Put An Egg In It!

@Ganma7 (3664)
September 12, 2022 8:09am CST
When I saw this article and read about the egg being used for fertilizer I thought is sounded great. Never tried it but a new fact I found interesting! Do you think it would help? In time the egg decomposes and helps with the fertilizing!
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9 responses
@LadyDuck (466074)
• Switzerland
12 Sep 22
I use the egg shells to fertilize, that is what is needed, wasting a whole egg is a shame.
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@LadyDuck (466074)
• Switzerland
12 Sep 22
@Ganma7 I have a compost in the garden and I add a lot of things there, all discarded vegetables leaves, egg shells, potato and banana peels. I pulverize the eggshells and add to the water, so I also water the flower with fertilized water.
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@Ganma7 (3664)
12 Sep 22
I was thinking that myself although not a Gardner. But the picture caught my eye
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@Ganma7 (3664)
13 Sep 22
@LadyDuck great tips Anna! Thank you so much
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@josie_ (9982)
• Philippines
12 Sep 22
Not the entire egg. I pulverize eggshells since it takes too long for them to decompose to be of any use as a fertilizer. Banana peels are also good. same procedure. The first for calcium and the latter for potassium. Hope this helps.
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@LadyDuck (466074)
• Switzerland
12 Sep 22
I do the same, it is the calcium contained in the shell that is good to fertilize.
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@Ganma7 (3664)
12 Sep 22
Thank you so much for your input. Very helpful! Is that called composting?
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@moirai (2854)
• Philippines
12 Sep 22
Oh. Do you use the whole egg? I know my mother crushes egg shells. I don't think she uses the whole egg...
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@Ganma7 (3664)
13 Sep 22
I have never heard of using a whole egg until I saw this picture and post. Thank you
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@Ganma7 (3664)
13 Sep 22
They show it as the whole egg but I wondered about that too!
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@DaddyEvil (137239)
• United States
12 Sep 22
The shell needs to be ground up before adding to the pot but the rest of the boiled egg can be placed as you have it. As it decomposes it will fertilize the soil.
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@DaddyEvil (137239)
• United States
13 Sep 22
@Ganma7 You're welcome.
@Ganma7 (3664)
13 Sep 22
Thank you so much for your info
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• Bosnia And Herzegovina
12 Sep 22
i didn't know about this and well, i don't have any experience with that, so... good luck!
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@Ganma7 (3664)
12 Sep 22
Me either! I am not a Gardner but the photo caught my eye
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• Bosnia And Herzegovina
22 Sep 22
@Ganma7 i hope it works good for your pant
24 Sep 22
What was the result as egg as been used as a fertilizer.
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@Ganma7 (3664)
25 Sep 22
Very good result
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25 Sep 22
@Ganma7 let me try once thank you
@popciclecold (37018)
• United States
12 Sep 22
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@Ganma7 (3664)
13 Sep 22
I thought so too! Thank you
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@Kandae11 (54186)
12 Sep 22
I can't spare any of the eggs l buy. Perhaps if l raised chickens ...
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@Ganma7 (3664)
13 Sep 22
I agree! No chickens here but with the price of eggs chickens are a good idea. 4.00 a dozen here now
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@CarolDM (203445)
• Nashville, Tennessee
12 Sep 22
Eggshells are used often in the soil. Never heard of an entire egg.
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@Ganma7 (3664)
13 Sep 22
Me either
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