Back to Mylot family!

@besweet (9859)
January 30, 2020 3:41am CST
I have been away for a long long time, many things have changed in my life since then and I realized that a lot have changed here also. I was very happy to see some of the familiar people and regular members are still here. Life is so unpredictable and I am sure that we all went through a lot of different phases and experiences. I tried to go through my old discussions and posts and I realized that I have also changed during this time. I am feeling a little nostalgic being back and really looking forward to read your stories and share my own.
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17 responses
@LadyDuck (466074)
• Switzerland
30 Jan 20
Hello and welcome back, I remember you, it is really a long time that you have not been around.
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@besweet (9859)
• Ireland
30 Jan 20
Hi, I remember you of course too! Hope everything is going well in your life, it's been a few years for sure. I was wondering if I would see familiar people again and it's very pleasant indeed!
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@LadyDuck (466074)
• Switzerland
30 Jan 20
@besweet Everything is fine with me, thank you. Many are still here and active.
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@besweet (9859)
• Ireland
30 Jan 20
@LadyDuck I hope to interact with everyone soon, but still trying to find my way around the site again! I am glad to be back.
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@sprite1950 (30453)
• Corsham, England
31 Jan 20
I take long breaks too. I came back on 21st December last year and so far I'm still enjoying it. Nice to see you here.
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@sprite1950 (30453)
• Corsham, England
31 Jan 20
@besweet Yes I always feel completely refreshed and ready to go when I come back. I've made quite a few new friends this time.
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@besweet (9859)
• Ireland
31 Jan 20
@sprite1950 I can see that we joined at around the same time. I am looking forward to meet new people here also.
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@besweet (9859)
• Ireland
31 Jan 20
Nice to see you too! Sometimes taking a break is good, it changes the perspective of things.
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@deazil (4730)
• United States
15 Feb 20
besweet!! It's been a long time. I've thought of you often and wondered how you were. I, too, was away for a long while, although I've drifted in and out of mylot every so often. A lot of things have changed for me, too. Welcome back!
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@besweet (9859)
• Ireland
15 Feb 20
Thank you! It's been a long time indeed! I also thought about you some times, now that I am back I didn't know if you were still active. How have you been?
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@besweet (9859)
• Ireland
17 Feb 20
@deazil Yes, I got married last year and my husband had an opportunity for work in the middle east so we left everything behind and started here from the beginning. I am very sad to hear about your partner, it must have been a big shock. I know that there are no words to make you feel better but it sounds like he passed away without pain. You are a strong woman and time will heal your pain. We are all here for you and sharing might help.
@deazil (4730)
• United States
17 Feb 20
@besweet I've been reading some of your comments and I see you've gotten married and traveled. Sounds like you're keeping yourself busy, too, and making new friends. As for me, old age is taking it toll, I've had a few setbacks but I'm basically okay, nothing debilitating or life-threatening. Back in December (the 15th) my partner of 40 years had a heart attack in his sleep and passed away. It was quite a shock for me to find him like that. Then 5 days later I had to have emergency surgery on my throat - I couldn't breathe. Not a good way to end the old year and welcome in the But I'm okay now, it's just hard to deal with being alone here.
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@DianneN (247202)
• United States
31 Jan 20
You have been missed, and I am glad you have returned.
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@besweet (9859)
• Ireland
31 Jan 20
Thanks so much, I feel very welcomed to be honest. I missed everyone too.
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@DianneN (247202)
• United States
2 Feb 20
@JohnRoberts (109848)
• Los Angeles, California
30 Jan 20
Welcome back to the myLot party.
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@besweet (9859)
• Ireland
30 Jan 20
I am so happy to join the party again, thanks for the warm welcome. It will take some time to adjust again but it's so nice to be back.
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• Agra, India
30 Jan 20
Yes...and i desperately wish we could understand it. At this moment, my life appears to have a blind end
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@besweet (9859)
• Ireland
30 Jan 20
Hello Kokil, I believe that people are much stronger than they think. I joined this community during a difficult period in my life and it helped me go through it. I hope it works in the same positive way for you.
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@besweet (9859)
• Ireland
31 Jan 20
@amitkokiladitya It feels like an old friend for me also. Earning is a good reward, interaction and making friends is very important too.
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• Agra, India
31 Jan 20
@besweet yes ...this place is always a help. The earnings are precious and this is one reason why this site is so close to my heart
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@rsa101 (38076)
• Philippines
5 Feb 20
I see you are an old time mylot member too. I am also a long time member here too and I also happen to have stopped for a long time. It has just been this couple of years only when I started to becoming active again.
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@besweet (9859)
• Ireland
6 Feb 20
Yes, I was active a few years back and then I took a long break. I am back again and very happy to interact with everyone again. I am not sure if we have interacted before my break? I can see that you have been a member for many more years than me.
@May2k8 (18246)
• Indonesia
5 Feb 20
Best to know you are back again, welcome!
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@besweet (9859)
• Ireland
6 Feb 20
Thank you! It's nice to be back, I missed mylot!
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@RebeccasFarm (87335)
• United States
31 Jan 20
I am so happy to see you back.
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@besweet (9859)
• Ireland
1 Feb 20
Thank you Ocean! It's good to see you, I am very happy to be here also!
@jobelbojel (35114)
• Philippines
31 Jan 20
Welcome back here. I don't go here often but whenever I do, I feel welcomed.
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@besweet (9859)
• Ireland
31 Jan 20
Everyone is so kind, I agree. Thank you, looking forward to read your posts!
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@marlina (154156)
• Canada
30 Jan 20
Welcome back.
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@besweet (9859)
• Ireland
31 Jan 20
Thank you Marlina, I enjoy every moment here since I am back.
@thelme55 (76652)
• Germany
30 Jan 20
Welcome back. It is nice to be back, isnĀ“t it?
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@besweet (9859)
• Ireland
30 Jan 20
Yes, I am really looking forward to start reading and interacting again. Has it happened to you to take a long break from some activity or habit and return after a long time?
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@thelme55 (76652)
• Germany
30 Jan 20
@besweet Not for a long time. Only for a few days.
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@yoalldudes (35039)
• Philippines
30 Jan 20
Hello! Glad to meet you. I just joined more than a year ago.
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@besweet (9859)
• Ireland
30 Jan 20
Hello Arya, nice to meet you also. Looking forward to read your discussions!
@Wana1234 (1519)
• Zambia
30 Jan 20
Welcome back to myLot and happy myLotting
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@besweet (9859)
• Ireland
30 Jan 20
Hi Mathews, nice to meet you and thanks.
@Wana1234 (1519)
• Zambia
30 Jan 20
@besweet Nice meeting you too, thanks
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@MGjhaud (23244)
• Philippines
30 Jan 20
I look forward to reading your posts. Welcome back to the community!
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@besweet (9859)
• Ireland
30 Jan 20
Thanks so much, it is a very pleasant feeling to participate in the community again. Looking forward to be up to speed with all the discussions soon!
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@msdivkar (23359)
• India
30 Jan 20
Welcome back to mylot. I also came back to mylot after almost seven years last November. Enjoy your stay here.
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@besweet (9859)
• Ireland
30 Jan 20
How do you feel being back? It's a very strange feeling for me, I didn't expect to be so happy and nostalgic.
@simplfred (20641)
• Philippines
30 Jan 20
Welcome home... Enjoy this place once again...
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@besweet (9859)
• Ireland
30 Jan 20
Hello! Thank you for the warm welcome, looking forward to interact with everyone and read their posts.