Monday is Pi Day!

@moffittjc (119018)
Gainesville, Florida
March 13, 2016 9:11am CST
Tomorrow, on Monday, March 14th, we will celebrate Pi Day. You remember Pi from school, don't you? You know, 3.141592654... We Americans celebrate Pi Day on March 14th because when you write out the date numerically (3/14), it equals the start of Pi. Hmmm...I wonder if other countries celebrate Pi Day? Because of America's backwardness in writing out dates (we say our dates month/day/year, while the rest of the world uses day/month/year), it works for us. But it doesn't quite work when you say your dates in the correct order: 14/3/16! Anyhoo, there will be plenty of pies bought and consumed tomorrow in honor of Pi Day. My son is bringing one in to school, as his math teacher is giving extra credit to anyone who brings in a pie. At my work, we have an annual pie judging contest on Pi Day. Everyone brings in a pie, and then everybody samples and votes on their favorite pie. Are you doing anything special to celebrate Pi Day tomorrow?
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16 responses
@Asylum (47893)
• Manchester, England
13 Mar 16
The day has never been recognised here in England, although I was aware of it. It would have seemed more appropriate to celebrate it on 22nd July, which would provide a more accurate figure. By the way, do not eat all those pies or I will never be able to calculate the area of a circle again.
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@moffittjc (119018)
• Gainesville, Florida
13 Mar 16
If I eat all those pies, I will be in the shape of a large circle, and then they can calculate the area of my girth using Pi! I'm not sure I follow your 22nd July reasoning. Can you explain?
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@Asylum (47893)
• Manchester, England
13 Mar 16
@moffittjc Pi was often referred to by the fraction of 22 over 7, so 22/7 would be a fair representation.
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@moffittjc (119018)
• Gainesville, Florida
13 Mar 16
@Asylum That makes perfect sense! Obviously, I didn't pay much attention in school! lol
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@just4him (310128)
• Green Bay, Wisconsin
14 Mar 16
Very interesting. I never associated Pi with Pie before. Makes sense though. What kind of pie is your son taking to school?
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@moffittjc (119018)
• Gainesville, Florida
15 Mar 16
He took in a pecan pie. I won't lie, I didn't bake it! We went to the grocery store and bought one from the bakery! lol
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@just4him (310128)
• Green Bay, Wisconsin
15 Mar 16
@moffittjc I love pecan. I haven't had it in a while.
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@just4him (310128)
• Green Bay, Wisconsin
16 Mar 16
@moffittjc I'd have to pass on the pumpkin unless it's the nobake pumpkin which is delicious.
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@LadyDuck (461940)
• Switzerland
13 Mar 16
No, we do not celebrate pi-day, because for us tomorrow is 14/3/2016.
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@LadyDuck (461940)
• Switzerland
14 Mar 16
@moffittjc No, because April has only 30 days.
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@moffittjc (119018)
• Gainesville, Florida
15 Mar 16
@LadyDuck Darn it Anna, you are too smart for me! I was testing to see if you knew that April only has 30 days! You passed the test!
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@moffittjc (119018)
• Gainesville, Florida
13 Mar 16
Would you celebrate Pi day on the 31st of April (31/4)?
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@sol_cee (38221)
• Philippines
14 Mar 16
Egg pie for me please. And oh Life of Pi is good.
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@moffittjc (119018)
• Gainesville, Florida
15 Mar 16
How does egg pie taste? I've never heard of it before. Is it a dish that is popular in Fiji?
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@moffittjc (119018)
• Gainesville, Florida
15 Mar 16
@sol_cee I don't even know what egg pie is! haha
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@sol_cee (38221)
• Philippines
15 Mar 16
@moffittjc You don't serve egg pie on Pi Day?
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• United States
13 Mar 16
Pi Day is also my daughter's birthday, which is more significant to me.
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@moffittjc (119018)
• Gainesville, Florida
13 Mar 16
Yes, I would agree, much more significant to celebrate her birthday over Pi day! Or, you could kill two birds with one stone by baking a pie for her birthday!
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• United States
14 Mar 16
@moffittjc Cute, but she lives in Oklahoma and I am in California. She will have to get her own pie.
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@moffittjc (119018)
• Gainesville, Florida
15 Mar 16
@ElizabethWallace Oh yeah, I remember you telling me about her moving to Oklahoma. Well, in Oklahoma, pies are as American as...well, as American as apple pie! So there's probably a good chance she had some pie today! lol
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@JudyEv (328093)
• Rockingham, Australia
14 Mar 16
It isn't celebrated here as far as I know because the date thing wouldn't work for starters. But oh, how I wish we did! Maybe Vince will make me a pie for tea if I ask nicely.
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@moffittjc (119018)
• Gainesville, Florida
3 Apr 16
@ramapo17 I was such a big tea drinker in my younger years, but for some reason I'm not a big fan of it right now. Somewhere over the past few years I switched from being a tea drinker to a coffee drinker. Not sure why, but coffee is my big thing right now.
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@moffittjc (119018)
• Gainesville, Florida
15 Mar 16
It surely wouldn't hurt to ask!
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@ramapo17 (30441)
• Melbourne, Florida
3 Apr 16
@JudyEv I love pie or cake with tea. I drink tea every single day. At least one cup every morning and who knows how many will follow that day.
