Job Hunting

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@Shellyann36 (11384)
United States
June 5, 2019 10:58am CST
Or I should title it Luckless Job Hunting. I am not having any luck whatsoever. I found a few work-at-home jobs that would take me but my computer is old and does not work well and my Chromebook would not meet up to their standards. The job market outside of the house is a bit more open but I have kids who will be out of school soon and daycare is too expensive for what I would be making. I am still hunting and searching though. I am also still earning online. I am trying to up my game online. I am going to get back into Amazon MTurk and try to earn from them again. My sites are ok but they are not putting out as much as I need for the effort I am making. My trips to the plasma center that was netting me at least $300 a month have dried up due to my blood pressure being raised because of my stress level. I am trying to calm myself down but it is not working out well for me. Even my daily apple cider vinegar tea is not helping. I have been exercising a bit but it still is not bringing it down enough. I need to put more effort into it. I wish I could totally avoid everything that is stressing me but that is impossible at this moment in time. How do you deal with stress?
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20 responses
• Valdosta, Georgia
5 Jun 19
I am so sorry. I really just pray, seek the Lord more, listen to sermons and worship music. That works for me every time. =) I will be praying for you. Maybe can you do some babysitting or dog walking from home? Or if you are good at crafts maybe sell things you make? Just trying to come up with ideas...
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@Shellyann36 (11384)
• United States
21 Jun 19
@LovingMyBabies thank you very much for the prayers. I did find something that I am going to be posting about. I hope it works out for me.
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• Valdosta, Georgia
22 Jun 19
@Shellyann36 I hope it does too! =)
• United States
5 Jun 19
Sounds like you're in a cycle of stress but hopefully it will all turn around and things will get better. When I'm stressed I pray.
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@Shellyann36 (11384)
• United States
21 Jun 19
@Marilynda1225 Yes, my cycle of stress is somewhat sorting itself out. It has gotten better at least.
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@shaggin (72010)
• United States
6 Jun 19
Losing that $300 a month from donating the plasma is a big loss. I can understand you being stressed. I hope you can find a job soon. I will be looking for a job myself in a few months.
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@Shellyann36 (11384)
• United States
21 Jun 19
@shaggin that has really got me upset because that $300 a month was my padding. I did find something else, which I am going to post about today. I hope it works out.
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@PainsOnSlate (21852)
• Canada
6 Jun 19
Yikes, get that stress as low as you can. I work at home but I am an artist and my painting sell like crazy in someone else's store...I hope you find something to do at home that is paying too. I'm old and nothing can cause stress in my life. Good luck finding something that fits your space.
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@Shellyann36 (11384)
• United States
21 Jun 19
@PainsOnSlate you have the best job in the world! Thank you very much. I think I found something.
• Midland, Michigan
26 Jun 19
Lol, Marilyn. You're not too old for stress you've just learned how to process things so they don't turn into stress. I know people older than you or me that worry even more now than they ever did .
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@DianneN (247186)
• United States
9 Jun 19
Stress is awful, and I hope you find a job soon. Don't give up. We are supposed to have a booming economy with lots of jobs for everyone.
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@Shellyann36 (11384)
• United States
21 Jun 19
@DianneN thank you very much. I think I found something.
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@DianneN (247186)
• United States
24 Jun 19
@Shellyann36 That’s awesome! I hope it works out.
@raveeen (3457)
5 Jun 19
Just pray and wait for the a't answer of god, don't be so down.. maybe there will be a work that is what you truely deserve despite of those jobs that you didn't get.. maybe this is not the right time.. just wait and I know that you'll get what you want. just don't give up even thou you fail many time.. remember, successful people failed many times but they just don't give up.. always talk to god don't forget to thank him despite of those failures.. those are just lessons.. there will be a bigger blessing that will come
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@Shellyann36 (11384)
• United States
21 Jun 19
@raveeen Thank you for stopping by. I have been praying and I think I found a winner. I will post about it in a bit.
@raveeen (3457)
22 Jun 19
@Shellyann36 No worries dear! :)
@kareng (59054)
• United States
6 Jun 19
I am the same way. Mine starts before tax season and continues through the summer. I think hot weather contributes to the problem. I am on three different blood pressure medicines and mine still peeks in the summer. I got fussed at Monday at the doctor's office. What kind of online work are you looking for?
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@kareng (59054)
• United States
24 Jun 19
@Shellyann36 I will have to check that site out. I've never heard of it before.
@bunnybon7 (50973)
• Holiday, Florida
6 Jun 19
sorry to say I am a bit in the same way where stress goes. In this house it is also quite impossible at times. Maybe you could buy cheap at yard sales and auctions and resell after fixing and cleaning things up a bit for more money either at your own yard sell or a flea market spot. I used to take the kids with me and either have them sit in the car and play unless they wanted to help and act right, It was fun and lucrative and helped with stress a lot. Wish I was still young enough and felt up to it.
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@bunnybon7 (50973)
• Holiday, Florida
21 Jun 19
@Shellyann36 great I will be waiting to see it.
@Shellyann36 (11384)
• United States
21 Jun 19
@bunnybon7 thank you for your ideas. I think I found something that I am going to post about later on. I hope it works out well for me.
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@rebelann (112705)
• El Paso, Texas
5 Jun 19
Stress is our worst enemy. I have you in my prayers, hopefully you'll find some kind of job that will work well for you.
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@Shellyann36 (11384)
• United States
21 Jun 19
@rebelann thank you so much. You are a dear friend and I truly value your friendship and all you do for me!
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@rebelann (112705)
• El Paso, Texas
22 Jun 19
Thank you, I value yours as well @Shellyann36 I hope you get some help to get you on your feet again.
