Things that I miss

March 27, 2020 6:31pm CST
Like everybody else, I imagined 2020 a lot different. I am not a person who makes plans, as they usually don't turn out as one thinks. But I never thought that I will have to miss out on the things I like, and all of them at the same time. I imagined that I will have a lot of tourists this year, with the new exhibition and the advertisement we made to the castle. But I think the tourist season is completely compromised for this year. I miss playing football, or soccer, as the members from USA know it. I miss watching football and I miss my favorite team, which is an important part of my life. I miss the Saturday night parties with my friends. I only talk them on the phone of via Messenger. But the most important thing is that I am healthy and I am confident that things will be over, one day. Will see how soon, but I guess the most optimistic date is August. What do you miss the most?
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8 responses
@Porcospino (31366)
• Denmark
27 Mar 20
I miss spending time with friends. We call eachtother and exchange text messages and emails, but I miss seeing them in person. I miss visiting my favorite shopping mall and drinking coffee in my favorite coffeeshop. I miss visiting other countries.
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• Romania
27 Mar 20
Maybe we will appreciate these things more, once the madness will be over.
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@Porcospino (31366)
• Denmark
28 Mar 20
@rappeter13 Yes, I think so. It will be great to do all those things again, and I think that I will appreciate them more than before.
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• Romania
28 Mar 20
@Porcospino But human nature is to forget. We will appreciate these things more for a while, and then, we will take them for granted again. What do you think?
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@Laurakemunto (12862)
• Kenya
29 Mar 23
I miss my friend whom we lost contact suddenly I miss the days we used to chat and email each other. I hope one day we shall text, call and chat!
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• Romania
30 Mar 23
Maybe you can make the first move, and things will get back on track.
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• Romania
30 Mar 23
@Laurakemunto Then, there is nothing else you can do, but accept the situation as it is.
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• Kenya
30 Mar 23
@rappeter13 yes I did try waiting on the feedback
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@Alexandoy (65308)
• Cainta, Philippines
27 Mar 20
The first thing that is on my mind about what I miss is the flea market every Sunday morning. That's where we buy fresh fruits, fresh seafood, vegetables, fruits, and snack food. I really miss that.
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• Romania
27 Mar 20
Markets have a specific atmosphere, don't they?
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@Alexandoy (65308)
• Cainta, Philippines
28 Mar 20
@rappeter13 yes, depending on the kind of market. The flea market I was saying is complete with food stuff and even with potted plants. There's raw food, cooked food and almost any kind of drinks.
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• Romania
28 Mar 20
@Alexandoy And a lot of people roaming around.
@JudyEv (331988)
• Rockingham, Australia
28 Mar 20
I miss the horse endurance events that we had planned to go to. But I'm also grateful that we are healthy for the moment.
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• Romania
28 Mar 20
Staying healthy is the most important thing, and not just now. But in order to live a complete life, we need to have those things we like to do.
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• Romania
29 Mar 20
@JudyEv Yes, I do. But I am aware that this is only temporary, and things get back on track
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@JudyEv (331988)
• Rockingham, Australia
29 Mar 20
@rappeter13 You need things to feed your soul too, don't you?
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@thelme55 (76652)
• Germany
27 Mar 20
I miss bonding with my friends to with a lot of food and laughter.
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• Romania
27 Mar 20
Those sound to be pleasant occasions.
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@thelme55 (76652)
• Germany
28 Mar 20
@rappeter13 Yes, a happy and pleasant occasion.
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• Philippines
28 Mar 20
I miss doing my usual routine which is -doing my weekly grocery shopping, meeting up with some of my closest friends, etc.
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• Romania
28 Mar 20
It will be nice when we will be able to do that again.
@JohnRoberts (109848)
• Los Angeles, California
28 Mar 20
Freedom to go out wherever.
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• Romania
28 Mar 20
That is a great treasure, indeed.
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@db20747 (43445)
• Washington, District Of Columbia
28 Mar 20
Nothing much yet, but I will be glad to go out without worry and wrapping my face up
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• Romania
28 Mar 20
I was out yesterday, with a mask on. It was a strange feeling and a very annoying one. It will be a great day when everything will be finally over.
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