Merry Christmas and almost goodbye to 2020

@id_peace (14005)
December 26, 2020 2:40am CST
Merry Christmas to all of mylot friends. I knew that I am absent for a long time and I will like to apologise for it. There are a lot of things that is going on at my end. It is one of the most screwed up year with Covid been at the forefront. It had disrupted a lot of my plans. I had a lot of things which I should have done and not have done. Essentially, any work that I have regarding to making more money online had been threw out of the window. I had pushed out a few of the robo advisory investment which I am planning to hold forever. More on that in the future. This Christmas I had gave my wife an iWatch without her knowing and she actually give me a gift as well. It turned out that both of us had brought the same model of iWatch for each other without knowing. Let me know how does things goes and may your holiday be a good one.
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21 responses
@DianneN (247202)
• United States
26 Dec 20
It’s good to see you again and Merry Christmas! That was a huge coincidence with the iWatches. I hope you both enjoy them.
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@id_peace (14005)
• Singapore
27 Dec 20
Oh yes, Merry Christmas to you and a happy new year ahead.
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@DianneN (247202)
• United States
27 Dec 20
@id_peace Happy New Year to you, too.
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@LowRiderX (22903)
• Serbia
28 Dec 20
@id_peace Merry Christmas to you too, I wish you all the best in 2021!
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@id_peace (14005)
• Singapore
28 Dec 20
Merry Christmas and may a good 2021 be here for everyone.
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@LowRiderX (22903)
• Serbia
28 Dec 20
@id_peace Thank you. I hope so..
• Pamplona, Spain
26 Dec 20
This is so true for all of us around the world all our plans have been messed up in one way or another.
2 people like this
• Pamplona, Spain
26 Dec 20
@id_peace Yes thank you very much we are having a good one even so. Have a great day ahead.
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@id_peace (14005)
• Singapore
26 Dec 20
Oh yes, still I do hope that you do have a good christmas
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@LadyDuck (466074)
• Switzerland
26 Dec 20
Merry Christmas to you. Covid has disrupted the lives of many, but I am thankful that I am healthy.
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@id_peace (14005)
• Singapore
26 Dec 20
Merry Christmas and indeed healthy is the most important thing.
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@LadyDuck (466074)
• Switzerland
26 Dec 20
@id_peace Particularly right now with this pandemic.
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@jaboUK (64359)
• United Kingdom
28 Dec 20
What a coincidence that you bought each other the same gift
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@id_peace (14005)
• Singapore
28 Dec 20
Oh yes but it is also funny because we knew the price of the gifts
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@LindaOHio (166289)
• United States
26 Dec 20
Glad to see you. Things are going OK here. We had a quiet Christmas and a lot of snow.
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@id_peace (14005)
• Singapore
27 Dec 20
Glad to hear from you as well. I want the snow.
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@LindaOHio (166289)
• United States
27 Dec 20
@id_peace I would gladly send it to you! :-)
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@snowy22315 (174710)
• United States
28 Dec 20
Nice to see you Ultraman. I think Covid has a messed with a lot of people's lives this year, and I think nearly everyone has been affected in one way or another. It is funny about you and your wife with the same gift!
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@id_peace (14005)
• Singapore
29 Dec 20
Yes I hope that things will be cooldown soon enough for everyone to get their lives back
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@prinzcy (32322)
• Malaysia
26 Dec 20
Both of you think alike Covid does change a lot in our live. Hopefully things will get better soon.
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@prinzcy (32322)
• Malaysia
26 Dec 20
@id_peace yeah, we had surge of cases in Selangor and KL. The other states have cool down a bit.
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@id_peace (14005)
• Singapore
26 Dec 20
Oh yes indeed. I hope that you continue to stay safe. I heard that Malaysia is not able to keep their numbers down.
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@id_peace (14005)
• Singapore
27 Dec 20
It is good to hear that. I want to go to Genting but right now is not quite possible.
