Do you like Marinated Olives?

May 15, 2021 8:31am CST
Hello Good Morning/Afternoon/Evening to all my dear mylotters Have you ever tried to eat marinated Olives? I believe that this Olives are very high in vitamin E and other powerful antioxidants. They are good for the heart and may protect against osteoporosis and cancer. That`s why me and my husband always buy some of this marinated Olives and eat 4 to 6pcs sometimes but not always I like Olives on my Pizza and Spaghetti sauce too. How about you my dear mylotters? Do you like Marinated Olives? I hope you can share it with me here Have a great day and Happy mylotting Photo: google
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18 responses
@Janet357 (75651)
15 May 21
olives are not common here. I think I would not like its taste.
3 people like this
• Germany
15 May 21
Oh ok. Thank you
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@prinzcy (32322)
• Malaysia
17 May 21
Olives is not common in Malaysia as well.
1 person likes this
• Germany
17 May 21
@prinzcy It`s ok. Thank you
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@rakski (112924)
• Philippines
15 May 21
I have not really try that
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• Germany
15 May 21
That`s ok. Thank you
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@rakski (112924)
• Philippines
18 May 21
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@marlina (154156)
• Canada
15 May 21
Yes, I do
3 people like this
• Germany
15 May 21
That`s great. Do you make it your own marination or you buy it marinated already?
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@GreatMartin (23674)
• Ft. Lauderdale, Florida
15 May 21
I like anything that is food except oyster plant!!!
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• Germany
15 May 21
Oh yes. That`s great. Thank you
1 person likes this
15 May 21
Yes! So much! Picking olives in our backyard is 2 weeks overdue. I process olives yearly and enjoy them every time. Thanks for the info about olives. I am more determined to pick them tomorrow, Sunday. And Monday all day.
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• Germany
16 May 21
Thank you It is nice to have fresh olives. Glad to know that you have it on your backyard
@Starkinds (32703)
• India
15 May 21
No I don't have it
3 people like this
• Germany
15 May 21
Oh ok. Thank you
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@coolchai (753)
• Philippines
16 May 21
i love it on my spaghetti ??
1 person likes this
• Germany
17 May 21
Yes. Ate. I love it on spaghetti. Do you also like it on your Pizza?
@DianneN (247202)
• United States
16 May 21
I love them, too. I also use them as an appetizer.
1 person likes this
• Germany
16 May 21
Yes. It is nice as appetizer Thank you
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• Germany
17 May 21
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@DianneN (247202)
• United States
16 May 21
@m_audrey6788 Welcome!
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@Dena91 (16277)
• United States
17 May 21
I don't like green olives but i do black ones. I haven't had any that are marinated.
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• Germany
17 May 21
It`s ok. It is not available here too. We must buy it from a Greek shop Thank you
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@YrNemo (20257)
16 May 21
We bought the ready made from supermarkets or delicatessens, slightly salty but yummy.
1 person likes this
• Germany
17 May 21
Yes. That`s right it is slightly salty. Thank you
@Rashnag (30594)
• Surat, India
16 May 21
I haven't had marinated ones. I had normal raw ones. Have a good day. Take care
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• Germany
17 May 21
@Rashnag Thank you
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• Germany
16 May 21
Do you eat it?
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@Rashnag (30594)
• Surat, India
16 May 21
@m_audrey6788 yes dear
1 person likes this
• Philippines
16 May 21
I haven't had marinated olives yet but I'd like to give it a try
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• Germany
17 May 21
That`s great. I hope there is available there in your place Thank you
@cool83 (4467)
• Sri Lanka
16 May 21
I have no idea about it , but i guess in my country these are not available , is that tasty ??
1 person likes this
• Germany
17 May 21
Yes. It is tasty and slightly salty Thank you
@LotusEyes (2709)
• India
16 May 21
I have tried olive topping with pizza but what is Marinated Olives?
1 person likes this
• Germany
17 May 21
It is mixed with different herbs and oil
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• Germany
18 May 21
@LotusEyes Yes. It is nice but slight salty
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@LotusEyes (2709)
• India
18 May 21
@m_audrey6788 Sounds yummy
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@jstory07 (135930)
• Roseburg, Oregon
15 May 21
I only like black olives they are good for you to.
1 person likes this
• Germany
16 May 21
Me too. I like black olives Thank you
@LadyDuck (466074)
• Switzerland
15 May 21
Yes, I love olives, I often marinate the olives myself.
1 person likes this
• Germany
15 May 21
Oh That`s great. Thank you
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• United States
15 May 21
I do like marinated olives but my favorite are the black ones.
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• Germany
16 May 21
Me too. Thank you
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@Nevena83 (65280)
• Serbia
15 May 21
I only tried olives once, but I didn’t like the taste, but I love olive oil.
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• Germany
16 May 21
It`s ok. Olive Oil is good too Thank you
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