Calico likes MyLot

November 5, 2023 6:59am CST
This is the new kitten, Calico, my son, Ze'ev was coming back from work one night at 2am, and almost ran her over with the ebike. He felt so sorry for the little kitten, that he brought her inside. The next morning, I heard a little meow, and couldn't find the source. It went quiet. After a while the kitten came out, and I could see why he hadn't seen her. So, we fed her and now we have 2 kittens, Coco, who is mostly black, and Calico. Even her nose is two different colors! She is the little bully, and will always go to eat first, and attacks Coco. But it is fun to have two cats, they will groom each other.
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2 responses
@JudyEv (331988)
• Rockingham, Australia
6 Nov
The two cats will keep each other amused while they're young and will be company as they age.
@LadyDuck (466074)
• Switzerland
5 Nov
Calico is also cute, I hope she will not attack Coco too much, cats often seem to fight, but finally they love each other.