@GreatMartin (23672)
• Ft. Lauderdale, Florida
5 Jun 19
Age taught me that stress/worrying does absolutely nothing good but waste your time and get you sick! I have not worried about a single thing the past 40 years and I have had a lot of 'bad' times--being homeless, serious health problems, etc., but I knew stress/worrying (they are the same thing) wouldn't make any of the problems better. I learned to take the time, just sit and enjoy what Mother Nature shows me every day--didn't know I was meditating until someone gave it a name. Shellyann I am 83 and could worry about a lot of things but if I did so what? Take a deep breath, sit down and see what is out in the natural world--you won't need exercise, tea, vinegar and you will be surprised how many problems will be solved.
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@Shellyann36 (11384)
• United States
21 Jun 19
@GreatMartin thank you for the advice. Things are looking up. I am trying to slow down and enjoy more though.
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@GreatMartin (23672)
• Ft. Lauderdale, Florida
21 Jun 19
• United States
5 Jun 19
stress 'tis abundant, 'tis what'cha do with such that matters. fer myself, when able, i go take my frustrations out - either pullin' weeds, gardenin', cleanin' house, cleanin' corrals, etc. i hope ya find somethin' compatible with yer time 'n energy. i've yet to figure much 'f anythin' 'nline to be worth the time i put'n, lol.
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@Shellyann36 (11384)
• United States
21 Jun 19
@crazyhorseladycx Thank you for the advice. I do need to be more active. I think I found a good solution to my job hunt!
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• United States
21 Jun 19
@Shellyann36 yer welcome. great news'n yer solution, hon. hope't all works out fer ya. if'n not, don't get discouraged, jest breathe 'n forge ferward.
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@mom210 (9117)
• United States
6 Jun 19
I am working on eating better, I use my beet powder in a AM breakfast shake and it seems to be helping a bit. But as you know I also struggle with the BP it seems whatever works, works for a bit and then stops. I don't know if my body gets used to it or what happens.
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@Shellyann36 (11384)
• United States
21 Jun 19
@mom210 did you ever try the vinegar, honey water? I did not know about beet powder. I will have to look that up. I was doing pretty good until all of this family drama started happening. I don't know when I will be able to get back on the right path. I don't really want to take medication. The last time I was on it they had me on 3 things and I felt miserable taking them.
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@mom210 (9117)
• United States
19 Jul 19
@Shellyann36 yes, I have had some terrible trouble with the pills as well. I am on them now just because I got so bad, but I hope to get off at some point. What is that amazon mturk all about? Does it work well for you?
@just4him (317013)
• Green Bay, Wisconsin
6 Jun 19
I'm sorry you're under so much stress. I don't worry about anything.
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@Shellyann36 (11384)
• United States
21 Jun 19
@just4him It is easing a bit. Thank you for stopping by.
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@just4him (317013)
• Green Bay, Wisconsin
21 Jun 19
@Shellyann36 I'm glad it's easing.
@Janet357 (75646)
5 Jun 19
i feel you i have been dealing with stress too. i just entertain myself. everything will be settled anyway in due time.
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@Shellyann36 (11384)
• United States
21 Jun 19
@Janet357 I hope your stresses go away!
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@Janet357 (75646)
21 Jun 19
@Shellyann36 i hope so.too. thanks
• China
6 Jun 19
In your case,you had better work from home.Hope luck will come your way soon ! Besides relieving stress,you have to take some hypertension pills.
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@Shellyann36 (11384)
• United States
21 Jun 19
@changjiangzhibin89 I think I found something. I am going to post about it later.
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@BelleStarr (61102)
• United States
5 Jun 19
Not well, I usually just go and take a nap. I always feel better when I wake up. Or I clean, hard work also helps. I think maybe blood pressure medication may be in order, it is not something to play around with.
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@Shellyann36 (11384)
• United States
21 Jun 19
@BelleStarr Naps are always nice. I hate going on bp medication. For some reason, it causes totally different problems for me. I am calming down now and I think I found a solution to my problem. My bp has not been as high lately.
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@Hate2Iron (15727)
• Canada
9 Jun 19
I took meds and that did nothing. My daughter heard a program on the radio one morning that she thought might work for me. It's called SuperBetter and it simply trains you how to rethink things that are stressing you out. I still use it just so that it stays fresh in my mind.
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@Shellyann36 (11384)
• United States
21 Jun 19
@Hate2Iron does it seem to be working for you? For years I have kept my high bp at bay with apple cider vinegar water mixed with honey. Now though with all of the new stressors, it is not working as well as it did in the past.
• Midland, Michigan
26 Jun 19
I try to trust God. I'm not saying I'm great at staying away from stress but the main thing is not thinking about whatever is causing the stress. You can visualize things in your life working out rather than visualizing the worse that can happen. It takes work and it might take finding some sayings that you can memorize to recite to keep from getting worried. I try to think of some of the promises of God from scripture. Have you ever read Matt 6? Toward the end he reminds us that he takes care of the birds and plants would he do less for us? Edited on Aug 26, 2019. Not sure about two of the words meant but it makes more sense now.
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• Japan
6 Jun 19
Prayer, riding my bike to and from work, and making sure I go through a woods on the way home are three ways I deal with stress. Talking to friends helps, but often we don't have time.
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@Shellyann36 (11384)
• United States
21 Jun 19
@petatonicsca Yes, I am afraid I don't have many people to share with. I need to get more exercise. That would help immensely!
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@responsiveme (22926)
• India
21 Jun 19
I do hope you get a job soon. I have a high bp too and I see that regular walking does help. While stressing never helps it's not so easy not to. Take deep breathes and believe things do change for the better.
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