How has your day been today?

@snowy22315 (174706)
United States
November 26, 2023 3:30pm CST
I just got back from jthe outdoor mall that is in the Richmond area. It was kind of a raw day though. chilly and a bit rainy so it wasn't very nice. I only went today because I had a giftcard that I thought was expiring this weekend. Turns out it was good until Dec. 10. I would not have gone today had I known. I couldn't tell until I actually got into the code..Oh well, it was nice to do something different I guess..but it would have been better on a nicer day. I also ordered a phone this the wait is on..I hope everything will work out well with this. I have so many apps..and transferring just doesn't seem to work as it should..Maybe I will be pleasantly surprised. How is your day going?
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14 responses
@arunima25 (86675)
• Bangalore, India
27 Nov
It's Monday night here. It is 10:20 PM here and I am in my bed. It was an okay day for me. It became a bit overwhelming as I had a lot to do. I hope to get some good rest in the night
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@snowy22315 (174706)
• United States
27 Nov
I really hope you were able to.
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@snowy22315 (174706)
• United States
28 Nov
@arunima25 That's good
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@arunima25 (86675)
• Bangalore, India
28 Nov
@snowy22315 I slept well. It's past 1 PM and I am back from work.
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• Philippines
27 Nov
I hope you will be able to receive your phone real soon. It is long weekend here in the Philippines.
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@snowy22315 (174706)
• United States
27 Nov
Yes, it was Thanksgiving weekend here so lots had off for several days.
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@snowy22315 (174706)
• United States
2 Dec
I have it now yay!
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• Philippines
8 Dec
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@AmbiePam (87817)
• United States
26 Nov
I hope you got something you really wanted. My day was good. My dad came over for a bit after church, and left a few minutes ago.
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@snowy22315 (174706)
• United States
26 Nov
It has a bigger screen than my current phone, and more storage space. I hope the picture taking capability is good..people seem to like the phone so it should be adequate at least. Glad you got to catch up with your dad. Although my dad is essentially the same as he was last year..I noticed at Tgiving, he wasn't as verbal as he was a year ago(no story telling),,,and spent more time sleeping. As long as he is peaceful and not agitated..I think it is good.
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@AmbiePam (87817)
• United States
26 Nov
@snowy22315 Oh yes, sleeping is much better than agitated, bless his heart.
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@snowy22315 (174706)
• United States
26 Nov
@AmbiePam Yes, he can only escape in sleep...poor guy.
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@rebelann (111989)
• El Paso, Texas
26 Nov
My motivation keeps running away, I just can't figure out where the hell it is.
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@snowy22315 (174706)
• United States
26 Nov
Maybe it's hanging out with the mojo... They both get lost.
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@snowy22315 (174706)
• United States
28 Nov
@rebelann Having a cup of tea with the motivation I guess.
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@rebelann (111989)
• El Paso, Texas
26 Nov
Hmmmm, so where's that damn mojo????
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@Deepizzaguy (98033)
• Lake Charles, Louisiana
26 Nov
My day so far has been good for me since I was able to reach my goal of completing at least 30 surveys this week as well as sharing good news stories on this site.
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@snowy22315 (174706)
• United States
26 Nov
Good..that is a lot of surveys, but I do quite a few too. I wouldn't be surprised if I do that many, or possibly more.
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@snowy22315 (174706)
• United States
27 Nov
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@Deepizzaguy (98033)
• Lake Charles, Louisiana
27 Nov
@snowy22315 Thank you for the kind words.
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@LindaOHio (166289)
• United States
27 Nov
I hope you got something nice for your gift card. I hope your new phone works out OK. My day is going OK so far. It's only 6:40 am. Have a great week.
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@snowy22315 (174706)
• United States
27 Nov
Thanks, I think the phone will work out OK, we will see.
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@LindaOHio (166289)
• United States
28 Nov
@snowy22315 You're very welcome.
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@GardenGerty (159030)
• United States
26 Nov
Slow day and I am realizing how much I did not get done over break.
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@snowy22315 (174706)
• United States
27 Nov
Time has away of getting away from us, especially over holidays.
@much2say (54423)
• Los Angeles, California
26 Nov
Was it crowded out there? It is nice to be out and about to do something different - even when the weather may not be at its best. Resting today - we have been out the past few days - tomorrow is Monday and it's back to the grind again!
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@snowy22315 (174706)
• United States
26 Nov
I wouldn't say crowded, but there were people. You know what was crowded though? Starbucks! I am glad I went to the Capital One Cafe across the concourse.
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@much2say (54423)
• Los Angeles, California
29 Nov
@snowy22315 I totally believe it! How is that Capital One Cafe? I've seen them but haven't been into one.
@RebeccasFarm (87335)
• United States
27 Nov
I hope the new phone will be brill. Glad you got to go to the mall..I would have loved that but outdoors in the bad weather maybe not so much. Day..ugh Snowy. Say no more. Lungs are killing me due to fumes here.
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@snowy22315 (174706)
• United States
27 Nov
fumes again? I think getting out of the city would benefit you.
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@Juliaacv (49654)
• Canada
26 Nov
I have had a very busy and productive day today. I am getting ready to wind down, we will have our lasagna soon and then watch the news and a show and off to bed we will go. Have a good evening.
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@snowy22315 (174706)
• United States
26 Nov
So far so good. Enjoy your lasagna.
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@Tampa_girl7 (49714)
• United States
26 Nov
We had a nice day.
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@snowy22315 (174706)
• United States
27 Nov
Nothing wrong with just having a nice day.
@RasmaSandra (76340)
• Daytona Beach, Florida
26 Nov
It has been raining here all day. I put the heater back on since the cats enjoy a warmer room, My day passed quickly writing online,
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@snowy22315 (174706)
• United States
26 Nov
I put the heater on when I got home. It had gotten chilly in here.
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@dya80dya (35542)
27 Nov
It was a boring day because I couldn't do much.
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@RRossi (275)
26 Nov
I understand that the unexpected cold and rainy weather could have made the outdoor mall experience less enjoyable. But It's good that you were able to use the gift card.
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@snowy22315 (174706)
• United States
26 Nov
Yes, I was glad about that.
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