Any home remedies for fever and cold please?

@S4mmyboy (3266)
Mumbai, India
May 24, 2021 1:18am CST
My cousin who is staying along suddenly developed fever and cold. Till last night she was fit and we both were together to the market as well yesterday. While there is nothing wrong with me, she developed fever and cold. Also she is feeling cold while the weather is hot
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13 responses
@erictsuma (9726)
• Mombasa, Kenya
24 May 21
Your friend should go to hospital and get medical attention. Have a nice day.
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• New Delhi, India
26 May 21
First you must try to fetch some basil leaves if possible. This is because basil leaves are considered a really good medicine for curing cold and fever.
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• New Delhi, India
26 May 21
@S4mmyboy just chew it raw
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@S4mmyboy (3266)
• Mumbai, India
27 May 21
@Swayamsiddha noted....thank you very much
@S4mmyboy (3266)
• Mumbai, India
26 May 21
Yes. But how to consume? Should be eaten raw? Or to be mixed with anything?
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@kaylachan (62747)
• Daytona Beach, Florida
24 May 21
Fluids. You can never go wrong with fluids. If you get feavers, even with chills, you dehydrate faster. So make sure to keep the fluids coming.
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@kaylachan (62747)
• Daytona Beach, Florida
24 May 21
Not a problem. I don't know what medicines you have access to where you're from, but there are some known feaver reducers, too. I just know fluids are universal and key during illness.@S4mmyboy
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@S4mmyboy (3266)
• Mumbai, India
24 May 21
Thank you @kaylachan
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@S4mmyboy (3266)
• Mumbai, India
24 May 21
@kaylachan you are absolutely correct...thanks for the the way am from India
@msdivkar (23359)
• India
24 May 21
Regular salt water gargle with some turmeric in it is a good household treatment. It should be taken at least five times a day. Regular inhalation of steam is also a must. This treatment is supplementary to regular treatment prescribed by the doctor.
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@msdivkar (23359)
• India
24 May 21
@S4mmyboy It should be in warm water.
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@S4mmyboy (3266)
• Mumbai, India
24 May 21
@msdivkar ok sir
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@S4mmyboy (3266)
• Mumbai, India
24 May 21
@msdivkar thank you Sir..should it be in lukewarm water or regular water
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@rakski (112924)
• Philippines
24 May 21
how abut a paracetamol or ibuprofen?
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@rakski (112924)
• Philippines
24 May 21
@S4mmyboy you have to make it round the clock. Depending on her age, it can be every 4-6 hours
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@S4mmyboy (3266)
• Mumbai, India
24 May 21
@rakski okkkk
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@S4mmyboy (3266)
• Mumbai, India
24 May 21
I already gave her gave relief for some time but again fever
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@ladyhero (3846)
• Indonesia
25 May 21
We recommend that you take it to the hospital for further examination, so that it can be treated immediately and recovered, because fever can be contagious.
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@ladyhero (3846)
• Indonesia
25 May 21
@S4mmyboy your welcome, hope she get well soon
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@S4mmyboy (3266)
• Mumbai, India
25 May 21
@ladyhero thank you
@S4mmyboy (3266)
• Mumbai, India
25 May 21
Yes, took her and is better now... Thank you
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@DaddyEvil (137239)
• United States
3 Jul 21
I'm sure your cousin is doing much better now.
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@DaddyEvil (137239)
• United States
3 Jul 21
@S4mmyboy Yeah, Pretty wasn't happy after the corn was removed from her nose, either.
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@S4mmyboy (3266)
• Mumbai, India
3 Jul 21
Yes she recovered, but it took more than a week to be back to normal.
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@MALUSE (69388)
• Germany
24 May 21
I'd consult a physician or at least ask a pharmacist and not members of a writing site.
@S4mmyboy (3266)
• Mumbai, India
25 May 21
Completely agree. Like in fire fighting they teach us to give a try once, on how to extinguish/ contain a fire rather than spreading, before calling in the experts. Similarly some home remedies would help a bit by the time i take her to the clinic. By the way, I took her in the evening when the clinic opened
@lovebuglena (43562)
• Staten Island, New York
26 May 21
I remember my parents used to make me tea with raspberry preserves and have me sweat it out.
@lovebuglena (43562)
• Staten Island, New York
26 May 21
@S4mmyboy It actually tastes good.
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@S4mmyboy (3266)
• Mumbai, India
26 May 21
Ohh I see... Never heard of tea with raspberry preserves, uncommon in India...Good to know that. Thank You.
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@Rashnag (30594)
• Surat, India
24 May 21
You can give her dolo 650 mg. It's an antibiotic
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@S4mmyboy (3266)
• Mumbai, India
24 May 21
Noted Rashna. thank you
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@Rashnag (30594)
• Surat, India
24 May 21
@S4mmyboy your welcome
• India
24 May 21
Ginger tea does help
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@S4mmyboy (3266)
• Mumbai, India
24 May 21
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@Laurakemunto (12862)
• Kenya
24 May 21
Warm water with lemon,garlic and ginger .
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• Kenya
24 May 21
@S4mmyboy you are welcome
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@S4mmyboy (3266)
• Mumbai, India
24 May 21
Thank you Laura
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@Robinhuut (457)
• Bogor, Indonesia
24 May 21
Get lots of rest and eat a lot, hope it helps
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