I reached my goal

@fufurinha (11930)
September 20, 2016 6:54am CST
Yes, I made it. I reached my goal. And you know how good this feeling is, to achieve goals you have set up. Yesterday I said that I had to earn more than 30 cents here daily and, this morning, when I woke up, I saw that I have earned exactly 0.30$ yesterday. Now I just need to keep this until the end of the month. Let's go girl, you can do you. Are you with me to help me continue achieving my goals?
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40 responses
@topffer (42156)
• France
20 Sep 16
We have to negotiate about that.
8 people like this
@topffer (42156)
• France
20 Sep 16
@fufurinha You ask us to do an unrewarding task just to help you ? No way, I want to be rewarded.
7 people like this
@fufurinha (11930)
• Portugal
20 Sep 16
What? Don't play with me loool
5 people like this
• Singapore, Singapore
20 Sep 16
4 people like this
@vandana7 (99681)
• India
20 Sep 16
My kinda motivated girl... With you...I have to be out of my mind to be with Piranha...
5 people like this
@vandana7 (99681)
• India
20 Sep 16
@fufurinha Enjoy your life sweetie..
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@silvermist (19702)
• India
21 Sep 16
@vandana7 Piranha..?
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@fufurinha (11930)
• Portugal
20 Sep 16
At the moment I am motived. Tomorow I have no idea lol
3 people like this
@silvermist (19702)
• India
21 Sep 16
@fufurinha Now that I know about your goal,count me in.
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@vandana7 (99681)
• India
21 Sep 16
If you join then so must I ...SMH.
3 people like this
@fufurinha (11930)
• Portugal
21 Sep 16
1 person likes this
@fufurinha (11930)
• Portugal
21 Sep 16
@silvermist Thank you honey
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@marlina (154156)
• Canada
20 Sep 16
It is all a matter of interacting with each other.
4 people like this
• United States
21 Sep 16
@fufurinha Time is an issue for me as well. Commenting does seem to be more productive than actually creating posts though...
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@fufurinha (11930)
• Portugal
21 Sep 16
Yes, the problem for me is time
@fufurinha (11930)
• Portugal
21 Sep 16
@Lady_Justice commenting on other people posts?
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@shivamani10 (11038)
• Hyderabad, India
20 Sep 16
why am I finding it tough? I am unable to reach the goal.
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@fufurinha (11930)
• Portugal
20 Sep 16
What is your goal?
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@parpande (1515)
• Bangalore, India
20 Sep 16
@shivamani10 no matter what , peers like us will help in achieving you close to your goals , keep going.. as mentioned in mahabharatha ... karm kiye jaa fal ki chinta mat kar
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@fufurinha (11930)
• Portugal
20 Sep 16
@parpande that is not fair
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@ourlot (982)
20 Sep 16
What $0.30 in just one day? I feel underpaid. How much have you posted to earn that?
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@fufurinha (11930)
• Portugal
20 Sep 16
I posted two new discussions and interacted on older ones and on other people discussions
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@annierose (21384)
• Philippines
21 Sep 16
That is great! Congratulations for reaching your goal. I know nothing is impossible once we put our heart and mind on something. I am here on and off. I am glad I already reached the threshold so I can have my payout soon.
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@annierose (21384)
• Philippines
22 Sep 16
@fufurinha In here? I don't earn much online. I only earn in Mylot and no other online earning sites yet. I have a too busy life offline.
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@fufurinha (11930)
• Portugal
22 Sep 16
@annierose right, i understand it. but how much do you earn here on myLot
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@fufurinha (11930)
• Portugal
21 Sep 16
Oh, I envy you at this moment. How much do you earn daily?
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@ShyBear88 (59308)
• Sterling, Virginia
20 Sep 16
I'm always willing to help others reach their goals as long as they help me in return. I'm at $4.13 I'm working my way to my $5 I think I'll make it before the end of the month and that will be nice for next month when I get on the 15th.
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@ShyBear88 (59308)
• Sterling, Virginia
22 Sep 16
@fufurinha I'm not at $4.33 so I'm getting there slowly. I can see I'll make it before the end of the month.
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@fufurinha (11930)
• Portugal
23 Sep 16
@ShyBear88 I have 3 dollars at the moment. Still a bit to reach the 5
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@fufurinha (11930)
• Portugal
21 Sep 16
You are almost there. Way more close than me ahaha
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@jstory07 (135930)
• Roseburg, Oregon
20 Sep 16
I hope you will continue to reach your goal. that would really be good.
2 people like this
@fufurinha (11930)
• Portugal
20 Sep 16
Me too, I it would be perfect if I managed to reach this 30 cents everyday
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@fufurinha (11930)
• Portugal
21 Sep 16
@DanChrisClark she? who?
@moffittjc (120087)
• Gainesville, Florida
21 Sep 16
Yes, achieving goals is an awesome feeling! Gives us the excitement and encouragement to reach for new and higher goals!
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@fufurinha (11930)
• Portugal
22 Sep 16
Do you have goals here?
