Was The Walking Dead Too Graphic?

@gudheart (12659)
November 11, 2016 2:39pm CST
Spoiler alert for those who have not watched the first episode of the new season yet. I was shocked to see how Glenn died, in fact I thought it was a bit too graphic for my liking!! Could actually see his eye popping out. I think that image will stay for me for awhile!! What did you think??
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8 responses
@jstory07 (135930)
• Roseburg, Oregon
11 Nov 16
Stuff like that does not brother me at all. Have you watched American horror story. Now there is a graphic show and I love it.
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@snowy22315 (174710)
• United States
11 Nov 16
Thanks, for telling me,,I will make sure to skip that one!
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@gudheart (12659)
15 Nov 16
@snowy22315 The episode was great though and the acting was really good. Do you not watch the show?
@Happy2BeMe (99371)
• Canada
11 Nov 16
I had nightmares after watching it and I have never had a show give me nightmares before.
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@gudheart (12659)
15 Nov 16
Oh no :( I was shocked to see Glen's eye popping out.
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@Happy2BeMe (99371)
• Canada
15 Nov 16
@gudheart that was really graphic
@celticeagle (163208)
• Boise, Idaho
12 Nov 16
I've only watched it once since that episode. I have last weeks taped but haven't watched it. Yes, it was too graphic. Glen wasn't the only one who was killed.
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@celticeagle (163208)
• Boise, Idaho
16 Nov 16
@gudheart .....Now they are bringing out new groups.
@gudheart (12659)
15 Nov 16
The second episode was boring :(
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@chiwasaki (4694)
• Philippines
12 Nov 16
The first episode can be too graphics and stressful lol!
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@gudheart (12659)
15 Nov 16
The episode was great and full of suspense, but very sad
• United States
11 Nov 16
Although it was a gruesome episode it was still a great season premiere. I dont' think any of us will be able to get the picture of Glenn out of our minds for quite some time
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@gudheart (12659)
15 Nov 16
It was very gripping that is for sure. Second episode was a let down!
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• United States
15 Nov 16
@gudheart second episode was a let down but last weeks was bad to being good again. Can't wait for Rick to rally and kick Negons butt
@Poppylicious (11133)
12 Nov 16
It was graphic, but this is the end of humanity we're talking about here. It needed to be graphic because that's what life will one day be like, if such an apocalyptic event were to occur.
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@gudheart (12659)
15 Nov 16
That could be true! Still a little too graphic for me. I think it just took me by surprise as it has not been that graphic before. I will be more prepared next time lol
@snowy22315 (174710)
• United States
11 Nov 16
Yes, I think that show is too graphic. I don't watch it but I happened to see a bit of it last week..and you could see the guy's head beaten open. Yuk..I don;t think so!
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@gudheart (12659)
11 Nov 16
It is not usually that bad, so it was weird that they went extreme all of a sudden!
@JohnRoberts (109848)
• Los Angeles, California
11 Nov 16
Negan's beat down on Abraham and Negan was pretty graphic. It could have been accomplished without showing so much.
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@gudheart (12659)
15 Nov 16
I was thinking that too. They went a bit too far with that.