What? Yer done 'lready?

United States
June 21, 2019 12:34am CST
This'd be the inquiry I made with this cute, fat lil caterpillar earlier today. Seems 't 'n 'ts fellow cohorts 've completed their mission 'f mowin' down my parsley 's they do e'ery year. I love seein' these when they hatch, lil miniatures 'f this that're most diff'cult to catch'n camera (ya know, coz i've not a good macro lens...). I feel 'tis my duty to supply these Swallowtail caterpillars a good meal 'fore they head off fer their magical transformation. No worries'n the parsley, such recovers quickly 'n I've most oft more'n 'nough to get me through summer 's well 's some to dry 'n use durin' the winter. Would'ja be willin' to sacrifice a crop fer the benefit 'f other critters? Here's a lil video, so's ya can see these lil darlin's 't work:
Man can these fellows eat parsley. That is curly parsley. Cam is Dropcam. I will post a video soon of them from egg to butterfly release.
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16 responses
@JudyEv (338119)
• Rockingham, Australia
21 Jun 19
What a handsome caterpillar he is and you've captured him beautifully here. Just off to watch the video.
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• United States
21 Jun 19
i thought't looked mighty cute crawlin' 'long that bunny statues ear :) the video shows jest how quickly they can devour parsley, lol.
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@JudyEv (338119)
• Rockingham, Australia
22 Jun 19
@crazyhorseladycx No wonder people come out in the morning and find all their seedlings demolished.
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• United States
22 Jun 19
@JudyEv yes! kinda like those tomato hornworms (which get huge!) turnin' 'nto five-spotted hawk moth. they'll take yer mater plants out o'ernight'n ya gotta really hunt fer 'em coz they blend right 'nto the greenery.
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@allknowing (134550)
• India
21 Jun 19
Beautiful video. Just commented. But I would not tolerate if they empty my whole garden (lol)
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• United States
21 Jun 19
thanks, glad'ja liked 't, hon. not my video, jest put such here so's folks could see the lil darlin's 't work :) such jest delays my parsley pickin' by 'bout 2-3 weeks so i don't fret 't. will be worth seein' 'em 's butterflies later'n.
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@allknowing (134550)
• India
22 Jun 19
@crazyhorseladycx If you garden is flooded with butterflies keep a watch. There will be more caterpillars and one find day there will be no garden left (lol)
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• United States
22 Jun 19
@allknowing lol, yes ma'am. i gotta keep a watch'n the hubs 's he'd be quick to kill 'fore knowin' what they'd be outside 'f garden destroyers.
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@bunnybon7 (50973)
• Holiday, Florida
21 Jun 19
cool. Might sacrifice a meal. When I had the farm life 40 yrs back, I kept building chicken wire fences around tomatoes because I refused to let the hubby I had at the time kill or trap the little rabbits. But they dug under and got a lot of them any way. I still fought him over it though hr wasn't pleased
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@bunnybon7 (50973)
• Holiday, Florida
21 Jun 19
@crazyhorseladycx They are the cutest things ever. Once while that man was out plowing he caught one. Poor things he must have plowed up their home and he brought it to me. Looked just like Thumper in the Bambi movie. I loved that little thing and it ate the good veggies I gave it. Kept it under a turned over clothes basket like a little cage but let it out when I was in there to hop around while I kept the door shut cause kids had cats. Sad thing is, I went to the store one day and my oldest left my door open and a cat got it.
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• United States
21 Jun 19
back'n the day, when i'd a large garden (1/4 acre), i shared with the wee'uns (rabbits). now i've beds that're protected (metal'n the ground 2' with wood/wire fencin'), but still plant 'em a lil patch outside, lol. glad'ja fought fer those lil bunnies! they's jest lookin' fer somethin' yummy 'n nutritious to eat.
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• United States
21 Jun 19
@bunnybon7 aw, he must'a hit a nest :( glad ya got to 'njoy the lil darlin' fer a while. yup, those cats're merciless when't comes to baby critters.
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@LadyDuck (470039)
• Switzerland
21 Jun 19
I sacrifice the blackberries and the raspberries for the birds. I know there are nets to keep them away, but they have also the right to eat, poor things.
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@LadyDuck (470039)
• Switzerland
22 Jun 19
@crazyhorseladycx I did not consider the net because I feared that a bird could get stuck there and die. They are lovely creatures.
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• United States
21 Jun 19
bless ya, ms. anna! i do the same here. 'nly used a net once'n a lil bird'd caught 'tself'n such'n perished. broke my heart 's i laid 'er to rest... here they've full access to the grapes 'n others they delight'n.
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• United States
23 Jun 19
@LadyDuck 'twas'n my younger days 'n the hubs 'nsisted 'pon such. i burnt 't (the net) 'fter i'd buried the poor lil bird who'd suffered jest tryin' to get a bite 'f tasty fruit.
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@wolfgirl569 (104582)
• Marion, Ohio
21 Jun 19
I am willing tto share, just not with those squash bugs.
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@wolfgirl569 (104582)
• Marion, Ohio
21 Jun 19
@crazyhorseladycx Some plants do like that. Mosquitoes are another bug that could go away.
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• United States
21 Jun 19
@wolfgirl569 ugh, the skeeters! i've all sorts 'f anti-skeeter plants 'round, doctor all standin' water that i cannot pour out, etc. they breed'n the weeds i've been battlin' since last summer (looooong story) 'n then there'd be the neighbors who'll not lift a finger to prevent such 'xplosions, yet complain 'f all the bites.
