What chores do you dislike most?

@ramapo17 (30441)
Melbourne, Florida
May 19, 2016 3:05pm CST
I have been doing household chores since I was a kid. Both parent worked and my sister and I had things to do after school and on weekends. My mom taught us right and gave is chores to do before going out. I can honestly say there are no chores that I really dislike. I think I am weird as I love doing laundry and folding it up. I think my house never looks dirty as both my husband and I stay on top of everything. I never worry about someone stopping in as it always looks neat. Am I weird?
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23 responses
• Valdosta, Georgia
19 May 16
I absolutely hate doing the dishes! They don't ever stop coming and being dirty, it is the worst. I don't mind the other chores but dishes is not fun at all.
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• Valdosta, Georgia
19 May 16
@ramapo17 No offense but that is a little strange!
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@MALUSE (69388)
• Germany
19 May 16
Same here! I can't really explain it, but washing the dishes is the worst job. Maybe because one has to do it whereas other chores can be postponed.
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@ramapo17 (30441)
• Melbourne, Florida
19 May 16
@LovingMyBabies believe it or not that was always my favorite chore every night. I would was and my sister would dry. Even after we had a dishwasher, I liked to hand wash them. I guess you could say I am a weird one.
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• United States
19 May 16
I don't/won't: Clean windows Run the Vac clean the toilets My husband does those jobs (thank goodness) The only thing you will find in our home that is 'out of place' is yellow dog hair - that's impossible to avoid.
4 people like this
• United States
19 May 16
@ramapo17 He also does the outside cooking (grilling) and I do the side dishes, so we share cooking plus he clears the table and I do the clean-up (only because I prefer to do that part)
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@ramapo17 (30441)
• Melbourne, Florida
19 May 16
@AbbyGreenhill My husband does the outside grilling too. I don't touch that. Anything he wants to do I encourage. I am no dummy.
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@ramapo17 (30441)
• Melbourne, Florida
19 May 16
@AbbyGreenhill Wow, you are lucky your husband does all that. My present husband, for the last 38 years, does all the cooking, but that has been since the last 12 years. He doesn't clean, he will pick up here and there. My first husband use to clean but never cooked anything.
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@TheHorse (208972)
• Walnut Creek, California
19 May 16
I'd have to say cleaning out the pig house. Glad I've never done it. Pigs are STINKY. I just did the dishes this morning. No problem. I love vacuuming (almost too much. People worry about me.). I love watering my plants. Cleaning a horse's hooves can be stinky, but it's loving. Checking the oil in my car is fun. Changing spark plugs I don't do any more. Let me think some more.
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@ramapo17 (30441)
• Melbourne, Florida
20 May 16
@TheHorse I don't consider those to be household chores. To me they are like real work and I am glad I didn't have to do any of those.
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@TheHorse (208972)
• Walnut Creek, California
20 May 16
@ramapo17 Isn't vacuuming a household chore? One that's a little cumbersome for me is cleaning the bathtub, since I don't do it as often as I should.
@DianneN (247204)
• United States
19 May 16
No, I'm the same way, but rather like my maid to do the brunt of it.
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@TheHorse (208972)
• Walnut Creek, California
20 May 16
We had a housekeeper when I was a kid. But I've never had one. Maybe I should rethink that.
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@DianneN (247204)
• United States
23 May 16
@TheHorse My mother had live-in help. The least I can do is have a cleaning lady. Go for it!
@just4him (310883)
• Green Bay, Wisconsin
19 May 16
No, I don't think so. I hate chores, all of them. My excuse and one I'm trying to rectify now, is that my mother didn't work, and she didn't clean, that was our job. She waited for us to come home from school and then get all the chores done she could have done during the day. It really put my off chores, so my house wasn't neat. And then I realized I turned into my mother and I'm doing my best right now to become neat so I am not embarrassed by anyone coming into my home. I think that's why too I felt I deserved the kind of house I bought and the shape it's in.
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@ramapo17 (30441)
• Melbourne, Florida
20 May 16
@just4him If your mother didn't work and didn't clean, what did she do all day?
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@ramapo17 (30441)
• Melbourne, Florida
20 May 16
@justforhim If your mom didn't work or do chores, what did she do all day?
@just4him (310883)
• Green Bay, Wisconsin
21 May 16
@ramapo17 Watched soaps. We also got ourselves off to school as she always slept in. No, she wasn't a great mother. And now I'm doing my best not to be like that. I'm hoping to change my bad housekeeping ways. I am improving.
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@miniam (9154)
• Bern, Switzerland
19 May 16
When i was growing up,l was made to clean windows until it shine then sit there and watch my mates play as i was not allowed to as a punishment.What i really hate is cleaning windows. Does not help that one of my full length wall is only made of glass.Only clean it 2X a year.
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@ramapo17 (30441)
• Melbourne, Florida
19 May 16
You are right as cleaning big glass doors or windows can be quite challenging. I always so one side up and down and the other side sideways as it is easy to spot where I missed.
