Beautiful Morning Y'all!!!

@Sambriel (2243)
August 16, 2022 12:29am CST
So I woke up to a beautiful gold in the sky there's been this strange happenings for sometimes now around me. But the most important thing is that,all is well now. I'm happy to be back home to my Mylot family! What have you been up to lately? I'd like to hear from you.
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8 responses
• Philippines
16 Aug 22
goodmorning to you! hope you will have a great day today Just made a exercise earlier this morning and now it is afternoon just woke up like an hour ago
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@Sambriel (2243)
16 Aug 22
@DevMrSamEleazar Oh beautiful morning to you too! Absolutely...thanks do have a splendid ahead Wow! Nice and I hope that you rested well?
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• Philippines
16 Aug 22
@Sambriel Thank you I got good morning are welcome! thank you. yea I rested well
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@Sambriel (2243)
16 Aug 22
@DevMrSamEleazar okay great ! You're very welcome. That's nice to know! Any big plans for now?
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@DaddyEvil (137239)
• United States
16 Aug 22
Long time, no see, Sam. How have you been lately? Not much going on with me. Still alive and kicking.
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@DaddyEvil (137239)
• United States
16 Aug 22
@Sambriel Yeah, doing just fine. Having a little too much fun lately. It was a stay-at-home weekend. Most of them are anymore.
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@Sambriel (2243)
16 Aug 22
@DaddyEvil that's cool! Enjoy! Beautiful day isn't it today?
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@Sambriel (2243)
16 Aug 22
@DaddyEvil hey! Yeah ,been good thanks for asking.Hope you are too? Oh nice to know, how was your weekend?
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@MGjhaud (23244)
• Philippines
16 Aug 22
We're currently concentrating on a renovation project in our home. Busy and messy everyday. I wish you have many more beautiful mornings like in the picture.
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@MGjhaud (23244)
• Philippines
17 Aug 22
I'd take you up on that offer if you were close.
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@Sambriel (2243)
17 Aug 22
@MGjhaud oh my goodness! I wish I am really. But,if there is anything else I could do to be of help would you let me know ?
@Sambriel (2243)
16 Aug 22
@MGjhaud oh wow ! That's quiet a busy day you've got going on let me know if you'd need an extra hand ...Lol! Aww...I wish same , thanks a lot that's so thoughtful of you.
@jstory07 (135930)
• Roseburg, Oregon
16 Aug 22
I hope you enjoy the rest of your day.
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@jstory07 (135930)
• Roseburg, Oregon
16 Aug 22
@Sambriel My weekend was ok we are staying home until we get our car back.
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@Sambriel (2243)
16 Aug 22
@jstory07 okay,your car? What happened to your car? Is everything alright over there?
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@Sambriel (2243)
16 Aug 22
@jstory07 aww...thanks alot! Hope you have an amazing day ahead. I have missed you loads @jstory07 how are you today and how was your weekend?
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@LindaOHio (166289)
• United States
16 Aug 22
Glad to see you. We have been having a standby generator installed. They just finished up this morning.
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@Sambriel (2243)
16 Aug 22
@LindaOHio it's so nice to see you too. Oh okay! That's nice to know ...was it faulty before ?
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@Sambriel (2243)
17 Aug 22
@LindaOHio I understand there would always be first time in everything...what could prompted this ? Are you able to find out?
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@LindaOHio (166289)
• United States
16 Aug 22
@Sambriel We've never had one before. Now when the power goes out, it will automatically kick in.
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16 Aug 22
Good morning to you! Im new to this MyLot and i hope i will enjoy my time here like many people here Its 9pm in my time actualy, i was wondering what strange thing you mean happen? im happy to hear. Also welcome back
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@Sambriel (2243)
16 Aug 22
@Natalie3126 Amazing! Wonders of time zone . I bet you once you get the hang of it you will enjoy your time so well... It's a very long experience I tell you but,I'm grateful to God I'm recovering gradually though ...thank you so much. You're too kind ! Hope you had a great day ?
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16 Aug 22
@Sambriel hope you had a great day too and hope your life goes well and blessed! Great picture you take btw
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@Sambriel (2243)
16 Aug 22
@Natalie3126 certainly! Amen thanks and I wish you same great wishes Aww...thanks alot
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@LadyDuck (466074)
• Switzerland
16 Aug 22
Good morning and welcome back, a long time you were not around. All well here.
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@LadyDuck (466074)
• Switzerland
16 Aug 22
@Sambriel Just a normal day. Still pretty hot, but breezy.
@Sambriel (2243)
16 Aug 22
@LadyDuck It's afternoon now by my time and thanks alot ...yes ! Alot has happened but thank God I'm recovering gradually. Glad to know! Hope you're having a great time?
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@franxav (13717)
• India
16 Aug 22
Good morning. Have a blessed day!
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@Sambriel (2243)
16 Aug 22
@franxav aww...thank you so much...Do have a spendid time ahead ! That's so kind of you