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@fufurinha (11930)
• Portugal
22 Sep 16
@moffittjc how many notifications do you usually have each day? Lately I have been receiving more than 100 notifications a day
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@moffittjc (120087)
• Gainesville, Florida
22 Sep 16
@fufurinha I don't set financial goals for this site, but I do set goals to write and comment on this site every day if I can. My biggest goal each day is to get through all my notifications. Some days, I struggle to get through half of them, either because I don't have time, or because I have so many notifications. And my other goal is to try and comment on as many posts as I can, to help my fellow myLotters earn their pennies!
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@raki369 (1025)
21 Sep 16
Congrats and keep it up
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@fufurinha (11930)
• Portugal
21 Sep 16
Thank you honey. How are you doing?
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@fufurinha (11930)
• Portugal
21 Sep 16
@raki369 oh, how I envy you
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@raki369 (1025)
21 Sep 16
@fufurinha Good.. Now I'm at $4 . I have to earn one more dollar.
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@meowch (2220)
• United States
20 Sep 16
Congrats on achieving your goal.
3 people like this
@fufurinha (11930)
• Portugal
20 Sep 16
Thank you so much. How are your earnings?
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@fufurinha (11930)
• Portugal
21 Sep 16
@meowch that is not bad. if you earn as much as I am trying to earn now, it is possible for you to reach payout
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@meowch (2220)
• United States
21 Sep 16
@fufurinha it's better some days other days very low. The amount I have now is 2 dollars 51 cents
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@responsiveme (22926)
• India
21 Sep 16
go girl go...:)
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@fufurinha (11930)
• Portugal
21 Sep 16
I'm doing it. Another day reaching 30 cents
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@fufurinha (11930)
• Portugal
21 Sep 16
@responsiveme yes, i work 8 hours a day now, so it is hard to find time to clean all the notifications i have
1 person likes this
• India
21 Sep 16
@fufurinha you got to keep on responding...but its difficult if you have to do other things. Isn't it?
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@EMbakes (1142)
• Philippines
21 Sep 16
Congratulations! You deserve it.
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@fufurinha (11930)
• Portugal
21 Sep 16
Oh, thank you so much honey
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@fufurinha (11930)
• Portugal
21 Sep 16
@EMbakes thank you ahaha
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@EMbakes (1142)
• Philippines
21 Sep 16
@fufurinha You're welcome.
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@celticeagle (163208)
• Boise, Idaho
20 Sep 16
Your followers should be. I am here every day. Hope you continue to reach it each day.
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@celticeagle (163208)
• Boise, Idaho
21 Sep 16
@fufurinha ....I think that you are.
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@fufurinha (11930)
• Portugal
20 Sep 16
So you are not my follower? I really hope so, as well.
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@fufurinha (11930)
• Portugal
21 Sep 16
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@marguicha (218639)
• Chile
23 Sep 16
As long as you also help me reach mine
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@marguicha (218639)
• Chile
28 Sep 16
@fufurinha My goal for this month is $10. I need $0.50 to reach it. I´ll go immediatly to read one of your posts. Interaction is the name of the game
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@fufurinha (11930)
• Portugal
29 Sep 16
@marguicha oh, that is sad. I don't have 5 dollars and you are talking about 10...
@fufurinha (11930)
• Portugal
28 Sep 16
What is your goal?
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@lbb0536 (107)
• Weifang, China
22 Sep 16
So English is your second language? those whose first language is English will have easier discussion in mylot.
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@lbb0536 (107)
• Weifang, China
22 Sep 16
@fufurinha Portugal is the Europe Union member as i know. have you ever been to other countries in the Europe? perhaps you will find some new ideas and guides after your travelling. is not it easy and convienate to travel among the EU menbers?
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@fufurinha (11930)
• Portugal
22 Sep 16
@lbb0536 yes, i've visited some other countries in europe. it is simple to cross borders.
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@fufurinha (11930)
• Portugal
22 Sep 16
Yes, my first language is Portuguese. But I have no communication problem here.
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• Peoria, Arizona
28 Sep 16
You are doing such an awesome job! Keep it up!
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@fufurinha (11930)
• Portugal
29 Sep 16
Not anymore
@fufurinha (11930)
• Portugal
30 Sep 16
@DesirousDreamer no I can't. This month it is impossible ahaha
• Peoria, Arizona
29 Sep 16
@fufurinha You can keep it up! Don't let the amount discourage you. We all have good days and bad days but you can do it!
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@jennyjoy (1961)
• Bangalore, India
22 Sep 16
Helping you get to your target for the day.
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@fufurinha (11930)
• Portugal
22 Sep 16
Yes you are. Thank you for helping me. How are you doing?
1 person likes this
@fufurinha (11930)
• Portugal
22 Sep 16
@jennyjoy that is indeed correct
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@jennyjoy (1961)
• Bangalore, India
22 Sep 16
@fufurinha Great! Every drop counts.
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@Sampeet (64)
• Vijayawada, India
21 Sep 16
Congrats.I hope you reach your goals.I just want to have fun by visiting mylot.
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@fufurinha (11930)
• Portugal
21 Sep 16
Thank you, so far I am doing good. Fun is what we have more here
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@fufurinha (11930)
• Portugal
21 Sep 16
@Sampeet you just need to spend some.time interacting
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• Vijayawada, India
21 Sep 16
@fufurinha I hope I will earn 0.3 dollars per day as well but have to really concentrate
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