What do you eat when you don`t feel too much hungry?

July 3, 2020 4:39am CST
Hello Good Morning/Afternoon/Evening my dear mylotters I woke up in a good weather today. Sunny and windy. I like this kind of weather. Not too cold and not too hot. Although, we have a wonderful weather I don`t understand myself because I don`t feel too much hungry to have lunch So, That´s why I eat this corny haferkraft it`s a fruity quacker oats in a bar. I love the taste of this bar. Do you have something like this in your place? What do you eat when you don`t feel too much hungry? I hope you can share it with me here Have a great day and Happy mylotting Photo: google
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28 responses
@DianneN (247202)
• United States
3 Jul 20
Your weather sounds better than ours. The sun and clouds are fighting with each other right now. When I'm not hungry, I just don't eat. At least you had a healthy snack.
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• Germany
5 Jul 20
@DianneN Yes. That`s right. I also force myself to eat something little
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• Germany
4 Jul 20
Yes. It`s better now. sunny and cool air. I had a good walk yesterday Yes I need to have a healthy snack because it`s not good to skip meals Thank you so much for sharing and dropping by here. Have a great day and Happy mylotting. See you around in any post
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@DianneN (247202)
• United States
4 Jul 20
@m_audrey6788 It's not good to skip meals, but I do it all the time when I'm not hungry. I have to force myself to eat sometimes.
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@birjudanak (14320)
• India
3 Jul 20
During summer its happens so we take very light as its needed so sometimes two roti which made of grain or mamara with onion and tomato which is our local snack.
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• Germany
3 Jul 20
That sounds new to me. Is it like salad? Thank you so much for sharing and dropping by here. Have a great day and Happy mylotting. See you around in any post
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@birjudanak (14320)
• India
3 Jul 20
@m_audrey6788 Yes its almost like salad and if you even eat more its very healthy so not gain weight too.
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• Germany
3 Jul 20
@birjudanak It looks good. Yes. You`re right. Salads are healthy and good for those who don`t want to gain weight
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@LadyDuck (465996)
• Switzerland
3 Jul 20
When I am not hungry I usually have yogurt and berries or a couple of fruits.
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• Germany
3 Jul 20
I like yogurt too Thank you so much for sharing and dropping by here. Have a great day and Happy mylotting. See you around in any post
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@Sambriel (2243)
4 Jul 20
Corn flakes is a good option!
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• Germany
4 Jul 20
Thank you so much for sharing and dropping by here. Have a great day and Happy mylotting. See you around in any post
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• Philippines
3 Jul 20
Nuts for me :)
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• Germany
3 Jul 20
That`s good Thank you so much for sharing and dropping by here. Have a great day and Happy mylotting. See you around in any post
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• Philippines
4 Jul 20
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4 Jul 20
I have this terrible habit of walking out to the kitchen to find a snack and finding the snacks are all gone. Before that there is another problem. Guess what it is.
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• Germany
5 Jul 20
I don`t have any idea. What is it? Thank you so much for sharing and dropping by here. Have a great day and Happy mylotting. See you around in any post
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@Alexandoy (65308)
• Cainta, Philippines
3 Jul 20
For a light snack I always turn to biscuits or fruits like banana. I cannot skip meals and snacks.
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• Germany
3 Jul 20
That`s right. It`s not good to skip meals. That`s why at least have a snack to eat. You have a good choice of snack Thank you so much for sharing and dropping by here. Have a great day and Happy mylotting. See you around in any post
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• Germany
3 Jul 20
@Alexandoy I like that too. Thanks for the idea
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@Alexandoy (65308)
• Cainta, Philippines
3 Jul 20
@m_audrey6788 sometimes I boil an egg. That will do.
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@thelme55 (76652)
• Germany
3 Jul 20
I don't eat when I am not hungry. I am not fond of snacking, too.
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• Germany
3 Jul 20
Thank you so much for sharing and dropping by here. Have a great day and Happy mylotting. See you around in any post
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• Germany
4 Jul 20
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@thelme55 (76652)
• Germany
3 Jul 20
@m_audrey6788 You are very welcome. Have a nice Friday to you there.