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• United States
21 Jun 19
lol, squash bugs're a whole 'nother set 'what the heck??' i've not found a benefit fer 'em outside 'f destroyin' ones plants. butterflies're beneficial 's they go 'round their business. the sacrifice 's some plants early'n 'd be a small price to pay. 'sides, that parsley kind'a likes the rough treatment'n comes back e'en better.
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@nela13 (58243)
• Portugal
21 Jun 19
They eat all your parsley, I counted 9 caterpillars in the video
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• United States
21 Jun 19
lol, yes ma'am, they leave a lil skeleton 'hind. 'twas not my video (i lack the talent/equipment fer such wizardry), put the link jest so's folks 'd not think i 'twas crazy :) i counted 14 out here'n my parsley one day. this lil fella (lady?) 'twas all that 'twas left'n the patch. perhaps a late hatcher'n 'd not yet'd 'ts fill. will grow to be a beautiful swallowtail butterfly one day.
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• United States
21 Jun 19
@nela13 yes ma'am, lol. which's good coz those lil eggs get eaten by predators 'n then the actual caterpillars oft times come to the same fate. i look't this's helpin' the next generation get off to a good start.
@nela13 (58243)
• Portugal
21 Jun 19
@crazyhorseladycx 14 in your parsley?! yes, they become beautiful butterflies
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@Shellyann36 (11384)
• United States
21 Jun 19
Is that your Youtube channel? They sure do like parsley!
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• United States
21 Jun 19
no ma'am, not my channel. jest wanted folks who'd be 'nterested'n seein' these lil darlin's 't work the 'pportunity.
@Shavkat (138874)
• Philippines
21 Jun 19
I think it needs to kill them for the farmers to have good crops.
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@Shavkat (138874)
• Philippines
22 Jun 19
@crazyhorseladycx I do agree that it can be selected in killing the bad insects for the crops.
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• United States
23 Jun 19
@Shavkat 'tis best fer the environment to listen to our ancestors, plant flowers'n such that 'ttract the good bugs who'll then tend to the bad. 'n crop rotation, which seems a lost art fer the most part these days.
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• United States
21 Jun 19
no, no, no! that'd be the troubles, so many folks've no 'nderstandin' 'f these beneficial creatures 'n poison 'em. that's why bees 're havin' such a time. when ya put down pesticides, such kills indiscriminately. if'n ya wipe out a species, 't upsets the balance 'f nature 's others'll take o'er. the latter not bein' the good kind.
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@rakski (119309)
• Philippines
21 Jun 19
they ate a lot of my lemon leaves last year.
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• United States
21 Jun 19
some'll come'n do quite a bit 'f damage, but most oft the plants return robust. did yer lemon tree survive such?
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• United States
21 Jun 19
@rakski that's great! 'twas a small sacrifice then :)
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@rakski (119309)
• Philippines
21 Jun 19
@crazyhorseladycx yes, it survived. It has grown taller since
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@JESSY3236 (19819)
• United States
25 Jun 19
cute caterpillar. I have some flowers in the front. Last year I got some bird food that causes goldfinches (I think) to come. And I didn't know they ate flowers. I was a little mad about it.
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• United States
25 Jun 19
i believe i jest saw the adult (swallowtail) go by my window :) makes the sacrifice 'f some parsley worth 't to see 'em 's those lovely butterflies. yes ma'am, those goldfinches'n quite a few others'll eat those flower petals. there'd e'en be some bees that use such to make their nests. don't fret, though i know such can be maddenin', jest think 'f bein' part 'f that ecosystem 'f life.
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@responsiveme (22926)
• India
22 Jun 19
What a lovely photo. I would be willing to share but I would like some of the crop for myself
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• United States
22 Jun 19
thanks :) oh, the parsley shall return, 't likes a good pickin', lol. will be bushier'n 'fore, too, thus providin' more fer me.
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21 Jun 19
It's a good thing they are not omnivores..
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21 Jun 19
@crazyhorseladycx Haha.. I know, right.. Hope this time round they will not eat them parsley..
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@DocAndersen (54402)
• United States
26 Jun 19
cure little guy - since I don't have a garden I would sacrifice my neighbors :-)
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• United States
26 Jun 19
i've somethin' that's eaten my kale. nary a clue's to what 's i've seen nothin'?? not too concerned 's they needed thinned out anyhow, lol.
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• United States
26 Jun 19
@DocAndersen yes sir, sometimes ya jest gotta look harder fer 't :)
@DocAndersen (54402)
• United States
26 Jun 19
@crazyhorseladycx There you go! there is always a bright side.
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@Nevena83 (65277)
• Serbia
24 Jun 19
The photo looks beautiful.
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• United States
24 Jun 19
thanks :)
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@BelleStarr (61102)
• United States
21 Jun 19
Maybe, do they turn into pretty butterflies? Then yes.
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• United States
21 Jun 19
yes ma'am. like the one i shared earlier that'd perished'n the ants were haulin' off.
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@jstory07 (139207)
• Roseburg, Oregon
21 Jun 19
What a cute looking caterpillar. I would take the critter off my crop and find it another home.
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• United States
21 Jun 19
these particular caterpillars seem to be 'nly fond 'f parsley. i've many other herbs'n such 'round the place, but the swallowtails know what'd be best i reckon coz my parsley patch 'tis where they 'lways lay their eggs. i 'njoy watchin' 'em munchin' 'way 'n grow'n 'larmin' rates, lol. takes 'em 'bout a week.
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