Nothing goes well for me!!!

@Manasha (2730)
Pondicherry, India
January 14, 2023 12:58am CST
Yes, I'm baffled as to why my life has turned completely upside down since August last year.Because my offline job no longer exists owing to mismanagement, I have shifted my focus to internet sites.My main site is no longer operational, exacerbating my concerns.My house is in poor shape and has to be completely renovated, thus I must rely on rental housing.Education expense for children is becoming more important, as are concerns in the family, including the wife.Complete transformation, and I am confronting a total breakdown that I have never experienced before. Aside from these challenges, health problems began to consume me, paralyzing Please pray for me and my family OMG, what more can you do in this position but pray....
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12 responses
• China
14 Jan 23
Good health is the most important thing. Without good health, everything is futile
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@Manasha (2730)
• Pondicherry, India
15 Jan 23
Yes, good health is the base for all fortunes
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@cacay1 (83251)
• Cagayan De Oro, Philippines
15 Jan 23
@zhangxueying he's in a pitiful situation.If I'm only rich I surely help him and he's family. I feel his pain.
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@Icydoll (36717)
• India
14 Jan 23
Yeah health is very important , we have to take care of ourselves first
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@jstory07 (135930)
• Roseburg, Oregon
14 Jan 23
I will pray for you.
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@Manasha (2730)
• Pondicherry, India
15 Jan 23
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@cacay1 (83251)
• Cagayan De Oro, Philippines
15 Jan 23
@jstory07 I pity him. When we're problematic our health is also affected. I understand his struggles.
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@DaddyEvil (137239)
• United States
14 Jan 23
Sometimes inexplicable things happen. I hope everything works out for the best for you.
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@sjvg1976 (41239)
• Delhi, India
15 Jan 23
We can only pray for you, in everyone's life there comes a phase like you're facing right now. Hope things get better for you.
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@Manasha (2730)
• Pondicherry, India
15 Jan 23
Yes, I'm baffled as to why my life is like way for no apparent reason. I see a dramatic change in everything and am suffering everyday disasters.
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@DaddyEvil (137239)
• United States
15 Jan 23
@Manasha I wish I could give you answers.
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@YrNemo (20257)
14 Jan 23
When things turned bad to us suddenly almost about a decade ago, I didn't know how to cope with life either. I prayed a lot, I planted some interesting flowers, I took walks, I sat at the beach watching the tides, etc. Thing is, I know that life is like a sin/cos wave (maths), ones can't be unlucky or lucky forever. In my case, it took us 1.5 years to see the tide changed (to the better). Best wishes.
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@Manasha (2730)
• Pondicherry, India
15 Jan 23
I'm glad to hear that you eventually saw the tide turn in your favor. It's inspiring to hear that you were able to cope with the difficult times by taking positive steps like prayer and enjoying nature. It's important to remember that life is never all good or all bad - there are always ups and downs. Wishing you all the best in the future!
@YrNemo (20257)
15 Jan 23
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@Icydoll (36717)
• India
14 Jan 23
Stay positive in any situation my friend. The problems always comes to test us ,yeah we have to face more stronger. I hope you get the strength to face these situations.
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@Manasha (2730)
• Pondicherry, India
15 Jan 23
Thank you for your kind words of encouragement.
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@Icydoll (36717)
• India
15 Jan 23
@Manasha your welcome my friend . Take care of your health.
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• China
15 Jan 23
We have a lot of live webcasts here, and various live content is very rich, such as selling things live online, or some short videos to share their views can also earn some money.
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@popciclecold (37018)
• United States
14 Jan 23
A sad set of circumstances, prayers made for you. But believe me, you'd be surprised at how many are in that state.
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@Manasha (2730)
• Pondicherry, India
15 Jan 23
Of course, prayers have a great effect...
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• United States
15 Jan 23
@Manasha Yes they do.
@sulynsi (2671)
• Canada
14 Jan 23
Poverty and hardship are part of the lives of many millions of people. It shouldn't be this way. There is a comforting promise that I like to keep in mind, from our Creator: “They will build houses and live in them, and they will plant vineyards and eat their fruitage. They will not build for someone else to inhabit, nor will they plant for others to eat. . . . The work of their hands my chosen ones will enjoy to the full.”? Isaiah 65:21, 22. The troubles we see today are a direct result of the decision our first parents made - to try to decide for themselves what was 'good' and what was 'bad'. In effect, rejecting the right of the Creator to make rules for the benefit of all his creation. But His purpose has not changed. It will be accomplished. The time is coming very soon, when the kingdom or government referred to in the 'Lord's Prayer' will take over earth's affairs. All who live under that government will experience true peace, real security.
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@Manasha (2730)
• Pondicherry, India
15 Jan 23
No longer will poverty and hardship be a reality for millions of people. That is something to look forward to.
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@sjvg1976 (41239)
• Delhi, India
15 Jan 23
Life is hard and we have to face such tough situations in our life. I can understand your pain as I also had experienced the same in the past but the good thing was that I was not married when I lost my job. Are you focussing on searching for an offline job or searching sites to earn better income?
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@sjvg1976 (41239)
• Delhi, India
15 Jan 23
@Manasha you can join referral index forum. It pays well.
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@Manasha (2730)
• Pondicherry, India
15 Jan 23
I am searching both offline and online jobs
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@Shavkat (137339)
• Philippines
14 Jan 23
I can feel your innermost feelings about certain things. I am feeling that way and even lost my job before the end of last year. Luckily, I got a new one after more than a week. But still, I am still struggling and hunting another job online.
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@Manasha (2730)
• Pondicherry, India
15 Jan 23
Oh, let's hope for better future
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@cacay1 (83251)
• Cagayan De Oro, Philippines
15 Jan 23
Don't lose hope when there's life there's hope. Why not apply at other companies or do small business anything that produces an amount of money like selling fruits or apply as an insurance agent, choose the nonlife insurance. That is my side hustle. Pray so hard.
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@Manasha (2730)
• Pondicherry, India
15 Jan 23
Do not have enough money to start a small business too.
@Beestring (13901)
• Hong Kong
14 Jan 23
Life has good times and bad times. Bad times won't last forever. I will pray for you. Hope things work out the best for you.
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@Manasha (2730)
• Pondicherry, India
15 Jan 23
thanks for your wishes
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