Tiring day!!!

July 11, 2022 6:38am CST
What a tiring day! ??Today I encounter a different kind of people with the different kind of attitude I work as a teller! And all i can say is it is so hard to earn money. How i wish I have a lot of money! ??
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5 responses
@akanetuk (2135)
11 Jul 22
Yes it is hard to earn but easy to spend, the beauty of work is that you meet different people.
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@marlina (154156)
• Canada
11 Jul 22
Certainly the money is harder to make than spending it. Sorry you encountered rude people.
@m_audrey6788 (58482)
• Germany
11 Jul 22
All jobs are tiring but if you love your job it is much better. You are still lucky to have a job. Not all people who like to get a job can get it.
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@marlina (154156)
• Canada
11 Jul 22
Right now in Canada, there is a huge shortage of people for the all the jobs offered.
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11 Jul 22
Thanks, yeah your right!
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11 Jul 22
@marlina really? But it is hard to go to canada right?
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@rebelann (111982)
• El Paso, Texas
11 Jul 22
I suppose many of us wish we had a lot of money but the important thing is to have a steady job so we can pay our bills and put food on the table.
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11 Jul 22
Yes your right.
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@LadyDuck (465996)
• Switzerland
11 Jul 22
Hello and welcome to myLot. Working like a teller must not be easy, some people can be extremely rude.
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@LadyDuck (465996)
• Switzerland
12 Jul 22
@GABGABKO15 - It is stressing, because you cannot even react.
11 Jul 22
Yes anna, your right. My work is not easy all you can do is always stay calm for the customer who had a bad temper
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@Kandae11 (54185)
11 Jul 22
Dome jobs can be mentally tiring instead of physically tiring. Hope tomorrow is easier for you.
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11 Jul 22
Yeah, thank you kandase.