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• United States
14 Mar 16
Oh boy! There is nothing better than pie. When I am asked what kind of cake I want for my birthday, I ask for pie. Perhaps tomorrow will be the day when I make a pie for just me and the hubby. Nothing too fancy. Maybe just a chocolate cream pie. Yum.
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• United States
15 Mar 16
@moffittjc I haven't made it in a while. Didn't get around to making one today. Oh well, there is always tomorrow.
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@moffittjc (119018)
• Gainesville, Florida
15 Mar 16
It's been a very long time since I've had a chocolate cream pie! I wish I could have some right now!
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@ramapo17 (30441)
• Melbourne, Florida
20 Mar 16
@moffittjc Ohhhh, me too. I can't remember the last time I had that. That is easy enough to make or better yet to go to a bakery and buy. Either way, I can taste it already.
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@Marcyaz (35316)
• United States
13 Mar 16
Nope not doing anything as I didn't know about this day.
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@moffittjc (119018)
• Gainesville, Florida
13 Mar 16
But it would be a great day to enjoy some pie! Actually, any day is a good day to enjoy some pie! lol
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@quantum2020 (12040)
• Ciudad De Mexico, Mexico
9 Apr 16
They don´t celebrate Pi on my country, I wish they would since it is an interesting number! and it is also related to Albert Einstein´s birthday and gravitational waves. Celebrating Pi induces children to be more interested ii mathematics.
@quantum2020 (12040)
• Ciudad De Mexico, Mexico
10 Apr 16
@moffittjc Yes, that would be a great idea!
@moffittjc (119018)
• Gainesville, Florida
10 Apr 16
You could always be the one to start the tradition in your country!
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@ramapo17 (30441)
• Melbourne, Florida
20 Apr 16
@quantum2020 You could start something new in your country.
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• United States
13 Mar 16
I prefer PIE day myself.
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• United States
13 Mar 16
@moffittjc no, some days we should eat cake instead!
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@moffittjc (119018)
• Gainesville, Florida
13 Mar 16
@AbbyGreenhill Yes! It's always fun to mix it up a little bit! Eat a pie here, eat a cake there! Eat a truffle here, eat a cupcake there! hahaha I would have no problem mixing up my daily desserts!
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@moffittjc (119018)
• Gainesville, Florida
13 Mar 16
Any day is a good day to enjoy some pie! We don't need a special day for that, although we'd all be in the shape of a pie if we ate pie every day!
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@boiboing (13153)
• Northampton, England
13 Mar 16
It's my wedding anniversary - but we don't think of it as pi day for the reason you mention.
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@moffittjc (119018)
• Gainesville, Florida
13 Mar 16
Happy Anniversary! How many years have you been married now?
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@moffittjc (119018)
• Gainesville, Florida
13 Mar 16
@boiboing Congratulations! I was married to my wife for 8 years before we got divorced, but we are still best friends to this day! I guess we were much better at being friends than we were at being married! lol My parents will celebrate their 50th wedding anniversary this year! I can't believe it's been that long, but those two are like peas in a pod! They make a great team!
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@ramapo17 (30441)
• Melbourne, Florida
16 Mar 16
I never heard of Pi day. What is the reason for this? My husband never heard of it either. Is it something from the south?
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@moffittjc (119018)
• Gainesville, Florida
18 Mar 16
I think it's more of a math/geek thing than anything. Pi is a mathematical term used to calculate the area of a circle. Pi equals 3.14, and Monday was 3/14, so every March 14 people celebrate Pi Day. It started off years ago as a math joke but seems to be catching on with more and more people every year. I think it is just an excuse to eat pie! lol
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@ramapo17 (30441)
• Melbourne, Florida
18 Mar 16
@moffittjc I remember the term but never researched it. I don't need an excuse to eat pie, though. Hahaha.
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@moffittjc (119018)
• Gainesville, Florida
19 Mar 16
@ramapo17 I'm with you on that! I don't need any excuse to eat pie either!
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@Lucky15 (37346)
• Philippines
14 Mar 16
i just remember one of the things that I am not into in High school i would love to have PIE though
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@moffittjc (119018)
• Gainesville, Florida
15 Mar 16
I loved PI when I was in high school, and I love PIE now! So it's a win-win for me! lol
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@VivaLaDani13 (60716)
• Perth, Australia
21 Apr 16
I totally stayed in my room and worked on math equations that day.
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@moffittjc (119018)
• Gainesville, Florida
23 Apr 16
Advanced Calculus? Or Trigonometry?
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@moffittjc (119018)
• Gainesville, Florida
24 Apr 16
@VivaLaDani13 A girl after my own heart! Math was my favorite subject in school! I even kept taking advanced math classes in college, even though they weren't required for my degree!
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• Perth, Australia
23 Apr 16
@moffittjc Puh-lease. That's easy stuff!
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@cindiowens (5120)
• North Myrtle Beach, South Carolina
28 Apr 16
Oh wow. I totally missed it this year. What was I doing???
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@moffittjc (119018)
• Gainesville, Florida
28 Apr 16
I'm pretty sure you weren't eating pie! LOL
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@moffittjc (119018)
• Gainesville, Florida
28 Apr 16
@cindiowens Now you have to wait another year until Pi Day comes around again! You should have a pie eating contest at your work next year on Pi Day! We do that at my work!
• North Myrtle Beach, South Carolina
28 Apr 16
@moffittjc Lol, I guess not. I just checked my schedule, I was at work all day. (And I have witnesses.)
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@Oren743 (64)
27 Apr 16
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