Morning MyLot

@Subase (88)
March 14, 2023 6:02pm CST
Drizzling morning, lazy to get up, but I forced myself to get up and make a cup of black coffee, oh but it looks like the toaster is starting to smoke, a sign that the toast is ready to eat. I turn on the laptop and the music makes the atmosphere warmer as a morning booster, how about you.
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7 responses
@leighnyork (1880)
19 Mar 23
It is a good thing that you did to wake up and get a new day started. I am also not a morning person but I also have to wake each morning.
@Subase (88)
• Indonesia
19 Mar 23
We have to get rid of laziness, to be able to enjoy the morning air, and be ready to interact in Mylot
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@Subase (88)
• Indonesia
19 Mar 23
@leighnyork There is no special motivation, but only the habit of getting up early to start work, even though I don't work in an office right now,
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19 Mar 23
@Subase I totally agree with you. I have one question for you, what is it that motivates you to wake up each and every morning?
@Icydoll (36717)
• India
15 Mar 23
Hope your day is going well .
@Icydoll (36717)
• India
15 Mar 23
@Subase glad to meet you too
@Subase (88)
• Indonesia
15 Mar 23
thanks Icydoll, I'm glad to meet you here.
@Subase (88)
• Indonesia
19 Mar 23
Thank, Icy, I hope so your day
@allen0187 (58586)
• Philippines
15 Mar 23
Good morning to you as well!
@Subase (88)
• Indonesia
15 Mar 23
morning too, even though it's already noon
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@sjvg1976 (41239)
• Delhi, India
15 Mar 23
Good morning! I have just woken up and had a cup of tea, and now will decide what to eat for breakfast.
@Subase (88)
• Indonesia
15 Mar 23
Sorry, late reply, happy nice day
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@rakski (112924)
• Philippines
14 Mar 23
I finished my black coffee a while ago. If you do not mind, where are you from?
@Subase (88)
• Indonesia
15 Mar 23
I live in Indonesia, our time difference is about 2 hours, so you have finished drinking coffee. Thanks Rakski for your response
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@rakski (112924)
• Philippines
15 Mar 23
@Subase oh okay. at least I know that our timezone does not have a big difference
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@Adie04 (17360)
16 Mar 23
That's a nice day to start ahead!
@LadyDuck (465996)
• Switzerland
15 Mar 23
It's so nice to have our breakfast before starting our day.