What is Friendsgiving and where did it originate? (Not where you think!)

November 22, 2023 5:51am CST
Friendsgiving is a time when a group of friends gathers to celebrate Thanksgiving with each other instead of their families. There are some people who celebrate both Friendsgiving with a group of friends and then Thanksgiving with their families. I know a lot of people associate the term Friendsgiving with being born in the TV show "Friends", and I used to believe that, too. Interestingly, I found out after a little reading that Merriam-Webster Googled Friendsgiving and the first mention online of the term Friendsgiving was in 2007 but the show "Friends" left the air in 2004. The reason it is associated with Friends is there was a Thanksgiving episode every holiday season and the group of friends always celebrated with each other and didn't go home to celebrate with family. Thus a lot of fans assumed the word was invented on that show. The word Friendsgiving is so popular that it was added in January 2020 to the Merriam-Webster dictionary Do you celebrate Friendsgiving, Thanksgiving, or both? Personally, I celebrate alone.
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8 responses
@DaddyEvil (137239)
• United States
22 Nov
I've never heard the word "friendsgiving" before.
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@DaddyEvil (137239)
• United States
22 Nov
@LovesEverybody We stopped watching television around twenty years ago.
2 people like this
22 Nov
@DaddyEvil I listen to a lot of shows in the background for noise. What do you and Pretty do for entertainment and in your spare time if you don't have a television to watch? I have been meaning to quit watching so much television so I would have more reading time but haven't. I am seriously thinking about giving it up now what are some of the pros and cons you discovered of not watching television anymore
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22 Nov
I know it because I read a lot of magazines and they have mentioned ways to celebrate over the years. I never watched more than one episode of "Friends" I prefer the old shows from the 1950s to 1980. I stopped watching modern comedies in the early 1990s
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@LadyDuck (466074)
• Switzerland
22 Nov
I never heard Friendsgiving mentioned anywhere. In Europe we do not celebrate Thanksgiving.
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@LadyDuck (466074)
• Switzerland
23 Nov
@LovesEverybody Friends is a pretty old show for what I can remember. I have watched some episodes when we lived in Monte Carlo.
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24 Nov
@LadyDuck I think I read: "Friends" was on TV from 1994-2004. from what I can tell was very popular back then and still is almost 20 years since it has been on the air. I may have watched one episode if I watched that many. I never had the desire to watch it. The episode I watched didn't impress me
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22 Nov
That may be the reason you never heard of Friendsgiving if nobody celebrates Thanksgiving. Do you have the show "Friends" in Europe?
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@shaggin (71823)
• United States
31 Dec
I do know people who celebrate both. I think it’s a nice idea but I’ve only ever celebrated with my family.
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@shaggin (71823)
• United States
1 Jan
@LovesEverybody that’s your choice though right to be home alone in the quite and stress free?
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1 Jan
I have only celebrated with my family, too. I now celebrate it myself
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1 Jan
@shaggin Yes it is quiet and stress-free. I don't do well with stress. My nephew drove my sister to my house the day before and brought me a huge meal I had for several days
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@RebeccasFarm (87335)
• United States
22 Nov
I do not celebrate Frendsgiving, but thank you for the review of it. I do let the day of Thanksgiving pass by without celebrating..I have my reasons these days. Are you going to your sisters for Thanksgiving Jen?
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• United States
23 Nov
@LovesEverybody That is me all the way the same..cant be doing with a bunch of people and late dinners. I like my own routine. Good for you for prioritizing yourself Hah very good you got the kitty the turkey Well Happy Thanksgiving to you and kitty.
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• United States
23 Nov
@LovesEverybody Yes I have a few things that I had to order on Instacart for myself and my son..expensive and dumb me I should have ordered from Walmart eariler as they were fully booked out for deliveries.
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22 Nov
I let the Holiday go by too. I used to go to my sister's house for Thanksgiving, but not for the last three or four years. I can't take sitting in a room with that many people for so long. Another reason is dinner is supposed to be at 4 p.m.and by the time everybody gets there dinner is at 6 p.m. or later then socializing which I do not do well. I don't get home until 9 o 10 at night. I go to bed between 6 -7 at night It is just too much stress. I celebrate no holiday anymore as I type Wednesday afternoon, my sister is waiting for her turkey to be done and after it cools a bit she will bring me a turkey dinner that I can eat Thursday! My cat is the one who I want to celebrate with the most. I got my cat a can of turkey and giblets wet food he will get tomorrow!
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@dya80dya (35542)
28 Nov
I haven't heard about Friendsgiving. Here we don't celebrate Thanksgiving.
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@dya80dya (35542)
28 Nov
@LovesEverybody Here ''Friends'' is not available on Netflix, but I saw it on TV. I love this show, it helps me have a better mood. I think I should watch it again.
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30 Nov
@dya80dya definitely watch it again if it puts you in a good mood. That is an idea that maybe I can use having to get multiple teeth pulled at once soon is depressing to me. I don't know if it is on TV at all around here, and I don't have Netflix. Though I have read it was on Netflix when was researching about "Friendsgiving" i don't know if it still on there.
28 Nov
I understand. Do you have the show "Friends" from which some believe the term Friendsgiving originates?
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@RRossi (275)
22 Nov
It's interesting to learn about the origin of the term "Friendsgiving" and its association with the TV show "Friends." The concept of Friendsgiving has indeed gained popularity in recent years, and it's heartening to see people finding meaningful ways to celebrate with chosen family and friends. Celebrating alone can be a reflective and peaceful experience, allowing for personal time and gratitude. Many individuals choose to spend holidays in different ways, depending on their circumstances and preferences. Whether celebrating with family, friends, or solo, the essence of these holidays often revolves around gratitude, reflection, and sharing a meal.
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22 Nov
thank you for responding I was interested to learn that what I thought was the origin all along was wrong I don't celebrate with family or friends. My sister is bringing me Turkey today and I will celebrate Thanksgiving alone tomorrow
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@RRossi (275)
22 Nov
@LovesEverybody Celebrating alone can be a reflective and peaceful experience, allowing for personal time and gratitude. Many individuals choose to spend holidays in different ways, depending on their circumstances and preferences. If you celebrate alone, I hope it brings you a sense of peace and joy.
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22 Nov
@RRossi thank you! I will be much better off with less anxiety alone. It can be peaceful to celebrate alone and I celebrate every holiday alone
@snowy22315 (174710)
• United States
22 Nov
I think Friendsgiving is a useful term for those who can't or don't want to be with their families this Thanksgiving.
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22 Nov
Yes, it is a useful term. There are some like me who it isn't that I don't want, it is too stressful. Being alone with my cat is better for my mental health. I have a can of turkey and giblets for my cat on Thursday and however long it takes him to eat it. He will get a few treats in his food bowl as he gets for every single holiday on the calendar and some toys from the toy closet!
@Dena91 (16277)
• United States
22 Nov
I vaguely remember hearing the word friendsgiving. I never watched Friends so I wouldn't have attached the two together. We'll be going to Mike's Mom tomorrow for a family get together. We both look forward to when it will just be us to celebrate. We love our family but we've never celebrated a holiday, just the two of us.
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22 Nov
Honestly, I heard about the show, "Friends" and Friendsgiving in magazines long ago. And I probably watched one episode and knew it wasn't my taste. I seldom watch comedies past 1989. The 50s comedies are the best I celebrate with my cat. I can't take being with seven other people for so long as it gives me even more anxiety
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