Recharge and Save

@OKennedy (1130)
United States
June 3, 2016 10:06pm CST
For a long time I have heard people say that rechargeable batteries was the way to go that you save money. I kept buying regular disposable batteries. A part of me thinks because I was subconsciously rebelling and the other part of me thinks that it was because I felt it would be like the new energy saver bulb a disappointment. Well a few days before I unplugged my computer to be taken for upgrades my wireless keyboards batteries died. When it happened I wasn't too upset because I had more batteries. What I didn't realize was that they were dead even though I hadn't used them. No big deal right I thought the same thing. I will just pull out my old keyboard with a chord. Well I plugged it in and went to go about my business and type and I realized the stuff I had typed was missing a few letters. So I erase it and retype same thing, I repeat the process this time typing slower to ensure I hit all the keys slow enough for it to keep up. Nada no difference. So no wireless keyboard due to no batteries in that size no wired keyboard because half the keys are dead. I thought to myself how it would have been nice to be able to recharge the battery and not have to go to the store and keep buying them. I brought a charger that came with 2 AA and 2 AAA and then I purchased a separate package of the AAA because most of the stuff we have takes those. I placed it to charge and didn't realize that I left the little plastic plate to keep them from making contact and charge. So I had them charging for a few hours and I wasn't really charging anything. At the very least this will save me trips to the store which isn't as close as I would like it to be. I am hoping to save a little green but I guess only time will tell. Do you have rechargeable batteries? Do you find that they are worth the money? Is it just something you feel is convenient to have for such situations or are you a big fan of them?
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4 responses
@LadyDuck (461843)
• Switzerland
4 Jun 16
I have both rechargeable and disposable batteries. The rechargeable ones are more expensive and even if you charge them to have them ready, when you need them they have lost the charge and you have to wait 4 hours before using them. In a whole I prefer the disposable ones.
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@LadyDuck (461843)
• Switzerland
5 Jun 16
@OKennedy They do not stay charged, I made the test, in about 2 months they discharge even if you do not use them.
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@OKennedy (1130)
• United States
5 Jun 16
@LadyDuck Stores are not very close they are walking distance but not a comfortable walking distance is the major problem. I am leaning towards liking them because I don't have to go out and buy more I can keep recharging the ones I have. I will have to buy a few more chargers to avoid not having enough or people fighting over who is getting the new charged batteries.
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@OKennedy (1130)
• United States
4 Jun 16
That kind of sucks a bit but if you keep some always charged then it's a matter of just swapping them out and no wait or trips to store spending money you don't really ha e to spare.
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@carebear29 (31962)
• Wausau, Wisconsin
4 Jun 16
We buy both. Especially for the kids toys lol
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@OKennedy (1130)
• United States
4 Jun 16
I hate toys that require batteries I swear they have a deal with battery manufacturers. We have a battery operated table top air hockey game and they ha e to be replaced often.
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@carebear29 (31962)
• Wausau, Wisconsin
4 Jun 16
@OKennedy They should provide a lifetime of batteries for parents
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@JudyEv (328068)
• Rockingham, Australia
9 Jun 16
I know they are expensive but we operate almost exclusively with rechargeables now. We haven't bought batteries for ages and I'm always replacing the one in my mouse so I guess we're saving money. We haven't had to throw out any rechargeables yet.
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@OKennedy (1130)
• United States
9 Jun 16
I am leaning that way as well it is working out well for me so far.
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@Lucky15 (37346)
• Philippines
8 Jun 16
I keep both for me ;)
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@OKennedy (1130)
• United States
8 Jun 16
I am really liking them and at this point I don't see myself buying anymore regular batteries because I can buy one of the car plug ins and charge them one the road so next time I go shopping I will be buying some more until I have all the sizes I need but I will have to invest in another charger because they only charge four batteries at one time.
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