Simple Healthy and Easy

Soup in my Camping Pot
@noni1959 (9956)
United States
March 22, 2023 1:35am CST
I'm still at my son's for a few more days and we've been rotating fixing meals. Even my 10-year-old granddaughter is in the rotation. Tonight, was my turn. Went to the local Harvest Food store and picked up tomatillos, fresh carrots, zucchini, purple and green cabbage, snap peas, garlic, shallots, baby corn, yellow squash, super spinach, 93/7 ground beef, Better than Bouillon, baby bellas, chipolte diced tomatoes, kidney beans, chickpea pasta, and beef stock. Usually, I make it with chicken, but my six-year-old granddaughter loves anything meat and asked could I do it with beef. I sliced and diced, sauteed and added to my huge camping steel cooking pot at different times and about 50 minutes later, it was all done. The whole house smelled so good. Everyone had two helpings and there is still more for a couple days of lunches. I can never make a small batch. I kept some of the ground beef on the side to use for something else. I don't know what the serving cost would be for this but if I broke it down, it would be about $4.46 for four, or $1.11 each. That is adding how much it made and then dividing it all. I hope you had a good, delicious meal today.
14 people like this
15 responses
@jstory07 (135930)
• Roseburg, Oregon
22 Mar 23
That sounds really good. I am glad everyone enjoyed the meal.
1 person likes this
@celticeagle (163207)
• Boise, Idaho
22 Mar 23
Sounds like a delicious, nutritious and economical meal. Can't beat that.
@RebeccasFarm (87335)
• United States
22 Mar 23
Oh my gosh Loretta that looks so good.
@1creekgirl (41022)
• United States
22 Mar 23
That sounded amazing. I love when all the flavors blend together the next day.
@thelme55 (76652)
• Germany
22 Mar 23
That sounds delicious. I am sure I would like it.
@thebos (5964)
• Kisumu, Kenya
22 Mar 23
Your meal looks quite delicious hope you enjoyed it
@allen0187 (58586)
• Philippines
22 Mar 23
That is such a cost-efficient meal. Good for you.
@flapiz (22871)
• United Kingdom
22 Mar 23
Hi Loretta I am sincerely drooling this looks beautiful and healthy and for a very good price too. I spend that for one meal for one person. Cooking your food really helps with the budget. Well done!
@Shavkat (137339)
• Philippines
22 Mar 23
I am sure it would be a good meal for everybody.
@LadyDuck (466074)
• Switzerland
22 Mar 23
You made a large serving and this looks delicious.
@rakski (112924)
• Philippines
22 Mar 23
with this runny nose, I feel like eating that food you cooked
@Icydoll (36717)
• India
22 Mar 23
Everything is looking healthy and perfect there .glad that everyone enjoyed the meal
@arunima25 (86675)
• Bangalore, India
22 Mar 23
That sounds delicious and glad that everyone relished it. . It's so nice that your ten years old granddaughter is also participating in fixing the meal and takes a turn. Enjoy your time with your son and loved ones.
@leighnyork (1880)
22 Mar 23
That looks very delicious. I think I should learn how to make that meal.
@Fleura (29559)
• United Kingdom
22 Mar 23
Sounds great! What do you call it?