Missing already...!

@snurgr (147)
Mumbai, India
April 6, 2016 4:50am CST
Ive joined mylot recently and loved the entire experience wherein people just share.. some their fight with life.. some their daily experience .. some there hourly experience.. i like reading more than writing and comment where i think i can contribute to the conversation.. ive been out of action for 4 to 5 days now and i already started missing this.. that is because maybe when you are reading so much about so many people, it becomes a part of your life... Good to be back.. good to be reading and good to be sharing..!
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3 responses
@JudyEv (332013)
• Rockingham, Australia
7 Apr 16
It is easy to become very attached to this site and to the lovely people who are on it. If I have to miss a day or two, I am always pleased to be back.
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@snurgr (147)
• Mumbai, India
7 Apr 16
True true..
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@LadyDuck (465996)
• Switzerland
6 Apr 16
I joined myLot 9 months ago and I also prefer to read and comment than to write.
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@snurgr (147)
• Mumbai, India
6 Apr 16
Same here...
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@else34 (13517)
• New Delhi, India
6 Apr 16
@snurgr,Welcome back,my friend.I agree with you.The pleasure of interacting with a worldwide community here is an experience that can't be described.You can feel it only.It's a great feeling being on Mylot.
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@snurgr (147)
• Mumbai, India
6 Apr 16
truly a great experience... More sharing and less showoff!
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