Cash or card?

March 28, 2020 6:12pm CST
I wonder many times what type of payment methods do people prefer. Personally, I like cash a lot more than cards. Whenever there is a chance to pay using cash money, I opt for that. I feel more safe like that. When I purchase something online, I look for pay to the courier, when I get the product, even with established sites, too. If that option is not available and I don't know the site, I will not purchase it. In physical stores, I have always paid with cash money. What do you prefer?
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17 responses
• Agra, India
29 Mar 20
Usually cash
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• Romania
29 Mar 20
Do you have more confidence in cash?
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• Romania
29 Mar 20
@amitkokiladitya so, that is more practical for you
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• Agra, India
29 Mar 20
@rappeter13 not really. Just because I earn in cash I will pay in cash
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@porwest (81633)
• United States
29 Mar 20
I tend to pay with a card. But there's an ulterior motive to my doing that. I use a Discover card which pays me cash back on every purchase. 1-5%. I put things on the card and then pay it right away out of the spending budget so I do not incur interest charges. It's like getting free money from every purchase I'd be making anyway. That being said, people who have difficulty managing their money are usually better off using cash since you can physically see the money going away. It gives you a bit more pause when deciding to buy something. THAT being said, right now with this Coronavirus thing going around...I'd opt for the card. Not sure if the virus can be carried on cash but I would assume that it would.
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• Romania
29 Mar 20
It could be carried on a card, too. Of course, the risk is lower.
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• Romania
29 Mar 20
@porwest But if a droplet falls on it, it can be contamined.
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@porwest (81633)
• United States
29 Mar 20
@rappeter13 True. However, at least here in the United States it is EXTREMELY rare that you give your card to someone. In almost all card transactions there is a swipe pad that we use, or if you have a chip card you just stick it into the slot and do your business that way.
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@id_peace (14005)
• Singapore
29 Mar 20
Generally in my country, we uses a lot more cashes than cards. I loved to use cash so that I can keep track of my spending more than card which can make it very easy to lose control.
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• Romania
29 Mar 20
I also feel the same way. And when I use a card, I don't feel the amount that much. It is more likely to spend more with a card than with cash.
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• Romania
5 Apr 20
@id_peace You must watch your heart!
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@id_peace (14005)
• Singapore
30 Mar 20
Yes and I will get a shock when I get my statement. Not good for my heart.
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@JudyEv (332011)
• Rockingham, Australia
29 Mar 20
We use our card for everything we can as we get Frequent Flyer points.
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• Romania
29 Mar 20
Do you trust that sites will not just take your money and never get your purchase?
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• Romania
29 Mar 20
@JudyEv I see. I have no trust in companies I never heard of before. And when I had a problem with my bank, it took them more than a month to resolve it. I prefer not to take risks in this area.
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@JudyEv (332011)
• Rockingham, Australia
29 Mar 20
@rappeter13 Just once we've had trouble. The bank ran to check on an overseas transaction but we weren't overseas. They were able to get onto it immediately.
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@Moon24 (22396)
• Serbia
29 Mar 20
I use only cash.
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• Romania
29 Mar 20
You don't trust cards?
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@Moon24 (22396)
• Serbia
29 Mar 20
@rappeter13 No i just don't like them.
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@Laurakemunto (12862)
• Kenya
29 Mar 23
When covid came I was used to cashless till I forgot that physical money existed!!
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• Romania
30 Mar 23
I still use cash more, although I started using cards, too.
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• Kenya
30 Mar 23
@rappeter13 that's great cash still has a powerful place in our daily lives
@youless (112263)
• Guangzhou, China
30 Mar 23
I prefer to pay by credit card since I don't like bringing cash and I can redeem gifts when my credit card points are up to certain amount. But actually today most of the time I pay by phone. Since it is still link with my credit card, so basically it is also paid by card. It is convenient that I can bring my phone to go out and that's all.
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• Romania
30 Mar 23
Can you keep track of your expensive like this? A study shows that we are likely to spend more if we pay exclusively with cards or other gadgets.
@marlina (154156)
• Canada
29 Mar 20
I do both now.
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@DianneN (247202)
• United States
29 Mar 20
I like the card for air mile points. Now that we have enough miles to fly around the world multiple times, we can’t go anywhere.
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• Romania
29 Mar 20
That damn virus
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@DianneN (247202)
• United States
29 Mar 20
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@JohnRoberts (109848)
• Los Angeles, California
29 Mar 20
I have gotten used to cards.
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• Romania
29 Mar 20
So, you are not using cash anymore?
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@JohnRoberts (109848)
• Los Angeles, California
29 Mar 20
@rappeter13 On occasion.
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@mrki444 (15150)
• Croatia (Hrvatska)
28 Mar 20
I also like cash.
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• Philippines
29 Mar 20
I'd have to say both.
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• Romania
29 Mar 20
With equal frequency?
@yoalldudes (35039)
• Philippines
28 Mar 20
I have never tried gift certificates but I would like too. One deterrent would be the shipping fee?
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• Romania
29 Mar 20
I don’t know. I never used gift cards, neither.
@Nevena83 (65280)
• Serbia
28 Mar 20
And I always use cash, maybe because my card is mostly blank.
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• Romania
28 Mar 20
I receive my salary on a card and I also use another one for savings. But I take out money at an ATM and spend it physically.
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• Chatsworth, California
19 Apr 20
For the most part cash, yet that can’t be recovered if it is stolen. But a lot of places still use cash. I guess it’s easier that way. But you also don’t need to worry about overdraft fees and other stuff that could you get in financial trouble, maybe in the legal sense. I guess I’d rather have both, but if you keep them together in a wallet and that wallet gets lost, then it’s non good anyway, they’re both bad.
@RebeccasFarm (87332)
• United States
28 Mar 23
It is dangerous here to carry either one. But I guess at least with card you can stop payments.
• India
9 Jul 20
cash or debit card. But cash is my favourite.