Taking a Knee

@FourWalls (64231)
United States
September 27, 2017 10:01am CST
QUICK NOTE: this is religious in nature. If you're an atheist, an agnostic, or the like, this doesn't apply to you. This is more of a "preaching to the choir" thing. Thanks for reading, though....but this isn't directed at you. One of the biggest lies we have right now is that we are the United States of America. We are not. We are more divided now than we've ever been in my half-century-plus of life. I watch the news and think, no, this is not the country I served. The controversy du jour is the NFL players who "took a knee" during the National Anthem this past weekend. Yes, it infuriated me; however, the Supreme Court said that burning the flag is protected speech (no, it's arson). They have a right to do it. You and I also have a right to not support a bunch of multi-millionaires who wouldn't know "oppression" if it tackled them for a 20 yard loss. (Honestly, I think that, more than anything, is the "issue" that a lot of people have: not that they're protesting, but that they're making more money in a day than most NFL fans make in five years, and instead of using that money to try to solve a problem or two, they're telling people how bad they have it because they went to college for free and now make millions because they can play a stinking backyard game well.) And that works on "the other side," too. How many Christians are complaining about these crybabies but they aren't "taking a knee" -- in prayer for the country? Let me tell you something: if Kim Jong Goofybutt (I always liked how Letterman referred to the North Korean regime as "Kim Jong Il and his song, Men Ta Le Il." ) decides he's going to "drop the big one" and our "Star Wars" missile defense system doesn't work then people are going to die. That bomb doesn't care if you're white, black, Christian, Jew, atheist, Republican, Democrat, male, female, straight, gay, transgender, millionaire crybaby, stingy businessman, or anything else that we've divided ourselves into over the past ten years or so. It's not the notion that the politicians will get in a cage match for a MMA smackdown event. No, they're going to be safely in a bunker while you and I pay the price. Then the divisions aren't going to matter. It didn't matter on 9/11. It didn't matter at the Murrah Federal Building in Oklahoma City. It didn't matter at Pearl Harbor. It doesn't matter in the cemetery. So, instead of whining about the NFL "taking a knee," how about you believers taking a knee in prayer and pray for this country? Don't pray for "your party" to "take power" or "keep power." Don't pray for everyone to join "the right church" (which is always, coincidentally, the one that the person praying belongs to....). A chain is only as strong as its weakest link. And, right now, our links are all weak and in danger of breaking. "If my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves, pray, seek my face, and turn from their evil, then I will hear from Heaven, I will forgive them, and I will heal their land." (2nd Chronicles 7:14) But you gotta "take a knee" in prayer first before we can get the forgiveness and healing. So do it.
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47 responses
@andriaperry (116863)
• Anniston, Alabama
27 Sep 17
YAY! someone besides me sees something. I agree 100% with everything you said.
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@kiran8 (15348)
• Mangalore, India
28 Sep 17
Absolutely true , it does not matter what religion you follow , we need to pray for humanity ..
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@1creekgirl (41022)
• United States
27 Sep 17
I am sooo glad your post was suggested. You are entirely right. I want to know why Tim Tebow was punished by "taking a knee" to pray when this wasn't applied to the recent events in the NFL. But if we Christians don't pray for our country, we have no right to criticize others.
11 people like this
• Austin, Texas
27 Sep 17
This post was suggested by @andriaperry . I always appreciate post suggestions but this one has got my brain fuzzy. I am not familiar with the incident you're talking about and since I don't really like sports, I'm not inclined to do the research and go check to verify the story and get the details. Are there complaints about football athletes praying? Anyway … whatever the story is: I believe we are the United States of America. We are just divided by our “differences” and we've always been divided by them because we have the freedom to disagree with each other! I always pray for America. I once worked for the federal government, serving the people through several presidents and particularly, after working several years in our nation's capital, I cam to a conclusion and nobody can convince me otherwise. I believe this country is ONLY still standing because of the grace of God. So if there's a brew ha ha about some football players on their knees praying, I seem to remember, several years back, there was a brew ha ha about some golfers on the front lawn of the White House who were on their knees. I think Billy Graham was one of them. My reaction to such “brew ha ha” is always the same. Yawn. Zzzzz ...
5 people like this
• Austin, Texas
27 Sep 17
@CoralLevang - Oh! OK. Thanks for the clarification and explanation nice lady. In that case, my comments remain the same because I see no reason to revise my answer.and I'll repeat my last line for the sake of emphasis. "My reaction to such “brew ha ha” is always the same. Yawn. Zzzzz ..."
3 people like this
• Austin, Texas
30 Sep 17
@cmoneyspinner - No racism versus "the alternative". Is that how we make America great? Friday night music video pick.
'Biko' is taken from Peter's third self-titled solo album. Video directed by Lol Creme. Read more - http://petergabriel.com/release/peter-gabriel-3/ Recorded...
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• Eugene, Oregon
29 Sep 17
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@RasmaSandra (76340)
• Daytona Beach, Florida
27 Sep 17
I pray every morning and every night and ask the Lord to watch over the world and everyone who needs help.
