Does appetite really diminish as we grow older?

November 7, 2023 4:56am CST
I am quite unsure about this belief that appetite diminishes as we grow older. I know of people in their 60s and 7s who still eat quite plenty of food. I do know that appetite can fluctuate from time to time depending on mood, and health , I am not sure about the age-related appetite.
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6 responses
@lazydaizee (6735)
• United Kingdom
8 Nov
I am finding that as I get older I seem to enjoy different foods . In the past I always enjoyed sweet food more than savoury, but now I would rather eat something savoury than something sweet. It was the same with fruit and veg, I used to enjoy fruit and I was not keen on veg, but now I would rather have vegetables than fruit because I do not think that fruit tastes like it used to. Oranges were my favourite but they do not seem to taste as good as they used to. Other people who I speak to have mentioned this too.
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• United Kingdom
8 Nov
@ogbenishyna You picked an interesting subject for discussion, we all eat food and we all get old. It is nice to read other member`s experiences of how their food tastes seem to be changing. I thought it was just me getting weird.
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8 Nov
@lazydaizee Thanks for the contribution. As for me, I just begin to eat more of certain food and less of others as I grow up.
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8 Nov
Thats interesting, thanks for the contribution.
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@porwest (79178)
• United States
7 Nov
I actually do believe it does. I still very much enjoy food, but I am content to eat less of it now than I ever was. It used to be, if I went to a buffet, for example, I'd eat so much food I wanted to burst. Now I am content to just get full with what I want and that's that. When I cook dinner, we also eat less of what we would have eaten in the past.
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7 Nov
Buffet makes one want to eat everything.
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@porwest (79178)
• United States
7 Nov
@ogbenishyna Yes, it does sometimes. These days I don't always feel like I am getting quite my money's worth though. lol
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7 Nov
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@rsa101 (38027)
• Philippines
8 Nov
I believe it is true that I must gradually reduce my intake of certain foods, and there are times when the food I despised as a child has come to taste better now that I am older. I believe it is true that appetites change over time. Sometimes we do not notice the change because it happens slowly and gradually.
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@much2say (54122)
• Los Angeles, California
8 Nov
I have heard many older folks, including my parents, say that they don't really too much anymore. Maybe older bodies don't use as much energy as in their youth . . . so they don't require so much food intake? I don't know. For myself, I do think I eat a little less than before. I used to be able to "stuff myself", but I don't even care to do that anymore.
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@much2say (54122)
• Los Angeles, California
8 Nov
@ogbenishyna I guess they say it is better to eat less at night anyway . . . better for your digestion and sleep.
8 Nov
Thats interesting. I think I eat less in the night only.
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@LadyDuck (463028)
• Switzerland
7 Nov
YES! Absolutely, I do not even eat the half of what I used to eat 30 years ago.
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@LadyDuck (463028)
• Switzerland
8 Nov
@ogbenishyna It depends your age. I started loosing appetite after the age of 65. I still enjoy food, but my body needs less calories, even if I have a very fast metabolism.
7 Nov
That's interesting. I still go hungry and eat full plate, maybe it has to do with metabolism.
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@arunima25 (86209)
• Bangalore, India
7 Nov
With my personal experience, I do feel that all the factors that you mentioned like age, health, mood and definitely season plays an important role. My appetite has reduced a lot in the last one year, after I turned 45.
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7 Nov
Oh that's interesting.
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