Thank You, El Nino!

@antonbunot (11093)
Calgary, Alberta
January 29, 2019 5:37pm CST
January and February of last year were cold and snowy; but this year winter is warmer and not much snow. In fact, it is sunny January! And the weather forecast till mid-February is warm and sunny on most days. Thank you, El Nino! The Pacific Ocean is warmer this winter than it was last year. The warm air/wind, caused by El Nino, makes winter in western Canada less snowy and cold. Look at our backyard. Sunny! I love it! How is winter in your place?
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7 responses
@Masihi (4413)
• Canada
29 Jan 19
We are on the east coast of Canada and holy hannah the weather is weird. Some days are above freezing, other days is -20C with a windchill of -25 or something. I've never seen such crazy fluctuating temps before!!! I mean we've had our cold winters and our mild winters but this winter? It's like mother nature can't make up her mind.
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@antonbunot (11093)
• Calgary, Alberta
29 Jan 19
@Masihi . . . It must be the effect of climate change . . . Right, Sir Al Gore? . . I saw it in the news!
@JohnRoberts (109848)
• Los Angeles, California
30 Jan 19
It is mild and warm here.
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@antonbunot (11093)
• Calgary, Alberta
30 Jan 19
It does not snow in California, right?
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@antonbunot (11093)
• Calgary, Alberta
30 Jan 19
@JohnRoberts May last year, we went to Las Vegas . . O, it was hot! I have relatives in San Diego. My wife and I are thinking of visiting them this year.
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@JohnRoberts (109848)
• Los Angeles, California
30 Jan 19
@antonbunot Only in the mountains.
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@toniganzon (72279)
• Philippines
29 Jan 19
It's odd that the wind chill here seems to be late. it'll be February next week and we're experiencing cold chills here for a week now.
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@antonbunot (11093)
• Calgary, Alberta
29 Jan 19
@toniganzon, O boy! I think it is harvesting season down there, right?
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@toniganzon (72279)
• Philippines
2 Feb 19
@antonbunot I have no idea at all.
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@LadyDuck (466074)
• Switzerland
30 Jan 19
It is snowing today, but it's not very cold. We only had a few days with a freezing temperature this winter, it's not too bad.
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@LadyDuck (466074)
• Switzerland
31 Jan 19
@antonbunot It is going to snow again today, but it's not cold, I like mild weather.
@antonbunot (11093)
• Calgary, Alberta
30 Jan 19
Good for you, too! O, I love mild winter . .
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@RasmaSandra (76340)
• Daytona Beach, Florida
30 Jan 19
Looks like a cozy spot to sit in the sun. Florida gets no snow but we are having a cool spell and I am waiting for the temps to rise again. Hope the good weather holds up for you.
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@antonbunot (11093)
• Calgary, Alberta
30 Jan 19
Cold weather is okay for me as long as it does not snow . . and the roads are not icy!
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@sallypup (59188)
• Centralia, Washington
30 Jan 19
We've had a Spring- winter so far. Now that Spring might be on its way, the nights are turning cold. My main issue this winter has been icy morning roads. Our usual snow has held off. Crazy for sure.
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@antonbunot (11093)
• Calgary, Alberta
30 Jan 19
So far the roads are not icy here in Calgary.
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@sallypup (59188)
• Centralia, Washington
30 Jan 19
@antonbunot That's great!
@rakski (112924)
• Philippines
30 Jan 19
The weather is actually colder than usual.
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@antonbunot (11093)
• Calgary, Alberta
30 Jan 19
So crazy Donnie Trump is right! Climate change is a Chinese hoax according to him! Loser Al Gore is wrong!