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@FayeHazel (40244)
• United States
5 Jul 20
Soounds tasty though I've never heard of this brand. I like Belvita which is made with wheat, otherwise similar
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• Germany
6 Jul 20
Yes. It`s really tasty and good for people who wants a light snack or meal Thank you so much for sharing and dropping by here. Have a great day and Happy mylotting. See you around in any post
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• Germany
7 Jul 20
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@FayeHazel (40244)
• United States
6 Jul 20
@m_audrey6788 No problem , and we'll see you around :-)
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• Agra, India
3 Jul 20
I wait and eat only when I'm fully hungry
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• Germany
3 Jul 20
Oh ok. That`s good Thank you so much for sharing and dropping by here. Have a great day and Happy mylotting. See you around in any post
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• Germany
3 Jul 20
@amitkokiladitya You too my friend
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• Agra, India
3 Jul 20
@m_audrey6788 always love to have you around
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@Teekaaa (11580)
• India
4 Jul 20
Same kind of weather right now in my place. I'll have some snacks or cookies.
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• Germany
4 Jul 20
@Teekaaa Me too.
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• Germany
4 Jul 20
Oh That`s nice. I love cookies too Thank you so much for sharing and dropping by here. Have a great day and Happy mylotting. See you around in any post
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@Teekaaa (11580)
• India
4 Jul 20
@m_audrey6788 yeah. Thank you my friend. Not at all. I always like to interact with you. Have a great day you too. Enjoy mylotting.
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@Janet357 (75651)
3 Jul 20
I think we have a local version only that I forgot the name.
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• Germany
3 Jul 20
Oh ok. Do you like to eat something like that? Thank you so much for sharing and dropping by here. Have a great day and Happy mylotting. See you around in any post
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• Germany
4 Jul 20
@Janet357 Oh ok. Thank you
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@Janet357 (75651)
3 Jul 20
@m_audrey6788 yes as a dessert. You know after eating lunch and dinner you usually crave for sweets.
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@erictsuma (9726)
• Mombasa, Kenya
3 Jul 20
I like to eat popcorns
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• Germany
3 Jul 20
That`s nice. I like popcorns too. What flavor you like cheese, caramel or salted? Thank you so much for sharing and dropping by here. Have a great day and Happy mylotting. See you around in any post
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• Germany
3 Jul 20
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@erictsuma (9726)
• Mombasa, Kenya
3 Jul 20
@m_audrey6788 I like the salted ones. Thank you simplyme you too have a nice day and happy myloting.
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• Bosnia And Herzegovina
3 Jul 20
hmm if i'm not really hungry, i don't eat anything. or i grab some fruit or coffee.
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• Germany
3 Jul 20
I don`t know but there are times I really don`t feel too much hungry but I must not skip meals. What fruit you like most? Thank you so much for sharing and dropping by here. Have a great day and Happy mylotting. See you around in any post
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• Bosnia And Herzegovina
3 Jul 20
@m_audrey6788 i like all fruits i tasted so far, but i like peaches the most i think. what about you?
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• Germany
3 Jul 20
@aureategloom I like peaches too but I like most is strawberries
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@cherriefic (10400)
• Philippines
4 Jul 20
I don't really eat when I'm not yet hungry.
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• Germany
4 Jul 20
Thank you so much for sharing and dropping by here. Have a great day and Happy mylotting. See you around in any post
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@psanasangma (7069)
• India
4 Jul 20
Something that fills me
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• Germany
4 Jul 20
Thank you so much for sharing and dropping by here. Have a great day and Happy mylotting. See you around in any post
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• United States
4 Jul 20
We do have bars like that here which are similar. They come in handy when you really aren't hungry. My favorite is either strawberry or blueberry ones.
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• Germany
5 Jul 20
Yes. That`s right. I like the taste too. Thank you so much for sharing and dropping by here. Have a great day and Happy mylotting. See you around in any post
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@aureliah (24316)
• Kenya
5 Jul 20
I prefer eating veggies such as carrots, cucumbers and beet roots
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• Germany
6 Jul 20
Yes. That`s good Thank you so much for sharing and dropping by here. Have a great day and Happy mylotting. See you around in any post
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@aureliah (24316)
• Kenya
9 Feb 21
@m_audrey6788 Hope you are doing great
@vilma143 (2832)
• Dipolog, Philippines
4 Jul 20
I eat fruits in the morning before I eat breakfast, we have also quacker oats here in a different brands. I eat sometimes of quacker oats, not all the time. Have a nice day to you there.
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• Germany
5 Jul 20
Oh ok. I like quacker oats and most of the time I eat it when I really feel to eat something light Thank you so much for sharing and dropping by here. Have a great day and Happy mylotting. See you around in any post
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@vilma143 (2832)
• Dipolog, Philippines
5 Jul 20
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@KityCat (7599)
• India
5 Jul 20
I think I would prefer chips and chocolats to eat if i am not much hungry
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• Germany
6 Jul 20
Thank you so much for sharing and dropping by here. Have a great day and Happy mylotting. See you around in any post
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@KityCat (7599)
• India
6 Jul 20
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