Do you believe that aliens exists?

@ko31024 (492)
Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia
March 20, 2016 1:24am CST
Do you believe that aliens exists? i don't actually think aliens exist i don't why that's just my opinion tho i think the ghost exists
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14 responses
@inertia4 (27961)
• United States
27 May 16
Yes, they do exist. This is a fact. A hidden fact though. But they are out there and here as well. We have to be ignorant to think there is no other life form anywhere else. It is only common sense. With the vast universe we live in, it only makes sense.
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@akalinus (41635)
• United States
21 Mar 16
Yes, I do believe aliens exist. Some of them are my neighbors. Others are in congress or other high places.
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@ElicBxn (63307)
• United States
20 Jul 16
I believe that life, of some form, exists on other planets - pretty sure they aren't visiting us...
@LdeL0318 (6402)
• Philippines
20 Mar 16
I actually think they exists. Though I can only confirm my thoughts once I saw them.
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@Lazyblogs (494)
• Chandigarh, India
20 Mar 16
Aliens do exist . But to what extent their existence affects us is minimal
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• Canada
20 Mar 16
I do believe something out there exists, intelligent life form like us do, the galaxy is limitless so i have a belief that there are some other life forms out there. maybe not specifically the "Aliens" we all think of though.
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@johndur (3052)
• Pasig, Philippines
30 Mar 16
Im pretty much sure that there is something out there way beyond our skies that existed. Just think of billions of planets out there. Its impossible that with all those planets out there and earth is the only one having lifeforms. Even God the creator lives somewhere out there.
@AkamaruKei (5219)
• Malaysia
1 May 16
Yep they exists but only in the movie.
• Philippines
20 May 16
I think they do. There are lots of documentaries about the aliens and their existence on Earth. They are the award winning documentaries as well.
@sol_cee (38221)
• Philippines
26 Apr 16
Space is too big. Surely there are other life forms out there.
@JESSY3236 (19393)
• United States
27 May 16
I don't think they exist. My mother thinks they do. I used to think ghosts exist though.
@Angel_15 (670)
• Manila, Philippines
21 Mar 16
I believe aliens do exist. Scientists have actually found primitive life forms in other planets, so a higher life form is definitely possible. Aside from that, if you think about how big the universe is, it would seem naive to think that we're the only intelligent creatures alive.
• India
20 Mar 16
@ko31024 I do not know about ghosts. But i think alien exists because universe is infinite and more than trillion solar system is there like alien must be there. You also heard about aliens stories..that some people experience aliens and saw a UFO.
• Dublin, Ireland
26 Apr 16
After many years of studying the subject I would say that yes, aliens do definitely exist. If you'd like to know more about the subject, I would suggest looking up "The Disclosure Project 2001" on youtube, in which over 100 ex military and government officials testify to the reality of their existence.