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@resukill22 (25052)
• Las Pinas City, Philippines
27 Sep 17
A very well said .all what you say is good
6 people like this
• Mombasa, Kenya
27 Sep 17
This is not just you speaking, it's the spirit of God in you. Know what, it's all over the world, not only in America, we are so devided!! Good to know I got spiritual friends here, hallelujah to the Holy Ghost And yes, am so taking a knee
8 people like this
@GardenGerty (159036)
• United States
28 Sep 17
Beautifully written. I will say that this "taking the knee" has co opted the image of faith. They are usurping the image of humility and worship. I agree and will further point out something I realized when learning about other denominations when I was a teenager: "Satan does not have to tempt Christians and lure them away from God. All he has to do is turn them against one another and then they have no strength." What started last year as one football player perhapsmaking a display of conscience has turned into a media event. Attention seeking people all the way around. Silly us, we fall for it and ignore the real danger we are in from our enemies.
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• Valdosta, Georgia
27 Sep 17
I absolutely agree-100%! Thank you for posting this, it is the truth and we all need to pray for this country-now more than ever before.
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@LeaPea2417 (37122)
• Toccoa, Georgia
27 Sep 17
I pray for this country everyday.
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@amadeo (111941)
• United States
27 Sep 17
thanks for the post there.
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@TheHorse (211968)
• Walnut Creek, California
28 Sep 17
Some NFL players did grow up in poverty. But Colin Kaepernick, the person who started this whole thing, grew up with white privilege, and is a showcase for what makes this country great. If only he could throw a bit more accurately.
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• Nairobi, Kenya
27 Sep 17
My country is also divided by tribes now more than ever. I am praying that the current situation will come to pass
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@nangayo (2291)
• Nairobi, Kenya
9 Nov 17
1 person likes this
• United States
28 Sep 17
I don't know if I consider myself to be atheist or agnostic when I'm really not much of a religiously involved person in general. I distance myself from a religious category. So maybe this doesn't apply to me? not sure.. But I'm confident that in any religious background... we can all agree that the division in this country is real, and that the people in the NFL that are taking a knee for attention are only increasing the strength of the divide. These guys could be donating to a black charity, or some other means of showing loves strength over hate and ego, but you don't see these guys doing that. Not if it ain't on camera.
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@sabtraversa (13401)
• Italy
28 Sep 17
@Mr_Anomaly Unfortunately that's what the recent groups and trends are about, division. Pretending that whoever is not like them is racist, homophobic or transphobic. I guess good acts such as donations can be shared publicly, it doesn't have to be about bragging or working on a better image, but simply giving the good example.
2 people like this
• United States
29 Sep 17
@sabtraversa Exactly! If it's just a trend, I'll be really happy to see it lose it's cool soon! They make millions of dollars to throw a ball around.. they COULD be helping so many people using that resource if they REALLY did care.
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@nangayo (2291)
• Nairobi, Kenya
28 Sep 17
I think we need to pray everywhere. It is not only America we in Kenya have the same cry things are not good at all. Elections have made people so divided that we are just waiting to see how it goes. We should pray also for each other as far as we are.
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@bagarad (14283)
• Paso Robles, California
9 Nov 17
I was also praying for Kenya. My friend was was a missionary there for years and only health and family issues brought him and his wife back to the USA. His heart is still there. He asked all of us to pray for Kenya and its election.
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@bagarad (14283)
• Paso Robles, California
9 Nov 17
@nangayo Please feel free to message me if there are things I should know to pray about. I don't hear from my friend Millard very often, since he lived far away from me now. We have been friends since college and he was in our wedding.
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@nangayo (2291)
• Nairobi, Kenya
9 Nov 17
@bagarad Thank you for your prayers they have been a blessing to us. I can never imagine where we would be without those prayers. God richly bless you as you continue praying for us because right now we still do not know what is coming next.
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• Philippines
28 Sep 17
THat taking the knee thing in the NFL is not much of an issue to me. But media likes to exagerrate everything, that's were they are good at.
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@bagarad (14283)
• Paso Robles, California
9 Nov 17
If the media ignored it, so would most others. Many wouldn't even notice. And if people didn't notice I'll bet they'd stop doing it.
@FourWalls (64231)
• United States
28 Sep 17
You raise an outstanding point. Until this "protest" began, networks NEVER showed the National Anthem on television before a game, be it football, baseball, basketball, or anything else. The only time they did was during the playoffs, when there was a "big name celebrity" singing. (There are regional exceptions, of course: WGN used to always show Wayne Messmer singing before Cubs games.) Now, all of the sudden, there's some desire to show what they never showed in all the decades of network coverage of the sport. Wonder why? You explained it quite accurately: an exaggeration of an issue.
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@SHOHANA (16094)
• Bangladesh
27 Sep 17
well I'm religious woman, its good to read your thought!
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@sol_cee (38221)
• Philippines
27 Sep 17
Divided States of America.
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@bagarad (14283)
• Paso Robles, California
9 Nov 17
My version is a typo I often have to correct when I type the Untied States of America.
@sabtraversa (13401)
• Italy
28 Sep 17
@sol_cee Sad but funny pun, can't hide I chuckled.
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@sol_cee (38221)
• Philippines
9 Nov 17
@bagarad hahaha
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@ramapo17 (30441)
• Melbourne, Florida
27 Sep 17
I totally agree with you. I have prayed everyday since I was 5 years old. I have never prayed for anything so hard in all my life. This whole thing sickens and worries me but I trust in the power of prayer and I would hope others do to.
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@ramapo17 (30441)
• Melbourne, Florida
27 Sep 17
@sugartoes You are right.
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@FayeHazel (40244)
• United States
27 Sep 17
Excellent post. Thank you.
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@gauti2483 (587)
• India
27 Sep 17
That's is totally right, And I am agree with you
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