Fighting the Tiredness!

@gudheart (12659)
November 11, 2016 1:52pm CST
This week I have been so tired after work that I have not even had enough energy to watch tv or play games like I used to. All I have wanted to do lately this week after work is get into bed and relax with my eyes closed. I blame the cold weather too! I find it weird though being too tired to even watch a tv show like the walking dead as I am a few episodes behind.
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8 responses
• Valdosta, Georgia
11 Nov 16
I hope you get the rest you need soon. I know I have been exhausted lately as well.
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@gudheart (12659)
11 Nov 16
Me too! Hate lacking so much energy, even to watch my fav shows!
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• Philippines
11 Nov 16
There's actually another reason why I get tired early, but the cold could be a great contribute to it too.
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@gudheart (12659)
11 Nov 16
I was thinking that too. It is so cold in the UK at the moment I just want to stay under the covers.
@jstory07 (135933)
• Roseburg, Oregon
11 Nov 16
I hope you will not be that tired after awhile. So you can watch TV and play games again.
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@gudheart (12659)
11 Nov 16
Me too! Life is boring if all I want to do is sleep!
@marlina (154156)
• Canada
12 Nov 16
Have you thought of having a complete blood test?
@CoolPeace (1566)
• Miami, Florida
11 Nov 16
Cold weather does make you sleep.
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@gudheart (12659)
11 Nov 16
It seems like it! Although work is getting me extra sleepy too.
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@gudheart (12659)
11 Nov 16
@CoolPeace Nope at work at the moment as I type! LOL staring at a screen all day makes me sleepy too.
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@CoolPeace (1566)
• Miami, Florida
11 Nov 16
@gudheart Yeah work will do it to. Are you off today?
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@toaqua (707)
12 Nov 16
Keep fighting the tiredness. Jk. Cold weather really makes sone people just want to stay in bed and sleep, I am one of those.
@Madshadi (8841)
• Brussels, Belgium
11 Nov 16
If you are not working this weekend it would be a good chance to rest
@JudyEv (332013)
• Rockingham, Australia
12 Nov 16
You must be very tired and/or run-down at the moment to feel so exhausted. I hope you feel more energetic soon.