Is it important to extend good words to someone you think needs it even if not close to you?

@chavezrmc (6095)
September 9, 2018 8:55pm CST
In my own opinion I think kind words matter. So let's be generous in giving when we feel it's needed.
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6 responses
@LadyDuck (466074)
• Switzerland
10 Sep 18
Most of the time people like to hear good words, some prefer to be left alone. You must know people before talking.
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@chavezrmc (6095)
• Philippines
16 Sep 18
@LadyDuck, we just have to be sensitive enough of their behaviour when we thought that they might need it.
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@chavezrmc (6095)
• Philippines
16 Sep 18
@LadyDuck yeah I understand. There's nothing wrong with being careful. Wish you a wonderful start of the week. Take care.
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@LadyDuck (466074)
• Switzerland
16 Sep 18
@chavezrmc I am always very careful before talking, sometimes when you think to offer a help with good works you obtain the opposite effect.
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@Shivram59 (33015)
• India
10 Sep 18
@chavezrmc Yes, because it comes back to us and makes us happy.
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@chavezrmc (6095)
• Philippines
16 Sep 18
@Shivram59 yes it's nice when we can do a simple act of kindness. The happiness comes back to us.
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@Shivram59 (33015)
• India
18 Sep 18
@chavezrmc I fully agree with you.
@allen0187 (58586)
• Philippines
11 Sep 18
Yes, always be kind.
@vsai2008 (11796)
• India
10 Sep 18
I agree with you, a smile from even an unknown face can make you feel better for few moments :-)
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@Icydoll (36717)
• India
10 Sep 18
Yes kind words and smile makes one feel better.
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@chavezrmc (6095)
• Philippines
16 Sep 18
@lcydoll yes it does. Hope you are doing great. Have a great start of the week.
@porwest (81633)
• United States
16 Sep 18
Not just when it is needed, but also when it is deserved. Sometimes unkind words are actually deserved more than kind words. Just depends on the situation. Honesty is best no MATTER the situation and no matter the reception.
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