The kiss of the sun on my skin

@Nevena83 (65280)
June 13, 2019 12:51pm CST
Good friends Today it was hot again and I was a little sunbathing. My body had a beautiful bronze color. I just showered myself and I'm here right now. Do you like to sunbathe?
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30 responses
@PainsOnSlate (21854)
• Canada
13 Jun 19
When I was young I always worked to get a good tan, now in my old age I can't be bothered, that and the fact my skin is all OLD, I do enjoy a day on a beach every once in a while..
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@Nevena83 (65280)
• Serbia
13 Jun 19
Yes, it's probably years of maturity and we enjoy different things, but when we were young.
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@CarolDM (203445)
• Nashville, Tennessee
13 Jun 19
Not crazy about direct sunlight. Have to protect your skin. But I try to spend a few minutes to get my vitamin D.
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@Nevena83 (65280)
• Serbia
13 Jun 19
Yes, you're right, I should protect the skin, but I'm not doing it. Mostly I'm skinning a skin for a quick tanning that does not have a protective factor.
@tech40 (23128)
• Philippines
13 Jun 19
I'm so glad that you're enjoying the sun
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@Nevena83 (65280)
• Serbia
13 Jun 19
Oh, yes, I like when my skin gets bronzed, but I do not like it when it's too hot.
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@tech40 (23128)
• Philippines
13 Jun 19
@Nevena83 I'm so happy that you achieve the skin color that you want how long did you stay there?
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@Nevena83 (65280)
• Serbia
13 Jun 19
@tech40 I'm sunbathing for a few days and maybe I'm staying for about 2 hours.
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@RubyHawk (99410)
• Atlanta, Georgia
15 Jun 19
I used to but no more. I developed skin cancers for the sun.I use sun block and cover my skin as much as possible.
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@RubyHawk (99410)
• Atlanta, Georgia
16 Jun 19
@Nevena83 I've has several. they tell me it's from sunbathing. I used to lay out in the sun every summer.
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@Nevena83 (65280)
• Serbia
16 Jun 19
@RubyHawk Oh, my God, I'm scared now.
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@Nevena83 (65280)
• Serbia
15 Jun 19
You got skin cancer?
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@Shivram59 (33015)
• India
13 Jun 19
@Nevena83 We don't need it.Most of the year we keep bathing in the sun.
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@Shivram59 (33015)
• India
13 Jun 19
@Nevena83 Yes,I do enjoy,but now it is too much .Too much of anything is bad you know.You can't enjoy it.
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@Nevena83 (65280)
• Serbia
13 Jun 19
@Shivram59 It's just never too much love and chocolate.
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@Nevena83 (65280)
• Serbia
13 Jun 19
You enjoy the sun.
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@LowRiderX (22903)
• Serbia
13 Jun 19
Kiss of the sun? Me sun bites, how abnormal burns these days Can't wait raining
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@Nevena83 (65280)
• Serbia
15 Jun 19
@LowRiderX I will go on a Monday to plant godzi bobice for money.
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@Nevena83 (65280)
• Serbia
13 Jun 19
I told him not to bite me and he listened to me. Even if I could persuade mosquitoes.
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@LowRiderX (22903)
• Serbia
13 Jun 19
@Nevena83 Yeah right. I'm waiting for Monday and the announced rain, I can not stand this sun pressing
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@buenavida (9985)
• Sweden
13 Jun 19
I like to have some sun on my skin, but not too much..just enough to get free vitamin D..
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@buenavida (9985)
• Sweden
13 Jun 19
@Nevena83 - I think I get enough vitamin C..but in winter I try to remember to take a D vitamin supplement..
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@Nevena83 (65280)
• Serbia
13 Jun 19
You're right. It takes a bit of vitamin C, but much for bronze.
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@Nevena83 (65280)
• Serbia
13 Jun 19
@buenavida I occasionally take vitamin C because I do not get enough of it.
@1hopefulman (45121)
• Canada
13 Jun 19
I like to sunbathe a bit but I don't like to get burned.
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@1hopefulman (45121)
• Canada
13 Jun 19
@Nevena83 That can hurt! One should be careful and not overdo it.
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@Nevena83 (65280)
• Serbia
13 Jun 19
@1hopefulman I absolutely agree with you. But women like to exaggerate.
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@Nevena83 (65280)
• Serbia
13 Jun 19
I do not even like when women look like they were burning in the oven.
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@LadyDuck (466074)
• Switzerland
14 Jun 19
No, I do not like sunbathing, I cannot get tanned, I burn easily.
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@LadyDuck (466074)
• Switzerland
15 Jun 19
@Nevena83 Yes, I have light skin, dark blonde hair and green eyes.
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@Nevena83 (65280)
• Serbia
14 Jun 19
Does that mean you have a light skin?
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@Nevena83 (65280)
• Serbia
15 Jun 19
@LadyDuck I believe you are a beautiful woman by that description.
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@moffittjc (120087)
• Gainesville, Florida
14 Jun 19
I grew up on the beach, so I was always tan as a child. I also enjoyed spending lots of time at the pool, so even as an adult I always had a nice tan. But now I worry about skin cancer, so I make sure to protect my skin with sunscreen whenever I am outside for long periods of time. I'm still tan, but I still take more precautions now than I did in my younger days.
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@Nevena83 (65280)
• Serbia
14 Jun 19
You're right. I never use protection and I know it's not smart, but I'm trying to sunbat around 3 or 4 pm, while I used to work around 12 pm, 1 pm when the sun was the strongest.
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@moffittjc (120087)
• Gainesville, Florida
14 Jun 19
@Nevena83 Well, sunbathing at 3 or 4 pm is definitely safer than doing it at 12 or 1 pm, but you still have to be careful!
