Friday, 11 March 22 - Exciting Day

@Bensen32 (27612)
United States
March 11, 2022 3:07pm CST
Good day to you all and hope your Friday has gone well. Well, my Friday started out actually lucky to be honest. I got to meet one of the local cops, I haven’t been here a full week yet and I got pulled over by the cops. I was doing 42 mph in a 25. Whoops. Thankfully, I let him know I just moved in on Saturday and he gave me just a warning so no cost to it. The guy was totally cool, and I think he appreciated how I was calm and relaxed about it. I didn’t even slow down when I went past him, and he asked if I knew it was 25 mph and I said no. I really did think it was 35mph but that really is no excuse. He said I didn’t think so since you didn’t slow down when you past by me. Was nice that he just gave me a warning or that would have been a bad way to start the weekend. Of course, work was busy, but we got most everything done today, I think there was a few small things that we didn’t end up finishing. Oh well there is always next week to get them done. Then I get home and as I walk in the building the fire dept is pulling up and the fire alarm is going off. As I am walking two of them walk in the other door and ask me if I see anything I’m like no just walked in from work. They checked it out and nothing was going on, not sure why the alarm was going off but that was fun and exciting LOL. Hope the rest of my weekend will be quiet.
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4 responses
@LadyDuck (467835)
• Switzerland
12 Mar 22
Not slowing down was what saved you, you could prove that you did not know.
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@Bensen32 (27612)
• United States
12 Mar 22
Yeah, I think that was the thing that saved me the ticket. Acting like I knew I was doing the right thing even though I guessed I was speeding.
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@LadyDuck (467835)
• Switzerland
12 Mar 22
@Bensen32 If you slow down as soon as you see the police, they know for sure that "you knew".
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@Bensen32 (27612)
• United States
12 Mar 22
@LadyDuck yep, you just keep going like you are not doing anything wrong until they are up on you with the lights on then you pull over and hope for the best.
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@moffittjc (120986)
• Gainesville, Florida
14 Mar 22
You actually got lucky on two accounts, one not getting a ticket and two your apartment not burning down! I hope fire alarms are not a constant/recurring thing at your apartment complex. Because that would totally suck.
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@moffittjc (120986)
• Gainesville, Florida
18 Mar 22
@Bensen32 Any further incidences of fire alarms going off?
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@Bensen32 (27612)
• United States
16 Mar 22
Yeah, got pretty lucky. That is what I was thinking, hope this does not happen often.
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@Bensen32 (27612)
• United States
18 Mar 22
@moffittjc no thank God
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@kaylachan (66080)
• Daytona Beach, Florida
11 Mar 22
I'm glad it was a false alarm. I hate when those things go off like that.
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@Bensen32 (27612)
• United States
11 Mar 22
Yeah, would rather the false alarm than a real one.
@JESSY3236 (19641)
• United States
22 Mar 22
That sounds like a exciting day. Glad it was a warning. Maybe the fire alarm is old. My smoke detector went off in the middle of the night for no reason. It was an all electric one. When I got a new one, everything was fine.
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@Bensen32 (27612)
• United States
22 Mar 22
yeah this is a building alarm not just mine so not sure how old it might be.
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