
July 16, 2016 2:27am CST
Are you a pet lover too? My siblings always got angry to me because I always bring a different species of animal such, aquatic animals, reptiles, birds, etc... The best pet that I've never ever forget is my rabbit, I named it Samumo. I didn't expected that even rabbits are speechless, I mean, no sounds like mouse, they could still understand what you wanted them to do. When I call his name, he goes to me and I guess he likes me doing it because I usually lend him vegetables when he reaches me...
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2 responses
@sallypup (59185)
• Centralia, Washington
17 Jul 16
What color is your rabbit?
2 people like this
17 Jul 16
He was a pure white :)
@JudyEv (332011)
• Rockingham, Australia
17 Jul 16
I think my favourite pet was a goat. She was a great companion and great fun to have around.
17 Jul 16
Oh ... do you know that goat is alike rabbit also ? if you are into it since it was cub, then it could be trained so far.
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@JudyEv (332011)
• Rockingham, Australia
17 Jul 16
@yongcaderoriginal My goat would pull a cart. She also shook hands and would bow.