Have you renovated your home or changed something in your home?

@Moon24 (22396)
December 1, 2020 6:27am CST
Hello. I am thinking for some time to remove stuffs in my home. Maybe i will buy new ones. Furniture in my appartment is mostly new. I put away things I didn’t need. Have you renovated your home or changed something in your home?
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6 responses
@Porcospino (31366)
• Denmark
1 Dec 20
We haven't made many changes since we moved here (5 years ago) but we have bought a new couch and a new bed. My husband has built a bedside table for us. We have a loft bed so we needed a very tall bedside table. We couldn't buy that kind of table in any of our local stores so my husband built one instead.
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@Porcospino (31366)
• Denmark
4 Dec 20
@Moon24 Yes, sometimes small changes are enough. Right now we have enough furniture, but I want to decorate some of the walls that are still empty. We removed some of the paintings etc when we redecorated our living room.
@Moon24 (22396)
• Serbia
1 Dec 20
No need many changes. Small changes are enough sometimes.
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@LadyDuck (465996)
• Switzerland
1 Dec 20
No, our house is recent, we are not going to change something soon. I am going through things that I do not need, I will donate to charities.
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@Moon24 (22396)
• Serbia
1 Dec 20
I am still going throught things that i don't need. I had rid of many stuffs i don't need.
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@LadyDuck (465996)
• Switzerland
2 Dec 20
@Moon24 Last year I prepared many boxes and I called the local charity, they came to collect everything.
@kaylachan (62747)
• Daytona Beach, Florida
1 Dec 20
When we bought our house, my husband and I bought new couches. We also got some pots and pans to supposedly replace the ones we were getting rid of. About a year into living at the house, we replaced the windows. And, with temps dipping, I am so grateful for them. Our old ones would get wet inside, and set off our glass break dector. Thease, don't.
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@Moon24 (22396)
• Serbia
1 Dec 20
When a man moves he often gets new things or buys new things. There are a lot of new things in my house. The biggest problem was things I no longer use like books, shelves, things related to old hobbies.
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@kaylachan (62747)
• Daytona Beach, Florida
1 Dec 20
We bought our couches at Daytona Used funture, so the couches weren't new, but we still saved on the cost. We bought two for the price of one, new. So it's not a total loss. Kind of funny how we got them. My husband had stopped by on his way home from work, said something to the owners, and well. Next thing I know, he was asking me if I was at the house or apartment (we were in the process of moving) then when I told him, he told me to wait out front, threw my wheelchair in the back of the truck, and off we went. We bought our couches after closing and they kept the store open for us.@Moon24
@MALUSE (69388)
• Germany
1 Dec 20
No, not recently. But sometimes it's a good idea to go through the stuff one has accumulated over the years and *give away* what one hasn't used for some time. If you only 'put away' things, nothing much is gained.
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@Moon24 (22396)
• Serbia
1 Dec 20
I was thinking of giving away or throwing things away. Things I don’t use I don’t like to keep in the house because they take up space.
@dya80dya (35539)
1 Dec 20
No. Nothing new until now. I don't have enough money unfortunately.
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@Moon24 (22396)
• Serbia
1 Dec 20
I also don't have much money but i had rid of stuffs i don't use anymore.
@Cheyee (8362)
• Pakanbaru, Indonesia
1 Dec 20
I haven't renovated or changed anything since like 6 years ago. We kind of tight in finance
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@Moon24 (22396)
• Serbia
1 Dec 20
I know. I also don't have much money but i throw away some old stuffs i don't use. It is not small change.
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@Cheyee (8362)
• Pakanbaru, Indonesia
2 Dec 20
@Moon24 that's good. I have alot of useless things but I feel too attached