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@Nevena83 (65280)
• Serbia
14 Jun 19
@moffittjc Yes, you're right, I should be more careful.
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@Hannihar (130228)
• Israel
14 Jun 19
@Nevena83 I have been sitting in the sun since I was little. I look forward to summers so can get coloring. I
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@Hannihar (130228)
• Israel
16 Jun 19
@Nevena83 Yes, I always do. Thanks for asking.
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@Nevena83 (65280)
• Serbia
16 Jun 19
@Hannihar Mostly women enjoy bronzed skin here.
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@Nevena83 (65280)
• Serbia
14 Jun 19
Really? Do you enjoy the tanned tan?
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@FayeHazel (40244)
• United States
13 Jun 19
Nice! I like to, too, but no privacy here lol
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@FayeHazel (40244)
• United States
13 Jun 19
@Nevena83 I'm in an apartment building - which is fine , however the front yard faces the downtown of the town I'm in, and the backyard has neighbors in it all the time as it's small. That's alright though
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@Nevena83 (65280)
• Serbia
13 Jun 19
Oh, really? Do not have your yard?
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@Nevena83 (65280)
• Serbia
13 Jun 19
@FayeHazel Oh, I understand. And do you have a terrace?
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@ShifaLk (17817)
• India
15 Jun 19
Oh wow. I had a sun tan
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@ShifaLk (17817)
• India
15 Jun 19
@Nevena83 I don't know how does it look like. I am already wheatish :)
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@Nevena83 (65280)
• Serbia
16 Jun 19
@ShifaLk Oh, yes, I forgot. I wish I had your skin color.
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@Nevena83 (65280)
• Serbia
15 Jun 19
Do you like when your skin got bronze?
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@LydiaC (171)
• Serbia
14 Jun 19
I love sunbathing. All my life I use to expose tu sun from April to late September. My skin love it too. I definitely understand you, and, must say, little envy you. Also, I know that sunbathing without protection isn't really smart. Please, you have to protect your skin. Have some sun oil, that's good for bronze tan.
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@Nevena83 (65280)
• Serbia
14 Jun 19
I do not like the very sun, but when sunbathing is concerned, then I suffer. I know it's not clever without protection, but I only use Biobaza marmalade, and it does not have protection, but that's why the skin gets a wonderful color.
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@Nevena83 (65280)
• Serbia
15 Jun 19
@LydiaC You have to try it, it's great, it still has a bunch sljokica.
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@LydiaC (171)
• Serbia
15 Jun 19
@Nevena83 I never heard about that. What is that? Some oil?
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@Porcospino (31366)
• Denmark
13 Jun 19
I like to spend time in the sunshine. When the weather is nice I read in the yard, but I always need to protect my skin.
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@Porcospino (31366)
• Denmark
13 Jun 19
@Nevena83 In the past I didn't always use protection and I got burned pretty badly, since that time I have been more careful.
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@Nevena83 (65280)
• Serbia
13 Jun 19
@Porcospino That's what happened to me when I was younger, now I get a little more careful sunshine. I try not to exaggerate.
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@Nevena83 (65280)
• Serbia
13 Jun 19
Yes, protection is important, but I do not use it. I know it's not smart.
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@simone10 (54189)
• Louisville, Kentucky
15 Jun 19
I do as long as it's not humid.
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@simone10 (54189)
• Louisville, Kentucky
17 Jun 19
@Nevena83 humidity is the worst.
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@Nevena83 (65280)
• Serbia
16 Jun 19
For many days we had big humid from the ground.
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@Nevena83 (65280)
• Serbia
18 Jun 19
@simone10 Yes, it's terrible, it can not breathe.
• Midland, Michigan
14 Jun 19
I enjoyed it when I was younger but haven't done it since turning fifty it so. I still like sitting in the sun but don't get to do that very often.
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• Midland, Michigan
15 Jun 19
@Nevena83 also there is more chance of skin cancer if we spend way too much time in the sun.
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@Nevena83 (65280)
• Serbia
15 Jun 19
Yes, many say that when we become older, we begin to enjoy other things.
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@Nevena83 (65280)
• Serbia
15 Jun 19
@MarshaMusselman Yes, you are right, but we do not think about it when we are younger.
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@DianneN (247202)
• United States
13 Jun 19
I wear sunscreen, but am very tan from sunbathing all winter and spring in Florida.
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@DianneN (247202)
• United States
13 Jun 19
@Nevena83 I don't get that dark, but do like that tanned look.
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@Nevena83 (65280)
• Serbia
13 Jun 19
Yes, I always like to see a bronze tan on a woman, somehow the skin looks prettier.
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@Nevena83 (65280)
• Serbia
13 Jun 19
@DianneN I do not like too much women to look like they came out of the oven.
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@just4him (314741)
• Green Bay, Wisconsin
13 Jun 19
Yes, it's nice. I'm glad you're able to. We're still chilly here.
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@just4him (314741)
• Green Bay, Wisconsin
13 Jun 19
@Nevena83 We have the sun today, but the temps are cool.
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@Nevena83 (65280)
• Serbia
13 Jun 19
@just4him I hope the temperatures will be higher.
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@Nevena83 (65280)
• Serbia
13 Jun 19
You still have not got the sun?
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@cintol (11261)
• United States
14 Jun 19
Not so much now that I am older, you don't think of those things when your younger but enjoy it while you can.
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@cintol (11261)
• United States
14 Jun 19
@Nevena83 Some of the things we did when we were younger were fun but as you get older its just exhausting.
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@Nevena83 (65280)
• Serbia
15 Jun 19
@cintol Yes, I absolutely agree with you.
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@Nevena83 (65280)
• Serbia
14 Jun 19
Yeah, you're probably right. And I do not do many things anymore, since I became older.
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