and sound back home again.
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• United States
12 Feb 16
@fishtiger58 But you will think about it anyway....
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@fishtiger58 (29823)
• Momence, Illinois
12 Feb 16
@AbbyGreenhill Yes I will, with every good intention to not think about it
@fishtiger58 (29823)
• Momence, Illinois
12 Feb 16
Home again safe is key for me. I just have to quit thinking about it.
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@TheHorse (208674)
• Walnut Creek, California
15 Feb 16
If he has a Ph.D. in Astrophysics, I reckon he's a grown man. A mother's love is a wonderful thing, but I wouldn't worry. And his safety doesn't follow the inverse-square law, like gravity does, re: his physical distance from you. Heh.
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@fishtiger58 (29823)
• Momence, Illinois
15 Feb 16
Well he has a few years to get the PhD, this May he will have his Masters Degree and then 3 more years to the PhD. He will be 24 in July, it's really yes the physical distance that has me scared.
@GrannyGee (3517)
• Louisburg, North Carolina
17 Feb 16
I understand exactly what you are describing ... how your stomach feels. I do pray that your son will stay safe and sound ... I mean that sincerely with my Heart. I lost my son and I know how it feels ... before I did ... I worried too. I feel for what you go through and can tell how much your son means to you. Take care.
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@GrannyGee (3517)
• Louisburg, North Carolina
18 Feb 16
@fishtiger58 Mothers do worry no matter what ... no matter how old. That's why mothers are so special ... nothing is as powerful as a mother's love.
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@fishtiger58 (29823)
• Momence, Illinois
18 Feb 16
@GrannyGee So very true. Don't you hurt my sons, it could get very ugly. I would gladly die to save my sons.
@fishtiger58 (29823)
• Momence, Illinois
17 Feb 16
Thanks so much, I do remember you had lost your son. I'm sure he will be fine, he's a smart guy, but mom's worry.
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@biikiki (197)
• Nyeri, Kenya
13 Feb 16
his not my son but am already proud of him stop worrying
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@fishtiger58 (29823)
• Momence, Illinois
13 Feb 16
Thanks so much, I try not to worry but it's almost impossible for me not to.
@fishtiger58 (29823)
• Momence, Illinois
13 Feb 16
@biikiki It most certainly is
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@biikiki (197)
• Nyeri, Kenya
13 Feb 16
@fishtiger58 we are mothers its in our DNA
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@Blondie2222 (28611)
• United States
13 Feb 16
I would worry too especially being so far away. I'm sure he will be fine and hopefully he will check in each day with you so you know he is safe.
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@fishtiger58 (29823)
• Momence, Illinois
14 Feb 16
I think he must check in everyday he is well aware of my concern. Thanks so much.
@katsmeow1213 (28717)
• United States
13 Feb 16
That's a great opportunity for him. I know you will still worry, as I always worry about my kids still. Let us know how it goes.
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@fishtiger58 (29823)
• Momence, Illinois
13 Feb 16
I sure will thanks so much
@simone10 (54189)
• Louisville, Kentucky
13 Feb 16
I am a mother myself so I can understand how you are feeling. I feel that way whenever my daughter goes to India for missionary work. I just have to place it all in God's hands. I will pray that your son has a safe trip.
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@fishtiger58 (29823)
• Momence, Illinois
13 Feb 16
Thanks so much the more prayers the better.
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14 Feb 16
i understand your fears, but it is also a wonderful opportunity for your child. everything will work out fine.
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@fishtiger58 (29823)
• Momence, Illinois
14 Feb 16
It's a fantastic opportunity for him, and while I'm excited for him, I still worry. Thanks so much.
@PainsOnSlate (21854)
• Canada
14 Feb 16
We all worry about our kids no matter their age. Ours are in their 30 and 40's now and we still give them advice. The only advice they appreciate is the financial advice, because we have more experience but the rest just goes over their heads. I know how you feel. I will put him in my thoughts and prayers.
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@fishtiger58 (29823)
• Momence, Illinois
14 Feb 16
Thanks so much Marilyn he needs all the prayers he can get.
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@DianneN (247204)
• United States
14 Feb 16
Your son should definitely attend this conference. It is a huge honor and will look great on his resume. Both my sons gallavanted around Europe. One at age 16 with his private high school, and my older son at 19 when he studied in Paris. London and Greece are beautiful countries. My son loved Crete. I know you are nervous, but you have to worry silently, as I do. My older son is driving through France and Italy with his wife in May, and I let my baby go to Ireland, Paris, etc. with his girlfriend last summer. Did I worry? Will I worry? Of course, but I didn't let it ruin their trips. Mothers are the worst! Lol!
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@fishtiger58 (29823)
• Momence, Illinois
15 Feb 16
I am worried and there's not a lot I can do to not worry. It is a great opportunity for him, and I'm so proud he was chosen to go. There were others that could have been asked to go but my boy was the one. Everything he does and every opportunity is all I want for him, but he will forever and always be my baby baby, my youngest son, I worry and can't do a thing about it. But I will take your advice and worry in silence hard as that may be.