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@ARIES1973 (11426)
• Legaspi, Philippines
26 Dec 20
We can always start anew. Maybe this is not the right time for your plans. The new year is coming and you can certainly have a fresh start. Merry Christmas and a Happy new year!
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@id_peace (14005)
• Singapore
26 Dec 20
Merry Christmas and a happy new year. I do hope that things are calming down for you in your country.
@RebeccasFarm (87335)
• United States
10 Jun 21
I wish it were Christmas now..this is too hot here
1 person likes this
@id_peace (14005)
• Singapore
12 Jun 21
It is equally hot here.
@jstory07 (135930)
• Roseburg, Oregon
28 Dec 20
I am very glad that you had a nice Christmas.
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@id_peace (14005)
• Singapore
28 Dec 20
Oh yes, may you have a great New Year Eve.
@VivaLaDani13 (60793)
• Perth, Australia
26 Dec 20
@id_peace And a Merry Christmas to you too. I'm so sorry Covid has ruined what you wanted to do. I hope within time you can do what you want and need to do. Funny how you and your wife got each other the same thing. Wishing you the very best for 2021.
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@id_peace (14005)
• Singapore
26 Dec 20
Merry Christmas, How have you been?
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@id_peace (14005)
• Singapore
26 Dec 20
@VivaLaDani13 It had been a quiet but a lovely Christmas.
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• Perth, Australia
26 Dec 20
@id_peace I have been alright thank you very much. How about yourself? I mean, apart from the annoyance of Covid.
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@db20747 (43445)
• Washington, District Of Columbia
28 Dec 20
Only a couple days til a new year. Let's hope for a better one!!
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@id_peace (14005)
• Singapore
29 Dec 20
Hope that everything will be fine.
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@thelme55 (76652)
• Germany
26 Dec 20
You have thought the same with your wife regarding the gifts. Merry Christmas.
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@id_peace (14005)
• Singapore
27 Dec 20
Oh yes, Merry Christmas and I hope that you slept well since you slept early on the eve
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@thelme55 (76652)
• Germany
27 Dec 20
@id_peace Yes, I have slept well. I had a very relaxing holiday from the 25th until now.
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@mayka123 (16603)
• India
27 Dec 20
All of us have had a bad year. Just hoping the new year treats us well. Seasons Greetings and a Happy New you to you and your family.
@mayka123 (16603)
• India
2 Jan 21
@id_peace After all that we have gone through in 2020 everyone is just praying for better days now.
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@id_peace (14005)
• Singapore
28 Dec 20
Oh yes, I do hope that 2021 will be a year where we will all get everything turned around.
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@marlina (154156)
• Canada
26 Dec 20
iWatch: let us know how you both like this gift
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@id_peace (14005)
• Singapore
26 Dec 20
Hahaha. Yet to use it yet we are buying our protective sheet to the watch surface.
• Midland, Michigan
26 Dec 20
I hope that doesn't mean either of you got covid sometime this year for things to slow down for you? May next year be more profitable.
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@id_peace (14005)
• Singapore
27 Dec 20
I do truly hope that it will be a good year for everyone of us going forward in 2021.
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@ShifaLk (17817)
• India
27 Dec 20
Merry Christmas to you too. That's great you both gifted each other.
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@id_peace (14005)
• Singapore
28 Dec 20
Merry Christmas and a happy new year ahead.
@peachpurple (13889)
• Malaysia
26 Dec 20
Yep, a lot of plans were ruined by covid. I couldn't go back home to see my kids and hubby nor my sick parents. Hope that 2021, covid is gone in the wind
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@id_peace (14005)
• Singapore
27 Dec 20
Where are your hometown?
@chicnthin (3031)
• Philippines
27 Dec 20
I've been away for a long time here too. Covid really ruined everything. Stay safe!
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@id_peace (14005)
• Singapore
27 Dec 20
Have a good festival and stay safe.