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@miniam (9154)
• Bern, Switzerland
19 May 16
@ramapo17 What i hate most ic cleaning the window then it rains the next day or so which happened last week.
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@ramapo17 (30441)
• Melbourne, Florida
20 May 16
@miniam I can understand that.
@snowy22315 (172414)
• United States
19 May 16
I am not happy doing any household chores really. I guess cleaning the bathtub would be the worst.
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@dodo19 (47208)
• Beaconsfield, Quebec
19 May 16
I don't like the dishes. I'll do them, but it's not something that I enjoy doing. Cleaning the toilets is something else I don't enjoy doing. Otherwise, I don't mind doing chores too much. It's not my favourite thing to do, but I don't mind it too much either.
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@toniganzon (72279)
• Philippines
19 May 16
My grandmother was like that. She likes doing all the chores and she never complained about it. She told us she likes it when she's doing something. I, on the other hand, has never done those chores at home. Our parents raised us with maids to do everything in the house. We don't even wash our underwear. I tried doing household chores except cooking when i lived in Bangkok for a short period of time. I didn't enjoy it one bit and it was a struggle. I eat at a restaurant everyday for 6 months.
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@ramapo17 (30441)
• Melbourne, Florida
20 May 16
You are one lucky girl.
@rebelann (111676)
• El Paso, Texas
20 May 16
Boy, I wish you lived in my house
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@ramapo17 (30441)
• Melbourne, Florida
20 May 16
@marlina (154165)
• Canada
19 May 16
I hate dusting and ironing.
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@ramapo17 (30441)
• Melbourne, Florida
20 May 16
Dusting doesn't bother me but I do not like ironing and really don't have anything any longer that needs to be ironed @marlina
@Tampa_girl7 (49481)
• United States
19 May 16
I don't mind most housework either, except doing windows and ironing.
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@ramapo17 (30441)
• Melbourne, Florida
20 May 16
@Tampa_girl7 Ironing isn't so bad but now a days I don't have anything that has to be ironed if I get it out of the dryer the minute it is done.
@ramapo17 (30441)
• Melbourne, Florida
22 May 16
@LoriAMoore That is what I do too. It is better than ironing.
@Daljinder (23236)
• Bangalore, India
19 May 16
Nope you are not wierd! Laundry or any house chore can be relaxing to some actually.
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@thelme55 (76664)
• Germany
19 May 16
No, you are not weird. I hate cleaning the glass windows.
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@vandana7 (99374)
• India
23 May 16
Washing clothes...this one was easy. Lucky me, we have a washing machine. But when we didn't, I swear...I dreaded it.
@slund2041 (3314)
• United States
20 May 16
I think the chore I hate the most is dusting. I am allergic to dust, and it bothers me to dust. My husband used to help me with the dusting, but he has developed an allergy for it as well. I have to try to keep his allergies down as much as possible, because he has COPD bad. I wished my husband had better lungs, but that is not the case anymore.
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@slund2041 (3314)
• United States
21 May 16
@ramapo17 When health issues are involved it causes you not to like a certain chore.
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@ramapo17 (30441)
• Melbourne, Florida
20 May 16
@slund2041 I am sorry to hear that.
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@ramapo17 (30441)
• Melbourne, Florida
22 May 16
@slund2041 That is so true. Some times we can't even move if we have some serious issues.
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@Lolaze (5093)
• St. Louis, Missouri
20 May 16
I hate vacuuming, I have a bad back and shoulders - it ends up putting me in awful pain. When my fiance and I get our own house we've decided we need all hard wood floors!
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@Lolaze (5093)
• St. Louis, Missouri
20 May 16
@ramapo17 I don't mind using a Swiffer or something like that, just that vacuum kills me!
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@ramapo17 (30441)
• Melbourne, Florida
23 May 16
@Lolaze It is so amazing how all these easy things are available for us to use now. Where were they when I was a kid and had all the chores to do.
@ramapo17 (30441)
• Melbourne, Florida
20 May 16
@Lolaze I have always had carpeting and the house we are in now has all hardwood floors and they are beautiful but I have to go over them every single day as they show all the dust immediately.
@paigea (36027)
• Canada
22 May 16
You sound organized and on top of things as you say. I don't dislike most household tasks. But I seem to be incapable of getting the house organized. It is always clean but never tidy!
@fishtiger58 (29823)
• Momence, Illinois
20 May 16
I hate cleaning the toilets, the thought of putting my head to near makes me sick. Thankfully my hubby doesn't mind cleaning them. I also don't like cleaning the refrigerator hubby does that as well. We are both retired.
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@ramapo17 (30441)
• Melbourne, Florida
20 May 16
@fishtiger58 I don't mind doing the toilets as I have a long brush and my face does not get close to them.
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@fishtiger58 (29823)
• Momence, Illinois
25 May 16
@ramapo17 I couldn't have a brush to long lol.
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• Peoria, Arizona
23 May 16
Making the bed...I hate making the bed. Especially if we just washed the sheets and having to put the sheets back on the bed. No...just no.